Сборник лучших английских сказок. Уровень 1. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: Издательство АСТ
Серия: Легко читаем по-английски
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 2021
isbn: 978-5-17-138205-6
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come to your window every morning and take the flax and bring it ready at night.”

      “What do you want for that?” says she.

      He said, “I’ll give you three guesses every night to guess my name, and if you don’t guess it before the end of the month, you will be mine[103].”

      “Well,” she thought, “I’ll guess his name for sure[104]”. “All right,” says she, “I agree.”

      The next day, her husband took her into the room, and there was the flax and her food.

      “This is the flax,” says he, “and if you don’t spin it this night, you’ll lose your head.” And then he went out and locked the door.

      So the girl heard a knock near the window. She stood up and opened it, and there was the little old impet.

      “Where’s the flax?” says he.

      “Here it is,” says she. And she gave it to him.

      When the evening came, the knock came again to the window. The girl stood up and opened it, and there was the little old impet with five skeins of flax on his arm.

      “Here it is,” says he, and he gave it to her.

      “Now, what’s my name?” says he.

      “Is that Bill?” says she.

      “No, it isn’t!” says he, and he twirled his tail.

      “Is that Ned?” says she.

      “No, it isn’t!” says he, and he twirled his tail.

      “Well, is that Mark?” says she.

      “No, it isn’t!” says he, and he twirled his tail harder and flew away.

      When her husband came in, there were the five skeins ready for him. “Well, I shan’t[105] kill you tonight, my dear,” says he; “you’ll have your food and your flax in the morning,” says he and goes away.

      Every day he brought the flax and the food, and every day that little black impet came mornings and evenings. And all the day the girl was trying to guess his name in order to[106] say it when the impet came at night. But she did not say the right name. By the end of the month, the impet began to look very angrily, and twirled his tail faster and faster.

      Finally, the last day came. The impet came at night with the five skeins and said:

      “Do you know my name?”

      “Is that Nicodemus[107]?” says she.

      “No, it isn’t,” he says.

      “Is that Sammle[108]?” says she.

      “No, it isn’t,” he says.

      “Is that Methusalem[109]?” says she.

      “No, no, no!” he says.

      Then he looks at her and says: “Woman, there’s only tomorrow night, and then you’ll be mine!” And he flew away.

      She was very afraid. But the king came. When he sees the five skeins, he says:

      “Well, my dear, if I see the skeins ready tomorrow night, I shan’t kill you. And I’ll have supper here.” So he brought supper and another stool for him, and they sat down.

      Suddenly, he stops and begins to laugh.

      “What’s up?[110]“ says she.

      “Oh,” says he, “I was hunting today, and I went very far in the wood. And I heard a song. So I got off[111] my horse, and I went forward. I saw a funny little black man. He had a little spinning-wheel, and he was spinning wonderfully fast, and he was twirling his tail. And he was singing:

      “Nimmy nimmy not,

      My name’s Tom Tit Tot.”

      When the girl heard this, she became very happy, but she didn’t say a word.

      Next day, that little impet looked very maliceful when he came for the flax. And when the night came, she heard the knock. She opened the window, and the impet came into the room. He was grinning, and his tail was twirling very fast.

      “What’s my name?” he asked when he was giving her the skeins.

      “Is that Solomon[112]?” she says.

      “No, it isn’t,” he said and came further into the room.

      “Well, is that Zebedee[113]?” says she again.

      “No, it isn’t,” says the impet. And then he laughed and twirled his tail like a wheel.

      “Take time[114], woman,” he says, “next guess, and you’re mine.” And he lifted his black hands.

      The girl smiled and said:



      When the impet heard her, he cried awfully and flew away into the dark, and she never saw him any more.


      1. Выберите правильный вариант:

      1. The woman lies to the king; she tells him that her daughter can spin five skeins.

      2. The woman lies to the king; she tells him that her daughter can spin three skeins.

      3. The woman lies to the king; she tells him that her daughter can spin six skeins.

      4. The woman lies to the king; she tells him that her daughter can spin two skeins.

      2. Where does the king shut the girl?

      1. The king shuts the girl in a castle with no food.

      2. The king shuts the girl in a room with impets.

      3. The king shuts the girl in a castle room with a spinning wheel.

      4. The king shuts the girl in a basement with ugly rats.

      3. What is an impet?

      1. a noble man

      2. an animal

      3. a big bird

      4. a small demon

      4. Why does the girl agree to marry the king?

      1. Because she knows how to spin.

      2. Because she does not need her head.

      3. Because she thinks that he will forget about his promise.

      4. Because she has nobody to marry.

      5. What is a skein?

      1. a machine for spinning

      2. a length of yarn or thread in a loose coil

      3. a round piece of wool

      4. silk bobbin

      6. What is Tom Tit Tot’s payment?

      1. three jars of gold

      2. the girl herself

      3. the pies

      4. the kingdom

      7. Выберите правильный вариант:

      1. The king helped his wife to spin.

      2. The


you will be mine – ты будешь моею


for sure – наверняка


shan’t = shall not


in order to – чтобы


Nicodemus – Никодим


Sammle – Сэммл


Methusalem – Мафусаил


What’s up? – В чём дело?


I got off – я слез


Solomon – Соломон


Zebedee – Зеведей


Take time – Не торопись