The Contributory Revolution. Pierre Giorgini. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pierre Giorgini
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Экономика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119866343
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of technological devices would disappear (I am thinking of nuclear power plants, chemicals, oil wells, etc.). Philosophically, what would be the point of saving a biosphere in which there would be no one left to be aware of it?

      Conversely, I believe that the metamorphosis which could be “anthropo-salutary” comes from a transition which I will describe as an endo-contributive revolution (ENC). The global paradigm shift that underpins it seems unattainable, a battle lost in advance, some say. This generates, particularly in the West, a crisis of hope and meaning in a context dominated by ecological issues. This desperation continues to grow.

      Among the different factors in the metamorphosis, we will therefore have to discern those which work towards the conservation of our humanization process and those which work towards its demolition without the possibility of reconstruction. The big dream of the Tofflers and then of the “internetophiles”, that of a general “de-massing” supported by technologies in favor of diversification and cultural hybridization, creating a rise in awareness of the challenges of the common good and of interdependence, is not yet here, even if the first weak signals are present and there is undeniable progress. The standardization required by technologies, including the most recent ones resulting from the development of artificial intelligence, for example, continue to standardize the human and direct them towards the numerically most probable situations, including in matters of consumption. We can thus speak of entropization leading inexorably to the death of systems. Maël Montévil speaks of a sterilization of human activities required for the convergence of the said activities with the algorithmic capacities of machines. Hannah Arendt already alerted us regarding language in The Human Condition (Arendt 1958). Basically, we are faced with a growing rejection of exo-distribution (EXD), which hierarchizes, and in all fields. In this, it is indeed a new episteme that is emerging.

      Today, the most catastrophic scenarios based on the theory of a general and concomitant collapse (climate, ecological, demographic, financial, in petroleum, etc.) are blossoming, and supposed to result in a sudden global collapse (Diamond 2005; Servigne and Stevens 2015). However, the majority of the world scientific community refutes this thesis in favor of a succession of various collapses more localized in time and space, whose point of irreversibility, depending on their nature, would be around 2050. It is no less catastrophic but subject to a certain progression.

      However, I put forward the idea that the consubstantial learning capacity of the living world generates before our eyes a contributory metamorphosis which may lead us towards socio-cultural and socio-organizational structures similar to those that emerged from the evolution of the living world which has met the theoretically impossible challenge of entropy. To reiterate, all matter tends towards a constantly increasing entropy which constitutes at the nanometric level a migration towards the most probable quantum configuration. It is inexorably subject, as a system, to increasing disorder, to a potential, which by dissipation of energy within the system, leads to its disappearance as an organized system from the point of view of its ordered complexity. This is what we call in everyday language natural wear or aging. However, we have seen previously that this link between entropy and disorder must be handled with care depending on the scale on which we are. Indeed, crystallization by glaciation, for example, is indeed a migration towards a structure that is very organized on the molecular level as well as reduced to nothing in terms of any vital activity of a biological system. Thus, complexity is not synonymous with disorganization or disorder. The biosphere has endured for over 4 billion years, from the appearance of the first living organism, presumably a prokaryote reminiscent of current bacteria, to the present day.

      An impossible challenge has therefore been taken up by the biosphere. As stated, it has survived 4 billion years and has never irreversibly and fatally challenged the whole planet’s energy balance. At this point, we may stop for a moment. Indeed, it is evident that during these 4 billion years, collapses occurred leading to the brutal and global extinction of species or families of species. The best-known case is that of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, as well as that of large mammals.

      Three centuries of unrivaled dominance by the coupling of mathematics and physics at the heart of the classical scientific revolution (Newtonian physics) led to a large-scale cultural, civilizational and philosophical revolution. But overall, the third millennium will be quantum and biological or it will be nothing. It will proceed from a science of the complex where everything is connected, and be governed by infinite precaution, the alliance with nature and the end of mechanistic and reductionist vision, faced with the quantum mystery. For the living world is an immense patchwork, a tangle of organized, ordered complexities, synchronous and asynchronous ecorithms (Valiant 2013). It is irreducible, because any attempt to define a locality based on a formal construction which characterizes it immediately encounters the influence of the non-local or, on the nanometric scale, the quantum mystery where everything is connected to it.