The planet of biorobots?. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005388483
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it to the fact that all your friends, with whom you recently were friends and socialized, as a rule, as a rule, like you from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family. So-called friends and acquaintances from the so-called prosperous families at a certain age stage have «dropped out» of you.

      Regarding power structures, one can call infantile one who, working there, believes in communication and in the help of «friends» if he breaks the law, as well as someone who believes that his colleagues next to him will not «surrender him, if he will commit unlawful acts in their presence.

      Have you ever seen a young, recently recruited senior lieutenant of law enforcement agencies as chief and commander of lieutenant colonels and majors, have you ever seen a young manager at an enterprise commanding people of pre – retirement age, or have you never heard of this? Then you are probably a person with a free profession or you do not have enough life experience.

      Lyrics: I was surprised by playing the «strategy», which indicated that it’s cheaper for your state’s budget to create a police force than to invest in increasing the living standards of your state’s population. The conclusion is that in some "shooters" special forces advise programmers, in some «strategies» of politics.

      The higher the standard of living of people, the safer the situation, the criminalization of the population depends on the standard of living? Shuffle the scientific, global and everyday and get the domestic scientific, since scientists are far from everyday and everything is dedicated only to the global, so do you need to do this yourself? Is classical psychology the foundation upon which much more can be built on? When you give advice in the field of psychology, without life experience and having never been anywhere, do you give advice that is divorced from reality? It used to be simple, if you want to be in psychological comfort – conquer someone, make slaves of them, and you are in psychological comfort, you don’t need to work, slaves will do the work, will you develop creative abilities or do science at this time? What should I do if I’m used to everything that slaves did, but they’re gone, and you have to work hard physical work instead, go after antidepressants or psychotherapeutic sessions, or look for slaves again? People constantly have to get out, and so some of those who need slaves now enslave not with conventional weapons, but with psychological weapons? An important component of a healthy life is good mental health, good according to generally accepted standards? The medical board didn’t go to the police, they didn’t take you there, connected their relatives, they helped to get the medical board, they took you to the police, and after a year you were killed at work by those who are called bandits, but if you hadn’t taken, would you be alive? Everything is relative – everything that is perceived as a failure in the present can be good luck in the future and vice versa? Is everything that happens – a pre-programmed program or a program in each in the form of instincts and DNA, and do you realize these instincts already autonomously? Higher powers do not want everyone to be afraid of everything, do they need everyone to not be afraid to fulfill their needs, otherwise they simply turn off the one who is afraid of everything (suicide) and does not implement the programs prescribed for him, or is he in for an uncomfortable psychological state (depression)? An uncomfortable psychological state is a side effect caused by the refusal to fulfill what is prescribed in the program of human behavior by higher forces, or what people themselves prescribed in someone, as in the story «Hot Stone», whose author Arkady Gaidar? Are suicides and depressions more likely in people in prison than in people who are free, since there is no way to realize most of their needs? Are there countries that are considered rich, in which prisons are closed, since there is no one to sit in them, most of the people want to go to these countries, since it is in them that you can realize your maximum needs, will there be material resources for this? What is called mentality and culture is formed primarily from the standard of living, the richer the country, the more different is what is called the mentality and culture of people from others? In whose person can anyone take revenge on someone for their failures, or rather, for what is considered to be failures? How to make good from a country that is considered rich, evil, remove expensive food, sex and other joys of life from his diet that he is used to and which he has in abundance? A person can be programmed as you wish, educating him from childhood, he can be brave depending on his environment (if he is beaten and programmed for failure) or courageous, he can also be educated with fears of any social group, society, country and etc., for example, in ancient times, some were afraid of those who are now called scientists, they were brought up by the rulers of that time, the scientist and his actions were illegal, were they bandits? Advocacy radio and television shows – those who are used to the good, will protect their lifestyle in any way? Only criticism and propaganda, but no one is in a hurry to give money for the elimination of the problems discussed, is it cheaper to pay those who are called propagandists than to distribute wealth to the entire population? Throughout history, some have exploited strangers, and if they were not and are not, then their own, or is it not? I’m punk, I’m a thief, I’m a scientist, I’m a politician, I’m rich, I’m cool, I’m looking for something to «boot up» with him, and it doesn’t matter what kind of download is considered primitive or progressive? A man cannot, like an animal, only eat, sleep and follow instincts without software (ideological vacuum) – does the self-destruction program work or does a bad mood appear? Stability or the path to the unknown – as long as some hold on to stability, some realize their dreams? What is the difference between such people as, for example, software engineers, from other people, they are, so to speak, unsuspected, they «do not hear» and «do not see» information that is unnecessary for them and they do it on an unconscious level, but to us, ordinary people, in order to be in a stable mental state, you have to say to yourself: «Listen to yourself, the rest are nonsense»? They say on TV that two 15-year-old girls jumped from a high-rise building and crashed after their musical idol did the same? Do not forget that the human brain is a plastic material from which you can fashion anything, and a child is generally a blank sheet? Anyone, regardless of his psychogenetic heredity, can make anyone who is called bold or cowardly? Some of the category of young people, and therefore of the so-called very suggestible, committed suicide after their idols committed suicide? To what is called alcohol and drugs, he will never be addicted, no matter how trivial it sounds, proud, even if, as they say, pour vodka into it every day, the conclusion is that alcoholism needs a certain personality warehouse, which, apart from alcohol Doesn’t get other pleasures? There are videos on the Internet where, allegedly, the grandson of a wealthy grandfather, a businessman, offers for money those who are called homeless and alcoholics, drink his urine and they drink, they have no pride, but the grandson, not having enough life experience, comes up with a proposal to drink for money, urine him in a guy sitting on a bench who is not a homeless person or an alcoholic, and he punches the grandson of a wealthy businessman-grandfather with his fist in the face, does this prove that «drunk» people without what is called pride? The proud takes pleasure in his pride, but whoever is called an alcoholic has one source of pleasure – alcohol? Who are the wrong and broken biorobots in the psychological sense? People cannot be perceived otherwise as biorobots with programs? What happens when there is no survival incentive? Not only those who this book is dedicated to have problems, the children of some very rich people can become drug addicts and alcoholics, as their parents turned off the survival mechanism for them – they have everything that they need, appears on its own, and therefore turns off survival mechanism, does the same thing happen to some of the population of countries considered rich? To survive in a competitive environment, you need to have certain knowledge? Some have strong illusions about the strong influence in our time of some managers on the economy? What would an economist say to you about the economy, if you were alone with him, that there is no economy, there is or there is no resource for a good life, whoever has obtained this resource lives well? How did they get some resources for a good life then and now: won, took, enslaved, so some struggled with an uncomfortable psychological state and an increase in living standards? Who «snatched» in the past, that in the common sense lives well now? What would a sociologist tell you if you were with you and alone that there is no mentality, there are those who live in a poor place, and those who are in a rich place,