Nano-Technological Intervention in Agricultural Productivity. Javid A. Parray. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Javid A. Parray
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119714866
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       Javid A. Parray

       Department of Higher EducationGovernment Degree College EidgahSrinagar, India

       Mohammad Yaseen Mir

       Department of School EducationUniversity of KashmirSrinagar, India

       Nowsheen Shameem

       Department of Environmental ScienceCluster University SrinagarJammu and Kashmir, India

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      Dr. Javid A. Parray, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Higher Education Department at the Government Degree College Eidgah, Srinagar, India, where he teaches the subject of environmental science. He has published many research articles in reputable refereed international and national journals. He had authored books on different themes, including Approaches to Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants; Sustainable Agriculture: Biotechniques in Plant Biology; and Sustainable Agriculture: Advances in Plant Metabolome and Microbiome, soil bioremediation, climate change and microbes, etc. He was awarded the ‘Scientist of the Year Award’ by the Indian Academy of Environmental Science for the year 2015 in addition to being awarded with an international travel grant for participating in international conferences. He is currently the editor and reviewer of many reputed journals. He is also the founder of Academy of Ecoscience. Dr. Parray completed a fast‐track project entitled ‘Molecular characterization and metabolic potential of rhizospheric bacteria from Arnebia benthamii across North Western Himalaya’ at CORD, University of Kashmir, India. He finished his postdoctoral research associateship on a DBT‐funded project entitled ‘Tissue culture‐based network programme on saffron’. He earned a PhD degree in environmental science with a specialization in plant microbe interactions on the topic ‘Evaluating role of rhizospheric bacteria in saffron culture’ from the University of Kashmir, India. Dr. Parray is also the subject course coordinator for Environmental Science Approved CEC‐Moocs by MHRD, Government of India, New Delhi.

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      Dr. Nowsheen Shameem (M.Phil, Ph.D) is currently working as an Assistant Professor (CL) in the Department of Environmental Science at Cluster University Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. She did her doctorate (PhD) from the University of Kashmir on nutraceutical value of wild mushrooms growing in Kashmir valley in the year 2017. She has research expertise in microbial biotechnology, plant bioactivity and biotechnology, medicinal chemistry, and plant microbe interactions. She published many research articles in reputed, referred international and national journals such as Springer, Elsevier, and Hindawi. She has also authored many books on themes such as fresh water microbiology, plant biotechniques, advances in plant metabolome and microbiome, and climate changes and microbes. She is also the recipient of the Junior Scientist of the Year award by the International Foundation for Environment & Ecology.