Living on the Edge. Celine-Marie Pascale. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Celine-Marie Pascale
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509548255
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can evict tenants without cause by providing a written notice. Once a unit is vacated, owners can increase the rent without restriction. Overall, rent control has proven to be of limited use because it applies only to older buildings and often provides a disincentive for owners to maintain the property.

      While government efforts to subsidize rentals (Section 8 housing vouchers, low-income housing tax credit, and public housing) are expensive, the federal government actually spends more on subsidies for homeowners than it does for renters.29 Housing subsidies for homeowners come in the form of deductions for mortgage interest, real estate tax, and tax exclusions on capital gains from sales and accelerated depreciation (for owners of rental apartments). In 2015, these deductions for homeowners were more than double the combined costs of all federal subsidized rentals. Long story short, families are left to shoulder the burden of rising rents.30 The US has yet to address the housing crisis that drives families into poverty and too often into homelessness. Throughout my year of travel, I did not meet anyone who paid FMR – everyone paid more for rent and everyone felt the burden of rent in different ways. For some it meant having to live in shared housing, for others it meant being hard pressed to manage monthly bills, and for still others it meant not being able to afford to retire. Yet HUD’s calculation of FMR is the only standard measure of market rents available and, as we will see in the next section, it is used for other budget calculations.

      Framework 3: Poverty – The Federal Poverty Line vs Self-sufficiency Budget

      The federal poverty line was developed for the government by Mollie Orshansky in the 1960s, when a family’s food budget was thought to be one-third of their expenses. “Orshansky based her poverty thresholds on the economy food plan – the cheapest of four food plans developed by the Department of Agriculture.”33 She calculated the cost of groceries to meet those food plans and multiplied each of those costs by three to create the poverty line. Today the poverty line continues to be calculated the same way: as three times the cost of groceries for the cheapest food plan. There are at least three basic problems with this calculation. First, groceries have been a much smaller part of a family budget for decades. For many families, the costs of childcare, rent, and health care have outpaced groceries. In addition, expenses for transportation, phone, and internet are both substantial and indispensable. Second, as we just saw, most families spend considerably more than 30% of their income on housing. Third, national averages will always distort budget percentages. As incomes rise, wealthier households spend more money on food, but even so, the percentage of money spent on food is a smaller part of the household budget. Poor families spend less on food, but food costs are a larger part of their overall income.

      The cost of food was never a good way to measure poverty; this calculation has clear problems with real consequences. Accurate measures of poverty are key to understanding the health of the economy.34 Yet the federal poverty line provides an unrealistically low definition of poverty that undercounts the number of people who are struggling to make ends meet and limits the ability of people to qualify for assistance. Millions of families disappear into the chasm created by this standard: they are not able to pay basic bills every month and yet they are not counted as poor. This reality is complicated by the fact that in the US people do not commonly refer to themselves as poor, even when they are unable to reliably meet basic needs.

      From the EPI self-sufficiency calculations it’s clear that taxes as well as rent vary widely from place to place. The EPI calculator accounts for regional differences beyond rent. For example, in San Francisco, California, a basic level of economic self-sufficiency for two adults with two children requires an annual income of $148,440. Just across the bay in Oakland, this same family would need to earn $123,310 to be self-sufficient. In Athens County, Ohio, the same family would need $72,284 to cover their basic needs. Keep in mind that the federal poverty line for this same family of four is $25,100 – regardless of where the family lives. In none of these communities is an annual pre-tax income of $25,100 for a family of four the start of poverty.