Physics of the Terrestrial Environment, Subtle Matter and Height of the Atmosphere. Eric Chassefiere. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Eric Chassefiere
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119866152
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the first place, the agitation of the body parts must be violent; for this is what distinguishes the bodies that are called warm, from those that are simply fluid […].

      Another condition is that the determination of the movement is diversified, and that it is directed in all directions […].

      This system is pushed further by Newton. He does not regard fire as a particular kind of body originally endowed with such and such a property; but according to him, fire is only a strongly igneous body, that is to say, hot and heated to the point of casting abundant light. Is a red-hot iron something else, he says, than fire? Is a burning coal anything other than red, burning wood?

      According to Newton, fixed bodies heated to a considerable degree emit light, and this emission is done by the vibration of their parts. Bodies rich in “earthly and sulfurous parts” become luminous when these parts are agitated, either by the application of an external fire, or by friction, percussion, or putrefaction:

      The entry HEAT in the Lexicon provides additional information on the approach of English scholars. In it, heat is defined as “one of the four Primary Qualities, and seems to consist only, or at least chiefly, in the local Motion of the small Parts of a Body Mechanically modified by certain Conditions, of which the Principal is the vehement and various Agitations of those small Insensible Parts.” The question of the existence, or lack thereof, of an immutable body known as fire, which would produce heat, is not raised. The author of the entry sets out three conditions for the production of heat. The first is that the small parts should be agitated with a degree of violence and speed greater than that necessary to produce fluidity. The second is that this violent agitation should also be varied, with the particles having to move in all directions. The third condition is that the particles agitated violently and in all directions must be small enough to be individually insensitive. Because, unless they are extremely fine and subtle, they cannot easily penetrate the pores of adjacent bodies and thus heat or burn them.

      An interesting part of the entry HEAT in the Lexicon has to do with the relationship between heat and fire. It is said that Newton, at the end of his Optics, conjectured “That Flame is a Fume, or Exhalation heated red hot; that is, so hot as to shine: Because Bodies don’t flame without emitting a copious Fume, and this Fume burns in the Flame.” The author speaks of the will-o’-the-wisp, a vapor that glows without heat, “and there seems to be the same difference between this Vapour and Flame, as between rotten Wood shining without Heat, and burning Coals of Fire.” This example seems to be intended to show that the glow of will-o’-the-wisp is not a flame, the absence of both smoke and flame must be contrasted with the presence of both smoke and flame above the coals of fire. Another example is that of the distillation of essences: “if the Head of the Still be taken off, the ascending Vapour will take Fire at the Flame of a Candle, and be turned into Flame; and the Flame will run along the Vapour from the Candle to the Still.” In this example, the steam that rises from the still, which is smoked, turns into flame, and then returns as flame to the still, smoke and flame moving into each other. He further mentions the smoke that rises above bodies heated by fermentation which, if the heat becomes sufficient, shine and become flames, and the bodies which, burning, vanish into a fiery smoke, “which Smoke, if the Flame be put out, is very thick and visible, and sometimes smells strongly, but in the Flame loses its Smell by burning.” It is the nature of the smoke, in the latter case, that conditions the color of the flame (blue for sulfur, green for copper, yellow for tallow). And the author notes that the “Smoke passing thro’ Flame cannot but grow red hot, and red hot Smoke can have no other appearance but that of Flame.”

      1.5.2. Fire

      But it is in phosphorus that fire matter is present in the greatest quantities. The entry PHOSPHORE (PHOSPHORUS) in DUF-1690 describes phosphorus as “a matter that burns, or becomes luminous, without the need to approach a sensitive fire. It is natural, or artificial. [...] Natural phosphorus are materials that, without the help of art, at certain times become luminous, without ever having any detectable heat”, such as glowworms, or sugar when it is stored in a dark place. Natural phosphorus do not always glow, and never emit any heat. It is therefore an example of light that occurs without heat. “Artificial phosphorus are materials that become luminous by artifice, without needing to be lit by a sensitive fire.” Some artificial phosphorus burn and consume everything they come into contact with, such as animal oils produced by distillation (e.g. from urine); others have no heat, such as the Bologna stone, which, when heated beforehand, emits a faint glow in the dark. As the Encyclopédie says:

      The general cause of the light of phosphorus is that the matter of fire or light is generally more abundant in this body than in others, so that the simple friction can