Дизайн детства. Игрушки и материальная культура детства с 1700 года до наших дней. Коллектив авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Коллектив авторов
Издательство: НЛО
Серия: Культура повседневности
Жанр произведения: История
Год издания: 2018
isbn: 978-5-4448-1629-5
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in the Eighteenth Century // Fashioning Childhood in the Eighteenth Century / ed. by A. Müller. L.: Ashgate, 2006. P. 189–198; Müller A. Framing Childhood in Eighteenth-Century English Periodicals and Prints, 1689–1789. L.: Ashgate, 2009; Smith K. The Government of Childhood: Discourse, Power and Subjectivity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.


      Locke J. Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 7th edition. L.: A. and J. Churchill, 1712.


      Nardo A. K. The Ludic Self in Seventeenth-Century English Literature. N. Y.: State University of New York Press, 1991. P. 11–12. Также см.: Addy J. Sin and Society in the Seventeenth Century. L.: Routledge, 1989.


      О более позднем ребенке-потребителе см.: Seiter E. Sold Separately: Children and Parents in Consumer Culture. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995; Cook D. The Commodification of Childhood: The Children’s Clothing Industry and the Rise of the Child Consumer. L.: Duke University Press, 2004; Jacobson L. Raising Consumers: Children and the American Mass Market in the Early Twentieth Century. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 2005; Khan S. Harnessing the Complexity of Children’s Consumer Culture // Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education. 2006. No. 1 (3). P. 39–59; Cross G. Kids’ Stuff: Toys and the Changing World of American Childhood. L.: Harvard University Press, 2009.


      Plumb J. The New World of Children in Eighteenth-Century England // Past and Present. 1975. No. 67. P. 64–95; и The New World of Children in Eighteenth-Century England // The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England / ed. by N. McKendrick, J. Brewer, J. Plumb. L.: Europa, 1982. P. 286–315.


      См., например: Seiter E. Sold Separately. P. 51–95.


      Connor R. Women, Accounting, and Narrative: Keeping Books in Eighteenth-Century England. L.: Routledge, 2011. P. 5.


      Batchelor J. Fashion and Frugality: Eighteenth-Century Pocket Books for Women // Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture. 2003. No. 32. P. 1–18.


      Grenby M. The Child Reader, 1700–1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. P. 2.


      Townsend J. Written for Children. L.: Pelican, 1976. P. 31.


      A Pretty Little Pocket Book, 10th edition. L.: John Newbery, 1760.


      The Important Pocket Book. L.: John Newbery, 1765. P. 1.


      Wennerlind C. Casualties of Credit: The English Financial Revolution, 1620–1720. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011.


      O’Malley A. The Making of the Modern Child. P. 104.


      Locke J. The Works of John Locke, vol. 8. L.: Rivington, 1824. P. 199–201.


      Michals T. Experiments before Breakfast: Toys, Education and Middle-Class Childhood // The Nineteenth-Century Child and Consumer Culture / ed. by D. Denisoff. Aldershot: Ashgate. 2008. P. 33.


      Edgeworth M., Edgeworth R. Practical Education, II. P. 276.


      Robbins S. Lessons for Children and Teaching Mothers: Mrs. Barbauld’ s Primer for the Textual Construction of Middle-Class Domestic Pedagogy // The Lion and the Unicorn. 1993. No. 17. P. 135–151.


      Jackson M. Engines of Instruction, Mischief, and Magic: Children’s Literature in England from its Beginnings to 1839. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989. P. 131.


      Похожий довод приводится и в отношении ребенка-потребителя XXI века в: Jacobson L. Raising Consumers. P. 56–92.


      Архив графства Кент. U951/F24/1-69. Diaries of Fanny Knatchbull, née Austen Knight.


      Районный архив Грейт-Ярмута. Y/D 87/51-52: Ladies Pocket Book, 1793–1794.


      Plumb J. The New World of Children. P. 286–315.


      Edgeworth M., Edgeworth R. Practical Education, I. P. 1–2.