Applied Love. Alexander Koptyakov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Koptyakov
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 2021
isbn: 978-5-532-95459-5
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there is a connection in our minds of two points, which are already connected, without you and me. In this sense, the concrete philosophy, which describes the World better than anyone else, approaches the concept of "religion".

      Engineer: Personally, I can draw many lines through two points.

      Writer: But only one of them will be a straight line, a trajectory along which the light travels!

      Consultant: I'd rather stay on the philosophy floor. It is no longer as crowded as on the floors of methodology and science. In addition, the higher you are, as they say in our management, the less pressure on you from above! :) But I won't climb to the floor of religions. I'm afraid that at this altitude I may not have enough oxygen. In fact, historically, different peoples approached the ultimate foundations in different ways, so it turns out that there is nothing new – the same square, triangle, circle. You, the Writer, even though you say temptingly, that everything is simple and clear there, and the light in one straight line passes through two points. Well, do you at least admit that the light can be of different colors?

      Writer: My light definitely shines and warms me, I will not tell about others and I will not impose. Each lamb will be hung by its own tail. See you again, my friends!

      04 Knowledge and Faith

      Writer: Who wrote this?

      Engineer: I wrote this. This is the definition. You yourself said that no one understands what “love” is, and cannot express it in words if they ask what it is. I thought for a long time, found some elements, but finally the puzzle came together after reading the book you gave me.

      Consultant: Bravo! The best writers and philosophers of all times pounded their foreheads in an attempt to express what “love” is, and our Engineer thought and thought and gave a definition! By the way, what book did the Writer give you?

      Engineer: The Holy Bible. The Old Testament and the New Testament.

      Consultant: ?!

      Writer: What Gospel have you read in the New Testament? From Matthew, from Mark, from Luke, or from John. There, of course, all the books have the same story of Christ, but the first three were written independently for different communities: Matthew wrote for the Jews who believed in Christ, Mark wrote his Gospel for the Gentiles who believed in Christ, Luke has many historical details about the childhood of Jesus and his mother, Mary. And John wrote, knowing about the books already written, and his predecessors' stories are more supplemented than repeated.

      Engineer: I read everything. Old and New Testaments – from Genesis to the Apocalypse. I can’t read books differently. I always read it completely first in order to understand the boundaries: what is at stake and what is not in the book. And then I go back to the moments that were hooked.

      Writer: There are fifty books in the Old Testament, if you count non-canonical ones! I can't even believe that you have mastered everything.

      Engineer: It was difficult, I will not hide it. But it was precisely while gnawing through the stories of the Old Testament with me that an insight happened, as our Consultant says. Just don’t be offended, it’s you who go to Church, and I am a man of science, I love facts and cause-and-effect relationships. Let me tell you in order how I saw it.

      Consultant: It's getting more and more interesting!

      Writer: Calm down, let him tell us what he understood…

      Engineer: Let's start with the fact that laws are not invented, but discovered. The real laws, I mean, are related to the organization of the universe. Apples fell to the ground before Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, and will continue to fall. In any case, first some pattern is caught, a hypothesis is made, the collection of facts begins, the identification of cause-and-effect relationships, the hypothesis is corrected. And only then, when the facts obtained by scientific methods are not refuted by experiments, a law is postulated. And even in this case, the field of application can expand, and new experiments will lead to a new law, in relation to which the old law will be a special case, working on a partial subdomain – one of the projections of a more multifaceted reality.

      Consultant: Square, triangle, circle.

      Writer: Don't interrupt! Please continue.

      Engineer: It must be admitted that there are incidents in science. For example, the laws open to the microcosm do not work for the macrocosm and vice versa. String theory tries to combine the quantum mechanics of the microcosm and the general theory of relativity of the macrocosm, but we are already talking about at least ten dimensions of space-time.

      So back to the laws and the Bible. In the Old Testament there are ten commandments, read – laws. There are only two in the New Testament, but they replace the previous ten. What are these laws about? About social behavior. What to do and what not to do. At first I thought, "Isn't Moses taking on a lot?" – where did he get these ten laws, why exactly these. And so, reading one of the countless stories about who gave birth to whom, who went where, who exterminated whom, it dawned on me: “Jews are a unique people!” It is not known why, but from the very ancient times they began to write down everything that happened to their people. Methodically, meticulously, in detail. For many hundreds of years, they have been fixing the facts of the life of the Jewish people with perseverance, which would be the envy of laboratory assistants and sociologists. And it turns out, having such records, one could see social patterns unfolding over the centuries, which is absolutely impossible for one person to do, observing the facts only during his life, even having the stories of his parents, who, as a rule, are also rejected in the heat of youthful immense energy.

      Writer: This is how animals live. Instincts, copying of parents and own experience. It is confirmed that not only labor made a man out of a monkey, but also writing.

      Consultant: The son of Abraham was Isaac… :)

      Engineer: You're laughing in vain. When you have fourteen genera from Abraham to David, then fourteen genera from David to the migration to Babylon, and fourteen more genera from the migration to Babylon to Christ, and all the stories of each are described in detail, then you have such an array of data, such a Big Data that it is a matter of technology to bring out working social laws. I'll get better – social laws that work on the size of the population and on time intervals calculated in centuries. Although there may be exceptions when someone, for example, stole something and was never caught.

      Writer: It's a matter of planning horizon.

      Consultant: Wait, wait. So we can agree to the point that there is no Faith, but only there is knowledge and not yet open laws. The more I learn, the more the borderline with what I don't know. And if God is located in the area of faith, then by increasing knowledge, a person cognizes God.

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