Materials for Biomedical Engineering. Mohamed N. Rahaman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mohamed N. Rahaman
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Химия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119551096
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to the catastrophic shattering of an object into two or more pieces under sufficiently high mechanical stresses. Despite their brittleness, ceramics can be engineered to function safely and reliably over long durations under high stresses if these stresses are compressive in nature. Ceramics are not recommended for use in high‐stress applications when the applied stress has an appreciable tensile or bending component. In general, ceramics show high hardness and wear resistance.

      Ceramics are generally more difficult to fabricate than metals and far more difficult to fabricate than polymers. Forming ceramics into useful objects having the requisite external shape and microstructure often requires high fabrication temperatures, approximately several hundred degrees Celsius. Due to their high hardness, ceramics are expensive and difficult to machine into the desired shape and surface smoothness after their fabrication.

      Overall, major limitations of ceramics are their brittleness, and the difficulty and cost of fabricating them into useful objects. On the other hand, ceramics have high compressive strength, stiffness, hardness, and wear resistance. Consequently, ceramics generally find use in applications where the applied stress is much lower than their strength or mainly compressive in nature, and where high wear resistance and chemical inertness are required.

      1.4.3 Intrinsic Properties of Polymers

      Polymers are generally composed of long‐chain molecules formed by repeated bonding of a large number of small molecules. The simplest example is polyethylene (abbreviated PE) whose molecular chains consist a large number (several hundred to several thousand) of ethylene (H2C=CH2) molecules bonded together. Polymers show low strength and low elastic modulus. In contrast to metals and ceramics, they show a time‐dependent mechanical response. This means that the measured mechanical properties of polymers, such as strength and elastic modulus, are dependent on the duration or rate of the mechanical testing procedure, or on the temperature at which the test is performed (Chapter 4). A given polymer, such as PMMA, for example, can show a range of mechanical behavior, from ductile to brittle, depending on the rate or the temperature of the mechanical test. Unless they are brittle, polymers typically show good fatigue resistance. Due to their low hardness, the resistance of polymers to abrasive wear is low.

      Polymers generally have low density (~1 g/cm3), low electrical conductivity, and low thermal conductivity. A clear advantage of polymers over metals and ceramics is their ease of fabrication. Polymers can be easily formed into the requisite shape and microstructure using conventional processing or additive manufacturing (3D printing) methods. Another advantage of polymers is their compositional flexibility. Polymers can not only be synthesized with the requisite composition but their composition can also be easily modified to achieve more desirable properties, such as degradation rate.

      Overall, the human body, except for bone and teeth, is composed of soft tissues (and organs). When compared to metals and ceramics, polymers can be more easily designed to approximate the structure and properties of these soft tissues. Consequently, polymers find considerable use as biomaterials. Because of the ease in synthesizing compositions with a controllable degradation rate, polymers also find considerable use as biomaterials for drug delivery.

      1.4.4 Properties of Composites

      Composites are composed of two or more physically distinct materials or phases (Chapter 12). Synthetic composites used as biomaterials are composed of one or more of the primary classes of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers), and consist of a continuous phase (the matrix) and a dispersed phase (the reinforcing phase). While composites are abundant in nature, synthetic composites find only limited use as biomaterials. A well‐known example of a natural composite is bone, produced by embedded cells and composed of an inorganic (ceramic) phase of fine lath‐like particles of composition approximating that of hydroxyapatite and an organic phase composed of collagen.

      Synthetic composites are often of interest when a single material cannot provide the desired combination of properties. For example, polymers have an advantage of ease of fabrication but, because of their weak mechanical properties, they are not suitable as implants to heal defects in structural bone that have to support a significant physiological stress. To better approximate the mechanical properties of bone, polymers can be reinforced with a strong material, such as a ceramic in the form of particles or fibers. Use of particles composed of hydroxyapatite or bioactive glass can also enhance the functionality of the polymer matrix, such as its bioactivity.

      1.4.5 Representation of Properties

Schematic illustration of strength versus elastic modulus for the three major classes of synthetic materials used as biomaterials.

      Modern implants for total hip replacement (Figure 1.1b) provide a useful example of the design and selection of biomaterials. While these implants do not reflect the aforementioned trend