Forest Ecology. Dan Binkley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dan Binkley
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119704416
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id="ulink_518e8f74-3ac2-5986-a444-441900879392">FIGURE 2.7 The total potential sunlight (not accounting for clouds) at 23° latitude (6100 W m−2 yr−1) is almost double that at 53° latitude (3460 W m−2 yr−1). The latitudinal differences are much larger outside the summer, because in summer the low sun angles that extend through very long day lengths give similar totals to sites with higher‐angle sun for shorter days at low latitudes.

      Source: Based on spreadsheet by Nicholas Coops.

      How important are these differences in incoming sunlight? The differences are important enough that the typical elevation for a given species may be a few hundred meters lower on N‐facing aspects (in the Northern Hemisphere) than on S‐facing aspects. The latitudinal range of species may reach hundreds of kilometers farther south when N‐facing slopes are available as habitat. Why does the incoming light make so much difference? It might seem that the simple answer would deal with the supply of light to drive photosynthesis, but two other factors are likely more important. The first is the seasonality of temperatures that favor growth. South‐facing aspects are warmer throughout the year, which might benefit some species in the spring and autumn. Incoming solar energy is a major driver of evaporation, and S‐facing aspects experience higher evaporative demands that may dry soils while soils on N‐facing aspects remain moist. The apparent dryness of S‐facing aspects is not a difference in precipitation inputs; the difference is in the drying effect of the extra radiation.

A bar chart depicts the daily amount of incoming sunlight depends on the aspect of a site.

      Source: Based on a spreadsheet by Nicholas Coops.

Photos depict the amount of incoming radiation received by a site depends not only on latitude, slope angle and aspect, but also on whether nearby hillsides block sunlight (left). The shading effects in a mountainous landscape in northern Idaho reduces incoming sunlight by only a few percent on south-facing slopes, but by an average of 30% on north-facing slopes.

      Source: Wei et al. 2018 / Elsevier).

Graphs depict the energy budget for a forest clearcut in Oregon, USA on a summer day is driven by incoming solar (shortwave) radiation.

      Source: data from Mike Newton and Liz Cole).

      Combining both shortwave and longwave budgets results in a large net gain of energy (14 MJ m−2) to the soil across 24 hours. What does a net gain of 14 MJ m−2 mean for the site? It's possible that the energy moves deeper into the soil, contributing to the gradual warming of the soil over the summer. Some of the energy also leaves the site in the form of heated air that moves away. If the soil is moist, a large amount of energy could go into evaporating water (a latent heat loss): 14 MJ m−2 could evaporate about 5 l of water, or 0.5 cm of water across 1 m2.

Graph depicts the temperature of the air in the forest in northern Arizona, USA, remained above -15 °C on a winter's night, compared with -30 °C in the meadow.