Getting the four professors to sit down together proved to be a difficult task. Dieter Henrich was eager to work with Habermas, but preferably not with Blumenberg. Blumenberg in turn recoiled from collaborating with Taubes, who he thought was an ‘unreliable fellow’.72 Taubes, for his part, had the feeling that he was doing more work than the others and refused to do so ‘for the same money’.73 Nor did he make a secret of his disappointment on seeing the proofs of Blumenberg’s Legitimacy of the Modern Age, which he had so warmly recommended to Unseld.74 Only Habermas struck Michel as being a dependable partner ‘without compulsion and without ambitions’, one who ‘quite spontaneously makes the most useful suggestions’. But Habermas was the one who, after a particularly tedious session with Henrich and Blumenberg, asked to be discharged from the ‘bubbling cauldron’ of the Theorie series. ‘I told him very plainly’, Michel reported to Unseld, ‘that the series had been conceived with a view to his collaboration, and that we would not be interested in publishing it if he withdrew.’75 The editor’s desperate sigh is understandable: ‘It is a shame’, Michel noted, ‘that we do not yet have the technical means to hold conferences without the simultaneous presence of all the participants.’76
In spite of the difficulties with the series editors, Unseld and Michel hammered out a first autumn list between 1965 and 1966. The market for theory seemed too promising to permit unnecessary delays. To put weight behind Suhrkamp’s presence, the new series was initially supposed to be flanked by a journal in which ‘in each issue, various philosophers or scholars would critically look at a major philosophical or scientific book (or a life’s work)’.77 Taubes was easily won for this project too: ‘The time for a journal is well chosen, since Merkur and Neue deutsche Hefte seem to be nearing their end.’ As titles for a periodical that would carry on the anticipated legacy of those cultural reviews, he suggested ‘Janus’ and ‘Angelus novus’. The rest of his offer to Michel in August of 1965 sounded less like a collaboration than a friendly takeover. The responsible editor would be Taubes’s partner, the Freie Universität philosopher Margherita von Brentano; Berlin seemed to be the best address for the editorial offices. As the chair of a well-endowed department, Taubes held out the prospect of throwing ‘four to five student assistants into the journal’s pot’ as editorial staff – including a certain Peter Gente, whom Michel might know ‘as the editor of an issue of Alternative on French literary theory’.78 Thus Gente came within a hair’s breadth in 1965 of landing in the Suhrkamp culture. But the journal, whether Janus or Angelus novus, never saw the light of day. Enzensberger’s Kursbuch, which appeared in a pilot issue the same year, probably made another Suhrkamp periodical seem superfluous.
Nonetheless, the episode left a mark. Taubes’s activity as an editorial advisor brought his assistant Gente into contact with the publishing world. His hope of working in publishing gradually took shape during the second half of the sixties. Gente experienced the events of the period as one of the inner circle of the student movement, from the shooting of the student Benno Ohnesorg by a policeman during protests against the Shah of Iran’s visit to Berlin, to the battle between police and students in front of the Berlin courthouse in Tegeler Weg on the day of a hearing to disbar Horst Mahler.79 But even in those tumultuous years of 1967 and 1968, Gente continued to read voraciously. In 1968, he edited a publication of Joseph Stalin’s 1950 pamphlet on ‘Marxism and Problems of Linguistics’ for the Munich publishers Rogner & Bernhard.80 The following year, he developed a concept for a book series of his own. In contrast to his uneven seminar papers, the business idea he pitched to publishers is surprisingly mature, reflecting the acumen of a hunter-gatherer who had been roaming the woods of the intellectual journals for the past ten years. Gente’s concept was to publish theory finds ‘whose prior distribution allows us to assume that the reader interest has not been exhausted’ in a booklet format. He was thinking mainly of articles from foreign journals on discussions ‘in which the last word has not yet been spoken’. The little book on the situation at hand: that was a logical next step from Suhrkamp’s Theorie paperbacks, which were just asking to be outbid. Gente imagined catering for the ‘demand for orientation in the social sciences among a broad diversity of readerships’, audiences which ‘up to now have been considered as a relatively unified public only for fiction’.81 Gente himself had been a part of the chapter of West German intellectual history that this sentence evokes: the shift in reading habits, the declining relevance of artistic writing and the ascendancy of theoretical literature. Theory was to be devoured like novels, and hence made suitable for paperbacks: around 1970, this formula spawned a new growth market. And yet Gente did not succeed in attracting a publisher. Sooner or later, the idea arose of founding his own publishing house. West Berlin, with its low rents, was the ideal place to do so.82
1 1 Adorno, Lectures on Negative Dialectics, 57f. On the atmosphere in Adorno’s lecture course, see Kurt Flasch, ‘Die Trümmerfrau der Kultur’, in Berliner Zeitung, 18 July 1998.
2 2 Theodor W. Adorno, Metaphysics: Concept and Problems, ed. Rolf Tiedemann, trans. Edmund Jephcott, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2001, 126.
3 3 Cf. Marcel Lepper, ‘Theoriegenerationen 1945–1989’, in Zeitschrift für Germanistik, 18:2 (2008), 244–9.
4 4 Tilman Fichter and Siegward Lönnendonker, Kleine Geschichte des SDS: Der Sozialistische Deutsche Studentenbund von Helmut Schmidt bis Rudi Dutschke, 4th edn, Essen: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2008.
5 5 Elisabeth Lenk, ‘Die sozialistische Theorie in der Arbeit des SDS’, in Theodor W. Adorno and Elisabeth Lenk, Briefwechsel 1962–1969, Munich: Text & Kritik, 2001, 171–81.
6 6 On the theory overload of post-war Marxism, see the classic diagnosis by Perry Anderson, Considerations on Western Marxism, London: Verso, 1979.
7 7 Hans-Jürgen Krahl, Konstitution und Klassenkampf: Zur historischen Dialektik von bürgerlicher Emanzipation und proletarischer Revolution [Constitution and class struggle: on the historical dialectic of bourgeois emancipation and proletarian revolution], Frankfurt: Neue Kritik, 1971, 236.
8 8 In the words of Peter Rühmkorf, Die Jahre, die Ihr kennt: Anfälle und Erinnerungen, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1972, 141. On the Argument Club and the atmosphere at Freie Universität in the sixties, see ‘“Wenn die Dinge wiederkehren, sind sie schlimmer als zuvor”: Gespräch mit Margherita von Brentano’, in Margherita von Brentano, Das Politische und das Persönliche, ed. Iris Nachum and Susan Neiman, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2010, 223–59.
9 9 Franz Neumann, Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1942.
10 10 See Helmut Lethen, ‘Unheimliche Nähe: Carl Schmitt liest Walter Benjamin’, in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16 September 1999.
11 11 Merve Verlag to Pierre Klossowski, 28 May 1979: Merve Archives.
12 12 Carlo Feltrinelli, Senior Service, trans.