The Greatest Works of Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Aleister Crowley
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066499846
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upon the Wheel; the hands of the hangman have bound her unto it.

      43. The fountains of water have been loosed upon her; she hath struggled with exceeding torment.

      44. She hath burst in sunder with the weight of the waters; she hath sunk into the awful Sea.

      45. So am I, O Adonai, my lord, and such are the waters of Thine intolerable Essence.

      46. So am I, O Adonai, my beloved, and Thou hast burst me utterly in sunder.

      47. I am shed out like spilt blood upon the mountains; the Ravens of Dispersion have borne me utterly away.

      48. Therefore is the seal unloosed, that guarded the Eighth abyss; therefore is the vast sea as a veil; therefore is there a rending asunder of all things.

      49. Yea, also verily Thou art the cool still water of the wizard fount. I have bathed in Thee, and lost me in Thy stillness.

      50. That which went in as a brave boy of beautiful limbs cometh forth as a maiden, as a little child for perfection.

      51. O Thou light and delight, ravish me away into the milky ocean of the stars!

      52. O Thou Son of a light-transcending mother, blessed be Thy name, and the Name of Thy Name, throughout the ages!

      53. Behold! I am a butterfly at the Source of Creation; let me die before the hour, falling dead into Thine infinite stream!

      54. Also the stream of the stars floweth ever majestical unto the Abode; bear me away upon the Bosom of Nuit!

      55. This is the world of the waters of Maim; this is the bitter water that becometh sweet. Thou art beautiful and bitter, O golden one, O my Lord Adonai, O thou Abyss of Sapphire!

      56. I follow Thee, and the waters of Death fight strenuously against me. I pass unto the Waters beyond Death and beyond Life.

      57. How shall I answer the foolish man? In no way shall he come to the Identity of Thee!

      58. But I am the Fool that heedeth not the Play of the Magician. Me doth the Woman of the Mysteries instruct in vain; I have burst the bonds of Love and of Power and of Worship.

      59. Therefore is the Eagle made one with the Man, and the gallows of infamy dance with the fruit of the just.

      60. I have descended, O my darling, into the black shining waters, and I have plucked Thee forth as a black pearl of infinite preciousness.

      61. I have gone down, O my God, into the abyss of the all, and I have found Thee in the midst under the guise of No Thing.

      62. But as Thou art the Last, Thou art also the Next, and as the Next do I reveal Thee to the multitude.

      63. They that ever desired Thee shall obtain Thee, even at the End of their Desire.

      64. Glorious, glorious, glorious art Thou, O my lover supernal, O Self of myself.

      65. For I have found Thee alike in the Me and the Thee; there is no difference, O my beautiful, my desirable One! In the One and the Many have I found Thee; yea, I have found Thee.


       Table of Contents

      1. O crystal heart! I the Serpent clasp Thee; I drive home mine head into the central core of Thee, O God my beloved.

      2. Even as on the resounding wind-swept heights of Mitylene some god-like woman casts aside the lyre, and with her locks aflame as an aureole, plunges into the wet heart of the creation, so I, O Lord my God!

      3. There is a beauty unspeakable in this heart of corruption, where the flowers are aflame.

      4. Ah me! but the thirst of Thy joy parches up this throat, so that I cannot sing.

      5. I will make me a little boat of my tongue, and explore the unknown rivers. It may be that the everlasting salt may turn to sweetness, and that my life may be no longer athirst.

      6. O ye that drink of the brine of your desire, ye are nigh to madness! Your torture increaseth as ye drink, yet still ye drink. Come up through the creeks to the fresh water; I shall be waiting for you with my kisses.

      7. As the bezoar-stone that is found in the belly of the cow, so is my lover among lovers.

      8. O honey boy! Bring me Thy cool limbs hither! Let us sit awhile in the orchard, until the sun go down! Let us feast on the cool grass! Bring wine, ye slaves, that the cheeks of my boy may flush red.

      9. In the garden of immortal kisses, O thou brilliant One, shine forth! Make Thy mouth an opium-poppy, that one kiss is the key to the infinite sleep and lucid, the sleep of Shi-loh-am.

      10. In my sleep I beheld the Universe like a clear crystal without one speck.

      11. There are purse-proud penniless ones that stand at the door of the tavern and prate of their feats of wine-bibbing.

      12. There are purse-proud penniless ones that stand at the door of the tavern and revile the guests.

      13. The guests dally upon couches of mother-of-pearl in the garden; the noise of the foolish men is hidden from them.

      14. Only the inn-keeper feareth lest the favour of the king be withdrawn from him.

      15. Thus spake the Magister V.V.V.V.V. unto Adonai his God, as they played together in the starlight over against the deep black pool that is in the Holy Place of the Holy House beneath the Altar of the Holiest One.

      16. But Adonai laughed, and played more languidly.

      17. Then the scribe took note, and was glad. But Adonai had no fear of the Magician and his play. For it was Adonai who had taught all his tricks to the Magician.

      18. And the Magister entered into the play of the Magician. When the Magician laughed he laughed; all as a man should do.

      19. And Adonai said: Thou art enmeshed in the web of the Magician. This He said subtly, to try him.

      20. But the Magister gave the sign of the Magistry, and laughed back on Him: O Lord, O beloved, did these fingers relax on Thy curls, or these eyes turn away from Thine eye?

      21. And Adonai delighted in him exceedingly.

      22. Yea, O my master, thou art the beloved of the Beloved One; the Bennu Bird is set up in Philæ not in vain.

      23. I who was the priestess of Ahathoor rejoice in your love. Arise, O Nile-God, and devour the holy place of the Cow of Heaven! Let the milk of the stars be drunk up by Sebek the dweller of Nile!

      24. Arise, O serpent Apep, Thou art Adonai the beloved one! Thou art my darling and my lord, and Thy poison is sweeter than the kisses of Isis the mother of the Gods!

      25. For Thou art He! Yea, Thou shalt swallow up Asi and Asar, and the children of Ptah. Thou shalt pour forth a flood of poison to destroy the works of the Magician. Only the Destroyer shall devour Thee; Thou shalt blacken his throat, wherein his spirit abideth. Ah, serpent Apep, but I love Thee!

      26. My God! Let Thy secret fang pierce to the marrow of the little secret bone that I have kept against the Day of Vengeance of Hoor-Ra. Let Kheph-Ra sound his sharded drone! let the jackals of Day and Night howl in the wilderness of Time! let the Towers of the Universe totter, and the guardians hasten away! For my Lord hath revealed Himself as a mighty serpent, and my heart is the blood of His body.

      27. I am like a love-sick courtesan of Corinth. I have toyed with kings and captains, and made them my slaves. To-day I am the slave of the little asp of death; and who shall loosen our love?

      28. Weary, weary! saith the scribe, who shall lead me to the sight of the Rapture of my master?

      29. The body is weary and the soul is sore weary and sleep weighs down their eyelids; yet ever abides the sure consciousness of ecstacy, unknown, yet known in that its being is certain. O Lord, be my helper, and bring me to the bliss of the Beloved!
