Materials for Biomedical Engineering. Mohamed N. Rahaman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mohamed N. Rahaman
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Химия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119551096
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defects, occur in the crystal due to packing irregularities of the atoms or the addition of other types of atoms. There are two main types of defects in crystals, classified in terms of whether they occur at one or a few atomic positions, called point defects, or over a more extended one‐dimensional line of atomic positions, called line defects or, more commonly, dislocations. These defects control the rate at which atoms can migrate through the crystal in response to a stimulus, such as mechanical stress or temperature. The attractive mechanical property of ductility in metals arises from the presence of dislocations in the crystals that make up the metal.

      Unless they are formed by special and, often, expensive methods, crystalline solids are not composed of just one crystal. Instead, they are composed of a large number of small crystals, called grains, of size smaller than 1 μm to several tens of micrometers. These solids are said to be polycrystalline. The grains and, if present, amorphous phase and porosity make up the microstructure that determines the engineering properties of a material relevant to its application (Chapter 2).

      In this chapter, we will discuss the following structural features that, in addition to atomic bonding, are important for the design, properties, and applications of biomaterials:

       Ways in which atoms pack to form a crystalline or an amorphous solid

       Defects that are present in crystals

       Microstructure of materials

       Ordered packing of atoms in two‐dimensions to form a plane or layer of atoms

       Packing of these layers on top of one another to form a three‐dimensional structure.

Schematic illustration of packing of atoms to give a simple cubic structure. (a) Single “square” layer of atoms; (b) packing of layers directly on top of preceding layers; (c) part of a simple cubic lattice; (d) simple cubic unit cell; (e) illustration of atoms within a unit cell.

      The structure illustrated in Figure 3.1, described as a simple cubic structure, is the simplest type of crystal structure. In this structure, the distance between two lattice points in the x, y, and z directions from a given lattice point (which we can take arbitrarily as the origin), called the unit cell length, is the same and the angle between these lines is 90°. A simple cubic structure can be created by taking the first layer of atoms, composed of this “square” arrangement of the atoms, and placing an identical layer directly on top of it. Then the third layer is placed directly on top of the second layer, and so on.

Schematic illustration of (a) Packing of “square” layers of atoms in ABAB pattern to give a body-centered cubic (BCC) structure; (b) illustration of ABAB packing pattern in a unit cell; (c) illustration of atoms within a unit cell. Schematic illustration of (a) Single “triangular” layer of atoms showing interstitial positions (depressions) B and C between the atoms; (b) Packing of triangular layers of atoms in ABCABC pattern to give a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure; (c) atomic positions in a unit cell (resulting from ABCABC packing of the layers in planes perpendicular to the direction of the arrow); (d) illustration of atoms within a unit cell. Schematic illustration of (a) Packing of triangular layers of atoms in ABAB pattern to give a close-packed hexagonal (CPH) structure; (b) atomic positions in a hexagonal unit cell; (c) unit cell commonly used for CPH structure.