Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis. Robert E. Blankenship. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert E. Blankenship
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119800118
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Level diagram typical of carotenoids.Figure 4.13 Structures of two of the most common bilins: phycocyanobilin and...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 One‐dimensional and three‐dimensional antenna organization models...Figure 5.2 Target model of photon absorption. The molecule presents an effec...Figure 5.3 The funnel concept in photosynthetic antennas. Sequential excitat...Figure 5.4 Energy transfer efficiency from fluorescence excitation measureme...Figure 5.5 Measurement of energy transfer efficiency in whole cells of the g...Figure 5.6 Schematic picture of the overlap factor J in the Förster theory. ...Figure 5.7 (a) Energy level diagram of a monomer and an exciton‐split dimer....Figure 5.8 Structure of the LH2 complex in Rhodopseudomonas acidophila. (a) ...Figure 5.9 Absorption spectra of LH1 plus reaction center and LH2 antenna co...Figure 5.10 Architecture of LH1–RC from Tch. tepidum at a resolution of 1.9 ...Figure 5.11 Structure of the photosynthetic membrane of Rhodobacter sphaeroi...Figure 5.12 Schematic picture of energy transfer kinetics and pathways in th...Figure 5.13 Structure of the LHCII antenna complex of pea. The monomeric com...Figure 5.14 (Panel a) Schematic model of phycobilisome structure.Surface...Figure 5.15 Structure of the phycobilisome from the red alga Porphyridium pu...Figure 5.16 Structure of C‐phycocyanin from the cyanobacterium Thermosynecho...Figure 5.17 Structure of the peridinin–chlorophyll protein from the dinoflag...Figure 5.18 Schematic models of chlorosomes from (a) filamentous anoxygenic ...Figure 5.19 Structure of the trimeric Fenna–Matthews–Olson protein from Pros...Figure 5.20 Movement of LHCII during state transitions. LHCII phosphorylatio...Figure 5.21 The xanthophyll cycle. Epoxidase and de‐epoxidase enzymes interc...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Schematic model of a purple bacterial chromatophore from Rhodobac...Figure 6.2 Structure of the LMHC reaction center complex from Blastochloris ...Figure 6.3 Energy‐kinetic diagram describing the energetics and reaction tim...Figure 6.4 Potential energy diagrams for electron transfer reactions accordi...Figure 6.5 (a) Structures of quinones found in various photosynthetic reacti...Figure 6.6 The quinone reaction cycle in bacterial reaction centers. QB is r...Figure 6.7 Pathway of H+ uptake in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The solid line i...Figure 6.8 (a) Absorption spectrum of oxidized (dashed line) and reduced (so...Figure 6.9 Structure of cytochrome c2 from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The axia...Figure 6.10 Structure of the cytochrome bc1 complex from Rhodobacter sphaero...Figure 6.11 Schematic structure of the cytochrome bc1 complex from purple ba...Figure 6.12 Structure of the Fe–S cofactors in various Fe–S proteins. Top: 2...Figure 6.13 Alternate pathways for electron flow in purple photosynthetic ba...Figure 6.14 Pathway of electron transfer in the filamentous anoxygenic bacte...Figure 6.15 Structure of the reaction center and alternative complex III fro...Figure 6.16 Cryo‐EM structure of the homodimeric green sulfur bacterial reac...Figure 6.17 Structure of the homodimeric photosystem from Heliobacterium mod...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Lateral heterogeneity of protein complexes in stacked and unstack...Figure 7.2 The overall architecture of the C2S2M2L2 and C2S2 PSII–LHCII supe...Figure 7.3 Structure of Photosystem II from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Figure 7.4 Structure of the cofactors in the Photosystem II reaction center ...Figure 7.5 (a) Pattern of oxygen evolution in flashing Light. (b) Kok S stat...Figure 7.6 Structure of the oxygen‐evolving complex (OEC), as determined by ...Figure 7.7 Two proposed mechanisms for the formation of O2 from the state S4Figure 7.8 Structure of the dimeric cytochrome b6f complex from the cyanobac...Figure 7.9 Structure of plastocyanin from poplar. The Cu ion and its ligands...Figure 7.10 Structure of Photosystem I reaction center complex from the ther...Figure 7.11 Structural model of the pathway for light‐induced electron trans...Figure 7.12 Structure of monomeric Photosystem I from pea. Left. View from t...Figure 7.13 Energy‐kinetic diagram of photochemistry and early electron tran...Figure 7.14 The structure of NADP. The redox changes are localized to the ni...Figure 7.15 Structure of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), the cofactor for...Figure 7.16 Structure of a complex between ferredoxin (Fd) and ferredoxin‐NA...Figure 7.17 Roles of reduced ferredoxin (Fd) in various cellular processes. ...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Chemical structure of ATP. The structures of ADP and AMP are shor...Figure 8.2 Acid–base phosphorylation experiment carried out by Jagendorf and...Figure 8.3 Schematic picture of a membrane‐enclosed vesicle and the proton m...Figure 8.4 Structure of the chloroplast ATP synthase enzyme. Subunits α and ...Figure 8.5 Structure of the Fo portion of the F1Fo ATP synthase enzyme from ...Figure 8.6 Experiment demonstrating that the ATPase is a rotary motor. The FFigure 8.7 Binding change mechanism of ATP synthesis proposed by Boyer. The ...Figure 8.8 Proposed pathway of proton translocation through the Fo portion o...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Lollipop apparatus used by Melvin Calvin and Andrew Benson in stu...Figure 9.2 Autoradiograms of two‐dimensional paper chromatograms used by Cal...Figure 9.3 Three stages of the Calvin–Benson cycle: carboxylation, reduction...Figure 9.4 Calvin–Benson cycle for reduction of CO2 in photosynthesis. The i...Figure 9.5 Structure of spinach rubisco. (a) Model of the L8S8 active comple...Figure 9.6 Chemical steps of carboxylation in rubisco. RuBP binds to the act...Figure 9.7 Carbamylation of lysine in rubisco. A CO2 molecule reacts with th...Figure 9.8 Carboxylation and oxygenation reactions of rubisco. RuBP reacts w...Figure 9.9 Reduction phase of the Calvin–Benson cycle. PGA is phosphorylated...Figure 9.10 Thioredoxin‐mediated redox control of enzyme activity. Ferredoxi...Figure 9.11 Photorespiratory cycle. The 2‐phosphoglycolate formed in the oxy...Figure 9.12 Anatomical differences between C3 and C4 plants. (a) A C4 plant,...Figure 9.13 C4 pathway found in the NADP‐malic enzyme type of C4 photosynthe...Figure 9.14 Crassulacean acid metabolism avoids water loss by temporally sep...Figure 9.15 Schematic picture of the carbon‐concentrating mechanism found in...Figure 9.16 Carboxysome structure and function. Left: Schematic model of car...Figure 9.17 Starch and sucrose synthesis reactions provide for long‐term sto...Figure 9.18 Alternative CO2 fixation pathways in anoxygenic phototrophs. (a)...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 The photosynthesis gene cluster from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Ge...Figure 10.2 A working model for the import of proteins into chloroplasts. Pr...Figure 10.3 A model for the routing of lumenal targeted proteins and thylako...Figure 10.4 Origin of the major proteins of the photosynthetic apparatus in ...Figure 10.5 Scheme describing the assembly of Photosystem II in cyanobacteri...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction transients of a pea leaf (k...Figure 11.2 Fluorescence measurements illustrate the induction of nonphotoch...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Schematic picture of the origin and early evolution of life. The...Figure 12.2 An alternative picture of the tree of life, incorporating massiv...Figure 12.3 The composition of the Earth's atmosphere as a function of geolo...Figure 12.4 Proposed primitive reaction centers. (a) A possible very primiti...Figure 12.5 Evolution of metabolic pathways. (a) Retrograde hypothesis of Ho...Figure 12.6 Ring reduction steps of the biosynthetic pathway for chlorophyll...Figure 12.7 Chemistry and structure of the light‐independent protochlorophyl...Figure 12.8 Electron transport diagrams for anoxygenic (left and right sides...Figure 12.9 Scenario for the evolutionary development of reaction centers fr...Figure 12.10 Structural relationships among photosynthetic reaction centers....Figure 12.11 Membrane topology diagram describing the arrangement of the tra...Figure 12.12 Proposals regarding the evolutionary development of organisms w...Figure 12.13 Chemical structures of chlorophyll a, bacteriochlorophyll a, 3‐...Figure 12.14 Evolutionary scenario for the conversion of the reaction center...Figure 12.15 Evolutionary scenario for the development of the LHC class of a...Figure 12.16 Evolutionary processes involving phycobilisome antennas and LHC...Figure 12.17 Secondary endosymbiotic origin of algae. The primary endosymbio...

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Sources of energy used on Earth from 1994 till 2019. Vertical ax...Figure 13.2 Diurnal cycle of light intensity (colored red) and modeled rate ...Figure 13.3 Concept of reduction of antenna size as a way to increase the ef...Figure 13.4 Molecular triad for artificial photosynthesis. (a) Structure of ...Figure 13.5 Artificial antenna complex, consisting of anthracene derivatives...Figure 13.6 Schematic diagram of an artificial leaf. The water‐splitting