4 Names of Persons and Deities
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Modern Estimates of the Population of the Achaemenid empire (McEved...Table 2.2 Settlement development 2100 BCE – CE 200.
2 Chapter 30Table 30.1 Name of the rebels, place of the revolt, the claimed title, and th...
3 Chapter 102Table 102.1 Most important dynasties ruling over (parts of) Persia/Iran durin...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Map of the Achaemenid Empire.
2 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Vatican, Museo Gregoriano Egizio: Naophorous statue of Udjahorre...Figure 12.2 Relief of Dareios I offering milk to Amun in his temple at Kharg...Figure 12.3 Graffito of the Persian official Athiavahya from year 28 of Xerx...
3 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Plan of Pasargadae.Figure 15.2 Pasargadae, aerial view of Palace P.Figure 15.3 Pasargadae, aerial view with Palace P and Zendan‐e Sulaiman.Figure 15.4 Persepolis, aerial view of terrace from north‐northeast.Figure 15.5 Site map of Susa.Figure 15.6 Susa, Palace of Darius.
4 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Ganj Nameh, Inscriptions of Darius I (DEa) and Xerxes I (XEa)....
5 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 The so‐called Südburg of Babylon.Figure 17.2 Reconstructed view of the building complexes in the quarter of A...
6 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Reconstructed view of the Temple of Amrit (Nunn 2000a, p. 203)....Figure 18.2 Private collection: Terracotta of a woman, H. 15, 1 cm (Nunn 200...
7 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Map of ancient Cyprus.Figure 19.2 The Persian siege ramp at Palaepaphos‐Marchello. Chronological p...Figure 19.3 Plan of the palace of Vouni, Swedish excavations.Figure 19.4 Obverse of a gold stater of king Pnytagoras of Salamis.Figure 19.5 Silver obol of king Evagoras II of Salamis.
8 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Reconstruction of the “Egyptian” and “Persian” faces of the Kabr...Figure 20.2 Stater commemorating the reconquest of Egypt.Figure 20.3 Darius in the role of the god Hapi.Figure 20.4 Temple front of Hibis avoiding the emblematic “slaying of the fo...Figure 20.5 Statue of Ptahhotep displaying Egyptian and Persian “gold of hon...Figure 20.6 Funerary stela of Djedherbes showing a combination of several cu...
9 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Map of northwestern Asia Minor (Deniz Kaptan).Figure 21.2 View of Lake Manyas from Daskyleion (Deniz Kaptan).Figure 21.3 Bulla and seal impression from Daskyleion. DS 72 on Erg. 278. Ob...Figure 21.4 Bulla and seal impression from Daskyleion. DS 112 on Erg. 260 (D...Figure 21.5 Bulla and seal impression from Daskyleion. DS 172 on Erg. 367 (D...Figure 21.6 Bulla and seal impression from Daskyleion. DS 3 on Erg. 5. cylin...
10 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Achaemenid and Achaemenizing monuments in the Caucasus.Figure 22.2 Karacamirli: palace on Gurban Tepe.Figure 22.3 Gurban Tepe: bell‐shaped column bases.
11 Chapter 23Figure