Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Артикль. Ричард Грант. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ричард Грант
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Педагогика
Год издания: 2021
isbn: 978-5-532-94829-7
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      1. There is … jar of … delicious orange marmalade in … middle of … shelf. 2. There is … big … box of … cereal to … right of you. 3. There is … bunch of … bananas on … table. Don’t keep them in … fridge. 4. There is … loaf of … white … bread on … upper … shelf of … fridge. If you want your … bread to be fresh, keep it in … fridge. 5. Is there … bag of … flour in … cupboard? 6. There was … bottle of … drinking water in … corner of … kitchen. 7. There is … thick red … carpet in my … room. … carpet is on … floor in … front of … sofa. 8. Where is … table in your brother’s … room? – His … table is near … window. 9. I can see … fine … vase on … shelf. There are … lovely … flowers in … vase. 10. They have no … piano in their … living room. 11. My … uncle is … married. He has … beautiful wife. They have … son, but they have no … daughter. 12. I can see … nice … coffee table in … middle of … room to … right of … door. It is … black and … red. I like … coffee table. 13. Our … TV set is on … little … table in … corner of … room. 14. There is … beautiful picture in my father’s … study. … picture is on … wall to … left of … window.

      Вправа 13

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      1. There is … park behind … hospital. There are … beautiful … trees in … park. 2. There is … good … film on TV this … evening. I am going to watch it. 3. There is … library between … school and … bank. There are … English and German books in this … library. 4. There is … sofa in … corner of … room. 5. There are … cushions on … sofa. 6. There are … books on … shelf. Give me … book, please. 7. What can you see in … fridge? – There is … sausage on … top shelf, but there is no … cheese there. There is … butter in … butter dish. There are … tomatoes and … carrots on … bottom shelf. There are … eggs and … apples on … next shelf. There is … orange, … lemon, and … jam in … little jar there. 8. There is … juice in this … carton. May I drink … juice? 9. There are … girls in … yard, but I can see no … boys. Where are … boys? – Oh, all … boys are playing football at … stadium. 10. There is … peculiar charm in her … voice. 11. There is … money in … purse. 12. What … picture! 13. There is … guitar on … chair near … piano. 14.There was … piano in … corner of … living room. He sat at … piano for … hours, playing … favourite pieces from … classical music. He was … wonderful piano player.

      Вправа 14

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      1. Where is … bus station? – … bus station is next to … gas station. 2. There are two … pets in … house: … cat and … dog. 3. There is … TV antenna on … roof. 4. There is … mailbox between … building and … bus stop. 5. There is … big … dog in … front of … fireplace. 6. Do you speak English at … work? 7. She had … bad … day today. 8. I have … colour TV set. … TV set is on … little table in … corner of … room. 9. There is … book, … pen, and … paper on my … writing desk. 10. My … brother is … teacher. He works at … school. He has … very good books. His … books are in … big bookcase. 11. There is … tea in my … glass. There is no … tea in my … friend’s … glass. His … glass is empty. 12. Where is … coffee table in your … room? – … coffee table is in … front of … sofa. There is … cup on … coffee table and … box of … chocolates. There is … coffee in … cup. 13. There are … photographs and newspapers on … sofa.


      to go to bed – to go to work – to go to school

      to go home – to come home

      to leave home for work – to leave home for school

      from work – from school

      to play chess – to play football

      at a quarter past five – at half past five

      after work – after school

      Перед назвами місяців і днів тижня артикль не вживається.

      School begins in September. We rest on Sunday.

      Перед порядковими числівниками зазвичай вживається означений артикль.

      Our classroom is on the second floor. Today is the tenth of May.

      Перед назвами театрiв, музеїв, картинних галерей, кiнотеатрiв та готелiв зазвичай вживається означений артикль.

      The Bolshoi Theatre, The Odeon, The Opera House, The Hermitage, The Tate Gallery, The Philharmonic, The Metropol, The Hilton.

      Вправа 15

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      1. Every day my … brother and I get up at eight o’clock and walk to … school. I like … school. It’s … fun. My … brother loves … football. He hates … homework. So he doesn’t like to go to … school. Will he go to … work in … future? 2. My … friend has to get up early in … morning because he goes to … school. That’s why he usually goes to … bed early in … evening. 3. … weather was very bad in … morning yesterday. … sky was grey and it was raining. But in … middle of … day … weather began to change. … rain stopped and … sun appeared from behind … clouds. In … afternoon it was very warm. I did not want to stay at … home and went into … yard. There were … boys and … girls in … yard. We played in … yard till late in … evening. When I came … home, I drank … tea, ate … sandwich and went to … bed at once. I slept very well at … night. 4. My brother is … pupil. He goes to … school. He goes to … school in … morning. He has five or six … lessons every day. In … afternoon he goes … home. At … home he does his … homework. In … evening he reads … books. He usually goes to … bed at … half past ten. At … night he sleeps. 5. My father goes to … work in … morning and comes … home in … evening. 6. I get up at … half past seven in … morning and go to … bed at … quarter to eleven in … evening. 7. When does your mother leave … home for … work? – She leaves … home for … work at … quarter past eight. 8. When do you leave … home for … school? – I leave … home for … school at … half past … eight. 9. What do you do when you come … home from … school? – I do my … homework, talk to my … friends on … phone and go for … walks. I often listen to … music. I like … jazz best. Sometimes I play … computer games. 10. We always go to … Art Gallery of Ontario on … Sunday. 11. On … Saturday she usually goes to … Philharmonic. 12. In … August he has his … birthday. He is planning to have … nice party with his … friends. 13. There are three rooms and … kitchen in our new flat. 14. My new dress is made of … silk. 15. If you want to write something on … blackboard, you must have … piece of … chalk.

      Вправа 16

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      1. Are there any pupils in … classroom? 2. I have … new English book. I find … book quite fascinating. 3. There is … garden in … front of our school.