Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience. P. M. S. Hacker. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: P. M. S. Hacker
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119530633
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Marr’ s theory of vision6 The Cognitive Powers6.1 Knowledge and Its Kinship with Ability6.1.2 Possessing knowledge and containing knowledge6.2 Memory6.2.1 Declarative and non-declarative memory6.2.2 Storage, retention and memory traces7 The Cogitative Powers7.1 Belief7.2 Thinking7.3 Imagination and Mental Images7.3.1 The logical features of mental imagery8 Emotion8.1 Affections8.2 The Emotions: A Preliminary Analytical Survey8.2.1 Neuroscientists’ confusions8.2.2 Analysis of the emotions9 Volition and Voluntary Movement9.1 Volition9.2 Libet’s Theory of Voluntary Movement and Its Progeny9.3 Refutations and Clarifications9.4 Conflict-Monitoring and the Executive9.5 Man and Machine: Doing Something Like an Automaton, Automatically, Mechanically, from Force of Habit9.6 Taking Stock

      14 Part III Consciousness and Contemporary Neuroscience: An Analysis10 Intransitive and Transitive Consciousness10.1 Consciousness and the Brain10.2 Intransitive Consciousness and Awareness10.2.1 Minimal states of consciousness or responsiveness10.3 Transitive Consciousness and Its Forms10.3.1 A partial analysis11 Conscious Experience, Mental States and Qualia, Neural Correlates of Consciousness11.1 Extending the Concept of Consciousness11.2 Conscious Experience and Conscious Mental States11.2.1 Confusions regarding unconscious belief and unconscious activities of the brain11.3 Qualia11.3.1 ‘How it feels’ to have an experience11.3.2 Of there being something which it is like …11.3.3 The qualitative character of experience11.3.4 Thises and thuses11.3.5 Of the communicability and describability of qualia12 Neural Correlates of Consciousness, Integrated Information Theory, Global Workspace Theory12.1 The Integrated Information Theory of Tononi12.1.1 Axiomatizing Integrated Information Theory12.1.2 The ambiguity of ‘information’12.1.3 Unclarities about experience again12.2 Global Workspace Theory12.2.1 Analysis of Dehaene’s example12.2.2 On Dehaene’s misconceptions of consciousness and information processing12.3 On Finding One’s Way through a Conceptual Jungle with Worthless Tools12.4 What Is Necessary for Neural Correlation12.5 Where to Find the Explanations13 Puzzles about Consciousness13.1 A Budget of Puzzles13.2 On Reconciling Consciousness or Subjectivity with Our Conception of an Objective Reality13.3 On the Question of How Physical Processes Can Give Rise to Conscious Experience13.4 Of the Evolutionary Value of Consciousness13.5 The Problem of Awareness13.6 Other Minds and Other Animals14 Self-Consciousness and Selves, Thought and Language14.1 Self-Consciousness and the Self14.2 Historical Stage Setting: Descartes, Locke, Hume and James14.3 Current Scientific and Neuroscientific Reflections on the Nature of Self-Consciousness14.4 The Illusion of a ‘Self’14.5 The Horizon of Thought, Will and Affection14.5.1 Thought and language14.6 Self-Consciousness15 Concepts, Thinking and Speaking15.1 Concepts and Concept Possession15.1.1 Beginning again15.2 Concept Possession as Mastery of the Use of an Expression15.3 What Do We Think In?

      15 Part IV On Method16 Reductionism16.1 Ontological and Explanatory Reductionism16.2 Reduction by Elimination16.2.1 Are our ordinary psychological concepts theoretical?16.2.2 Are everyday generalizations about human psychology laws of a theory?16.2.3 Eliminating all that is human16.2.4 Sawing off the branch on which one sits17 Methodological Reflections17.1 Linguistic Inertia and Conceptual Innovation17.2 The ‘Poverty of English’ Argument17.3 From Nonsense to Sense: The Proper Description of the Results of Commissurotomy17.3.1 The case of blindsight: misdescription and illusory explanation17.4 Philosophy and Neuroscience17.4.1 What philosophy can and what it cannot do17.4.2 What neuroscience can and what it cannot do17.5 Why It Matters

      16 AppendicesAppendix 1 Daniel Dennett1 Dennett’ s Methodology and Presuppositions2 The Intentional Stance3 Heterophenomenological Method4 ConsciousnessAppendix 2 John Searle1 Philosophy and Science2 Searle’ s Philosophy of Mind3 Unified Field Theory4 The Traditional Mind–Body ProblemAppendix 3 Further Replies to Critics1 The Mereological Principle2 Essentialism3 A Priorism: Empirical Learning Theory or the Nature of Primitive Language-Games4 Criteria and Constitutive Evidence5 Foundationalism, Linguistic Conservatism, Conceptual Change, Connective Analysis, Tolerating Inconsistencies and Post-Modernism

      17  Afterword to the Second Edition by Anthony Kenny

      18  Index

      19  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Part 1Figure 1 Illustrations from Cerebri Anatome...

      2 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Significant activations over the...

      3 Chapter 4Figure 4.2 The implicit metaphysics underlying standard...Figure 4.3 The presupposed hidden semantics of the standard...

      4 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The varieties of thinkingFigure 7.2 The network of the concept of imagination

      5 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 AffectionsFigure 8.2 Varieties of feelingsFigure 8.3 Conceptual links of natural appetiteFigure 8.4 Conceptual links of moodsFigure 8.5 Dimensions of emotionFigure 8.6 Conceptual tie-ups for emotions

      6 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Schema of the voluntary

      7 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 A representation of levels of consciousness/awareness...Figure 10.2 Rough representation of continua of levels of...Figure 10.3 Centres of variation in the normal use of ‘consciousness’Figure 10.4 The locus of the concept of transitive...Figure 10.5 Forms of cognitive receptivityFigure 10.6 Modes of occurrent transitive consciousness

      8 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 A schematic representation of what is excluded from the...Figure 11.2 Perception and transitive consciousness

      9 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 A medial section of the human brain...Figure 12.2 Reticular-cortical activating system...Figure 12.3 Schema of types of explanation of action...

      10 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Mystifying and demystifying transitive consciousnessFigure 13.2 Zombies and us. It is striking how readily...

      11 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Varieties of self-consciousness ( aberrations in italics )

      12 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 A schema of types of explanation of human action.

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Comparison of what we perceive...Table 7.2 Comparison of mental images had with physical images seen...

      2 Chapter 9Table 9.1 A small range of fundamental differences between man and machine...

      3 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Schematic contrast between psychological horizons...

      4 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Concept possession...Table 15.2 Schematic presentation of conceptual features of concepts...

      List of Plates

      1 Chapter 8Plate 1 Significant activations over the whole brain...Plate 2 A representation of levels of consciousness/awareness...