12 7 Data Management Developing a Data Organization Strategy Database Management System (DBMS) and Structured Query Language (SQL) Database Implementation Other Tools for Data Management and Manipulation Conclusion References
13 8 Linkage Disequilibrium and Association Analysis Introduction Linkage Disequilibrium Summary References
14 9 Genome‐Wide Association Studies Introduction Design Data Analysis Conclusion References
15 10 Bioinformatics of Human Genetic Disease Studies Introduction Common Threads Genome Analysis Processing and Analysis of Genomic Data Bioinformatics Resources References
16 11 Complex Genetic Interactions/Data Mining/Dimensionality Reduction Human Diseases Are Complex Complexity of Biological Systems Statistical and Mathematical Concepts of Complex Genetic Models Analytic Approaches to the Detection of Complex Interactions Conclusion References
17 12 Sample Size, Power, and Data Simulation Introduction Sample Size and Power Power Calculations and Simulation Power Studies for Association Analysis Power Simulations for Linkage Analysis Summary References
18 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Useful applications of Hardy–Weinberg theory.Table 2.2 Differences between meiosis and mitosis.Table 2.3 Hallmarks of Mendelian inheritance patterns of different types.Table 2.4 Salient features of human repeat expansion diseases.
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Association between sex of offspring and risk of expansion in fra...Table 3.2 The association between disease concordance rates in twins and di...Table 3.3 Adoptive studies and disease etiology.Table 3.4 Familial correlation and heritability estimates of pulmonary func...
3 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Resources regarding human subjects genetics research and regulati...Table 5.2 Information on the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GIN...
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Example development of genetic map using four linked LociA, B, C,...Table 6.2 LOD scores for pedigrees in Examples 1, 2, and 3.Table 6.3 Number of phase‐known, fully informative meioses needed to detect...Table 6.4 Two‐point linkage analysis for Alzheimer disease and D19S246.Table 6.5 Impact of misspecifying disease allele frequency on LOD score ana...Table 6.6 Impact of misspecifying mode of inheritance on LOD score analysis...Table 6.7 Impact of misspecifying disease penetrance on LOD score analysis.Table 6.8 Impact of misspecifying marker allele frequencies on LOD score an...Table 6.9 Expected percentage of affected pairs showing 0, 1, or 2 alleles ...Table 6.10 Analysis of IBS sharing probabilities for two siblings at a mark...Table 6.11 Results of simple Sibpair tests on IDDM data.Table 6.12 Expected LOD scores for mapping testicular cancer susceptibility...Table 6.13 Familial Correlations in Blood Pressure.
5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Software and web resources.
6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Measures of allelic association for allelesA and B at different l...Table 8.2 Case–control association studies:APOE‐4 allele and AD.Table 8.3 Summary of epidemiological measures.Table 8.4 2 × 2 Contingency table for case–control analysis.Table 8.5 Example of population stratificationa.Table 8.6 Multiallelic TDT:Tmheta.Table 8.7 Transmission disequilibrium test and diabetesa .
7 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Penetrance values for combinations of genotypes from two SNPs ex...Table 11.2