Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience. P. M. S. Hacker. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: P. M. S. Hacker
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119530633
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new theories and novel conjectures that have emerged in the field of cognitive neuroscience over the last two decades. They offered us the possibility of extending the book by an extra hundred pages in order to do so.

      After careful deliberation we decided to accede to the request. This introduction to the new edition is directed primarily at readers of the first edition who wish to know why we thought fit to write a second edition, and would like to attain an overview of what we have added or modified.

      Four reasons moved us:

      First, new technical developments in neuroscience, such as fMRI, were often highly problematic and new discoveries concerning blindsight and commisurotomy challenged previously received understanding. This called out for systematic clarification. Moreover, new cognitive neuroscientific doctrines were developed by Tononi and Dehaene and their research groups and demanded conceptual elucidation and evaluation.

      This is a work of philosophical or conceptual clarification, so we have attempted to keep the technical aspects of neuroscience to a minimum. ( Extensive technical discussions are to be found in our 2008 book History of Cognitive Neuroscience.) But what we have introduced should help sketch the contemporary landscape of that subject, whose actual achievements need clarification.

      Second, there was a misunderstanding concerning the subject of the book. Many reviewers and critics thought that the central subject of Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience was the mereological fallacy in neuroscience, that is: the mistake of ascribing to the brain – a mere part of the human being, and to parts of the brain – such as the visual striate cortex, the frontal cortices, the amygdala and so forth, psychological, intellectual and volitional attributes which can logically be attributed only to the human being as a whole. This categorial mistake leads to flaws in reasoning, that is: to fallacies. We gave the impression to some reviewers that all 452 pages of the first edition were dedicated to displaying this mistake and refuting this fallacy. But this is to mistake a leitmotif for the opera itself. In the first edition, we dedicated a part of chapter 3 to the matter of ascribing to parts of the brain properties of the organism as a whole. In the new edition we have segregated this into an independent (chapter 3), separating it from a range of further fundamental conceptual entanglements (chapter 4). These include the subjects of self-ascription of experience, of introspection as a form of inner sense, of knowledge of the mental states, events and processes of other people, of privacy and subjectivity, of identity of experiences, of naming and describing experiences and of constitutive evidential grounds. These misunderstandings are not aspects of the mereological fallacy in neuroscience. They are severally and collectively no less important.

      It is perfectly true that the mereological principle and the mereological fallacy run like a leitmotif through the book. But that is because this pervasive mistake causes misunderstandings, misinterpretations of the results of experiments and faulty design of experiments. So we could not avoid mentioning it in our conceptual investigations into the forms and structures of human faculties and their exercise. However, our general explanation is to be found in chapter 3 and is now clearly separated from other important conceptual flaws.

      Fourth, many neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists may be puzzled why philosophical analysis of salient concepts should have any relevance to the experimental neuroscientist. Some think that philosophy is now obsolete, that the great problems of philosophy over the last two and a half thousand years are destined to be resolved by study of the brain. Neuroscience, many believe, is solving the venerable problem of free will – showing experimentally that freedom of action is a delusion produced by the brain. Similarly, it is widely believed that the cognitive neuroscience of perception proves that perceptual qualities, such as sound and colour, do not exist in the ‘external world’, but are fictions produced by the brain, in the brain. Others demonstrate to their satisfaction that memories are stored in the brain at synaptic connections or cells – a modern variant of engrams. American neuroscientists commonly appeal to the 1890s work of William James as the still unsurpassed work of psychology and cognitive science. As we show, James’ s book The Principles of Psychology is a goldmine of conceptual confusions, from which much can be learned.

      One reason for the widespread belief that philosophy is obsolete is that, with a history of more than two thousand years, philosophers are still alleged to be arguing over the same old problems that preoccupied Plato and Aristotle. But this is both an exaggeration and a misunderstanding. It is an exaggeration in as much as there are numerous philosophical questions that do not and could not appear in the works of Plato and Aristotle, such as the nature of alternative geometries, the post-Einsteinian puzzles about space-time, the differences between the voluntary and the intentional.