World Politics since 1989. Jonathan Holslag. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jonathan Holslag
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509546749
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and East Asia, Washington radiated its influence through international organizations. It had a veto right in the world’s two most important financial institutions: the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. These Bretton Woods institutions were founded in 1944 with the aim of stabilizing financial markets and preventing economic nationalism. The World Bank Group included important specialized affiliates, like a tribunal for international investment disputes and an investment guarantee agency. They all had their headquarters in Washington, DC. A third pillar in the Bretton Woods was foreseen, but did not materialize: the International Trade Organization. It was replaced in 1947 by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT. During the Cold War, the three served as a counterweight to economic initiatives of the Soviets and to advance the Washington Consensus. Coined in 1989, the Washington Consensus concerned the idea, creed almost, that growth required deregulation, low trade barriers, freely floating national currencies, commodity prices set by the international market, dismantlement of state-owned enterprises, and even the privatization of public services altogether.

      Openness was the key to growth. Such structural adjustment toward openness became a condition for developing countries to receive aid. The Bretton Woods institutions proposed structural adjustment programs. Washington, together with Europe and Japan, also shaped the agenda of a raft of technical bodies that set global standards for digital communication, aerospace, and pharmaceutical products. If the Cold War still provided an alternative to the West, reality was now summarized as TINA: There is no alternative. This was, in fact, a triple TINA. There was no alternative for the West as a partner, no alternative for the West as an investor, and no alternative to neoliberal policy prescriptions of the West.

      So, with the Soviet Union in trouble, the whole world appeared to have become the periphery of the West. The center of the emerging new world order would be the United States. It accounted for one third of the global economy and was bordered by two countries that could not threaten it. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans functioned like a moat around this fortress, guarded by aircraft carrier battle groups. On the other sides of the oceans lay a second line of defense, a line of allied countries that depended on American security and were also tied to the United States by means of commerce, capital, and culture. With Desert Storm, the United States and its partners demonstrated that they could strike overwhelmingly in even the remotest corner of the world. The predominance of organizations like the World Bank and multinationals as providers of capital to almost any country beyond the ring of allies in the Atlantic and the Pacific showed that there was no longer a genuine alternative to the West as an economic partner. Even if officials downplayed the term zealously, the United States arose as a global hegemon.

      The West struggled. It struggled with turbulence outside and disorientation inside. While Thatcher proclaimed the glory of global Britain, hundreds of thousands of citizens demonstrated in London against economic uncertainty and privatization. Confirming the dismal state of the economy, the pound nosedived. Far-right parties gained ground on the European continent. The United States experienced a mini stock market crash in 1989, encountered a bigger one in the autumn of 1990, and subsequently went into recession. Saddening stories appeared about poverty in cities like Detroit. “Most of the neighborhoods appear to be the victims of bombardment – houses burned and vacant, buildings crumbling, whole city blocks overrun with weeds and the carcasses of discarded automobiles,” a reporter put it. “Shopping streets are depressing avenues – banks converted into fundamentalist churches, party stores with bars and boards on their windows and, here and there, a barbecue joint or saloon.”7

      Besides underinvestment in public infrastructure, economists questioned whether there was sufficient investment in manufacturing. Since the late 1980s, manufacturing growth in the United Kingdom and the United States had stalled. Growth of investment in factories had dropped significantly compared to earlier decades. This all happened at a moment when the consumption of manufactured goods increased. Strong national currencies benefited consumers of goods, because they made imports cheaper, but came as a challenge to local producers of goods. Optimist economists stated that the shift toward services made the economy competitive and that growth of information technology kept the West ahead of its rivals. They also stated that the reduction of manufacturing in places like Detroit need not be a problem, as long as new jobs were created in services elsewhere. Growth would continue, but in different sectors and in different regions.