Arsene Lupin. Морис Леблан. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Морис Леблан
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378079369
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      "In a very simple manner: because of the works which he had to execute to take away the chapel."

      "Come, come, M. Beautrelet, you're exaggerating. He has not taken away the whole chapel. Look, not one of the stones of this top course has been touched."

      "Obviously, he cast and took away only what had a financial value: the wrought stones, the sculptures, the statuettes, the whole treasure of little columns and carved arches. He did not trouble about the groundwork of the building itself. The foundations remain."

      "Therefore, M. Beautrelet, Lupin was not able to make his way into the crypt."

      At that moment, M. de Gesvres, who had been to call a servant, returned with the key of the chapel. He opened the door. The three men entered. After a short examination Beautrelet said:

      "The flag-stones on the ground have been respected, as one might expect. But it is easy to perceive that the high altar is nothing more than a cast. Now, generally, the staircase leading to the crypt opens in front of the high altar and passes under it."

      "What do you conclude?"

      "I conclude that Lupin discovered the crypt when working at the altar."

      The count sent for a pickaxe and Beautrelet attacked the altar. The plaster flew to right and left. He pushed the pieces aside as he went on.

      "By Jove!" muttered M. Filleul, "I am eager to know—"

      "So am I," said Beautrelet, whose face was pale with anguish.

      He hurried his blows. And, suddenly, his pickaxe, which, until then, had encountered no resistance, struck against a harder material and rebounded. There was a sound of something falling in; and all that remained of the altar went tumbling into the gap after the block of stone which had been struck by the pickaxe. Beautrelet bent forward. A puff of cold air rose to his face. He lit a match and moved it from side to side over the gap:

      "The staircase begins farther forward than I expected, under the entrance-flags, almost. I can see the last steps, there, right at the bottom."

      "Is it deep?"

      "Three or four yards. The steps are very high—and there are some missing."

      "It is hardly likely," said M. Filleul, "that the accomplices can have had time to remove the body from the cellar, when they were engaged in carrying off Mlle. de Saint-Veran—during the short absence of the gendarmes. Besides, why should they?—No, in my opinion, the body is here."

      A servant brought them a ladder. Beautrelet let it down through the opening and fixed it, after groping among the fallen fragments. Holding the two uprights firmly:

      "Will you go down, M. Filleul?" he asked.

      The magistrate, holding a candle in his hand, ventured down the ladder. The Comte de Gesvres followed him and Beautrelet, in his turn, placed his foot on the first rung.

      Mechanically, he counted eighteen rungs, while his eyes examined the crypt, where the glimmer of the candle struggled against the heavy darkness. But, at the bottom, his nostrils were assailed by one of those foul and violent smells which linger m the memory for many a long day. And, suddenly, a trembling hand seized him by the shoulder.

      "Well, what is it?"

      "B-beautrelet," stammered M. Filleul. "B-beau-trelet—"

      He could not get a word out for terror.

      "Come, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction, compose yourself!"

      "Beautrelet—he is there—"


      "Yes-there was something under the big stone that broke off the altar—I pushed the stone—and I touched—I shall never—shall never forget.—"

      "Where is it?"

      "On this side.—Don't you notice the smell?—And then look—see."

      He took the candle and held it towards a motionless form stretched upon the ground.

      "Oh!" exclaimed Beautrelet, in a horror-stricken tone.

      The three men bent down quickly. The corpse lay half-naked, lean, frightful. The flesh, which had the greenish hue of soft wax, appeared in places through the torn clothes. But the most hideous thing, the thing that had drawn a cry of terror from the young man's lips, was the head, the head which had just been crushed by the block of stone, the shapeless head, a repulsive mass in which not one feature could be distinguished.

      Beautrelet took four strides up the ladder and fled into the daylight and the open air.

      M. Filleul found him again lying flat on the around, with his hands glued to his face:

      "I congratulate you, Beautrelet," he said. "In addition to the discovery of the hiding-place, there are two points on which I have been able to verify the correctness of your assertions. First of all, the man on whom Mlle. de Saint-Veran fired was indeed Arsene Lupin, as you said from the start. Also, he lived in Paris under the name of Etienne de Vaudreix. His linen is marked with the initials E. V. That ought to be sufficient proof, I think: don't you?"

      Isidore did not stir.

      "Monsieur le Comte has gone to have a horse put to. They're sending for Dr. Jouet, who will make the usual examination. In my opinion, death must have taken place a week ago, at least. The state of decomposition of the corpse—but you don't seem to be listening—"

      "Yes, yes."

      "What I say is based upon absolute reasons. Thus, for instance—"

      M. Filleul continued his demonstrations, with-out, however, obtaining any more manifest marks of attention. But M. de Gesvres's return interrupted his monologue. The comte brought two letters. One was to tell him that Holmlock Shears would arrive next morning.

      "Capital!" cried M. Filleul, joyfully. "Inspector Ganimard will be here too. It will be delightful."

      "The other letter is for you, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction," said the comte.

      "Better and better," said M. Filleul, after reading it. "There will certainly not be much for those two gentlemen to do. M. Beautrelet, I hear from Dieppe that the body of a young woman was found by some shrimpers, this morning, on the rocks."

      Beautrelet gave a start:

      "What's that? The body—"

      "Of a young woman.—The body is horribly mutilated, they say, and it would be impossible to establish the identity, but for a very narrow little gold curb-bracelet on the right arm which has become encrusted in the swollen skin. Now Mlle. de Saint-Veran used to wear a gold curb-bracelet on her right arm. Evidently, therefore, Monsieur le Comte, this is the body of your poor niece, which the sea must have washed to that distance. What do you think, Beautrelet?"

      "Nothing—nothing—or, rather, yes—everything is connected, as you see—and there is no link missing in my argument. All the facts, one after the other, however contradictory, however disconcerting they may appear, end by support-the supposition which I imagined from the first."

      "I don't understand."

      "You soon will. Remember, I promised you the whole truth."

      "But it seems to me—"

      "A little patience, Monsieur le Juge d'Instruction. So far, you have had no cause to complain of me. It is a fine day. Go for a walk, lunch at the chateau, smoke your pipe. I shall be back by four o'clock. As for my school, well, I don't care: I shall take the night train."

      They had reached the out-houses at the back of the chateau. Beautrelet jumped on his bicycle and rode away.

      At Dieppe, he stopped at the office of the local paper, the Vigie, and examined the file for the last fortnight. Then he went on to the market-town of Envermeu, six or seven miles farther. At Envermeu, he talked to the mayor, the rector and the local policeman. The church- clock struck three. His inquiry was finished.

      He returned singing for joy. He pressed