Women, Biomedical Research and Art. Ninette Rothmüller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ninette Rothmüller
Издательство: Bookwire
Серия: promotion
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783847417477
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      promotion 11

      The dissertation prize is awarded by Verlag Barbara Budrich

      Members of the jury of experts:

      Prof. Dr. Jörg Blasius, Universität Bonn

      Prof. Dr. Ralf Bohnsack, FU Berlin

      Prof. Dr. Sabine Hering, Universität Siegen

      Prof. Dr. Heinz-Hermann Krüger, Universität Halle-Wittenberg

      Prof. Dr. Ilse Lenz, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

      Prof. Dr. Uwe Schimank, Universität Bremen

      Prof. Dr. Gary Schaal, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg

      Prof. Dr. Sigrid Tschöpe-Scheffler, TH Köln

Ninette Rothmüller

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      © 2021 by Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH, Opladen, Berlin & Toronto www.budrich.eu

      ISBN 978-3-8474-2439-0

      eISBN 978-3-8474-1574-9 (PDF)

      eISBN 978-3-8474-1747-7 (ePub)

      DOI 10.3224/84742439

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      Die Deutsche Bibliothek – CIP-Einheitsaufnahme

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      Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH

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      Jacket illustration by Bettina Lehfeldt, Kleinmachnow, Germany – www.lehfeldtgraphic.de Cover image: Copyright VG Bildkunst and Bea Emsbach Typesetting and Technical editing by Anja Borkam, Jena, Germany – [email protected] Printed in Europe on acid-free paper by docupoint GmbH, Barleben, Germany

      Table of Contents


       1 Prologue

       1.1 Introduction

       1.1.1 Research Leading to this Study

       1.1.2 Embedding the Research in Pedagogy

       1.1.3 Content of Chapters

       2 On the Matrix of this Study OR How to Soar

       2.1 On the Interest in Messiness and Inclusion

       2.2 Body/Körper and Leib – an Attempt to Define Relationality through Translation, Time, and Meaning

       2.2.1 An Introduction to Spaces of Public Reflections: On Erasing and Connecting “Semi-real” Bodies

       2.2.2 On the Interface of Body/Körper and Leib – the Significance of Translations and Relationality between Experience and Language

       2.3 Body/Körper and Leib – Historical Connections – Philosophical and Religious Framings

       2.3.1 On the Interface of Body, Leib and Körper – Phenomenology and Post- structural Thoughts

       2.4 Body/Körper and Leib – Theory and its Application

       2.4.1 On the Entwinement of Body/Körper and Leib

       2.5 Leib Confrontations

       3 The Methodological Conceptualization of the Project

       3.1 The Pre-study

       3.2 The Multi-Sited Characteristics of this Study

       3.2.1 Germany and the UK as Geographical, Political, Legal, Social, and Cultural Research Sites

       3.2.2 Sites of Technological Intersections

       3.2.3 Sites of Transdisciplinarity

       3.3 Fieldwork

       3.3.1 Feminist Ways of Knowing

       3.3.2 Locating Visuals in the Field and Social Science Research

       3.3.3 Carrying out Conversations

       3.3.4 On the Shift to Talking of Conversations instead of Interviews and on the Role of Both Conversation Partners

       3.3.5 Incorporating Texts in Fieldwork

       3.4 Analysis/Writing

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