GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice. Ron Woldoff. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ron Woldoff
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119811510
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_____, Henry reached the end of the Ironman Triathlon.

Tabular representation of Blank (i) and Blank (ii).

      3. Although dismayed by the pejorative comments made about her inappropriate dress at the diplomatic function, Judy (i) _____ her tears and showed only the most calm and (ii) _____ visage to her critics.

Tabular representation of Blank (i) and Blank (ii).

      If Judy had a calm and (something) visage (a form of the word vision; a countenance, or facial expression), the (something) must go hand in hand with calm. Although the second word doesn’t have to be an exact synonym, it can’t be an antonym, either. Look for a word that means calm. Placid means calm and tranquil, as you may know from the root plac, meaning peace (as in placate). Check the remaining two choices in the second column: Incensed means upset, burning mad (think of burning incense); articulate means well-spoken. Her visage (or facial expression) would not be well-spoken, although Judy herself may be, so cross off articulate. Placid is therefore best for the second word, so now find something suitable for the first word. Monitoring or succumbing to (giving in to) her tears is unlikely to make Judy appear calm and placid, but suppressing her tears will. The correct answers are Choices (A) and (F).

      4. There are employees who pontificate the (i) _____ work opportunities in this industry. However, many forward-thinking professionals insist that these employees don’t speak for most of the workforce who believe in the (ii) _____ of the industry and the (iii) _____ of its future.

Tabular representation of Blank (i), Blank (ii) and Blank (iii).

      5. Although often writing of (i) _____ activities, Emily Dickinson possessed the faculty of creating an eclectic group of characters ranging from the reticent to the epitome of (ii) _____.

Tabular representation of Blank (i) and Blank (ii).

      If you know that reticent means shy and holding back, you can predict that the second blank must be the opposite of that, something bold and forward. Effrontery is shameless boldness and audacity. You have effrontery when you ask your boss for a raise right after he or she chews you out for bungling a project. Effrontery is the only word that fits the second blank. Taciturnity is the noun form of the word taciturn, meaning quiet, not talkative or forward. Stoicism is not showing feelings or pain.

      The contrasting transition although tells you that the first blank must be the opposite of eclectic, which means from multiple sources or, in this case, diverse. Mundane means common, which is a good opposite of eclectic. Mundane activities are day-to-day tasks, nothing exciting like winning a lottery or visiting Antarctica. Egregious means terrible or flagrant. An egregious mistake is right out there for the world to see, not nearly the opposite of eclectic, so you can eliminate it. Commensurate means equivalent to or proportionate (your score on this section is commensurate with your vocabulary); again, this word isn’t an opposite of eclectic, so cross it off the list. The correct answers are Choices (A) and (E).

      6. Unwilling to be labeled _____, the researcher slowly and meticulously double-checked each fact before expounding upon her theory to her colleagues at the convention.

Tabular representation of five choices A, B, C, D, and E.

      First, break the sentence into two parts at the comma. Using the word unwilling in the first part, you know that the second part is going to be the opposite meaning of the word required to complete the first part. Now work from the second part back. The gist of the second part is that the researcher is being careful, so now all you need to do is eliminate the words that don’t mean careless.

      Loquacious means overly talkative, a label that the researcher may want to avoid, but that has little relevance to preparing her theory. Meticulous and painstaking mean careful with detail, paying close attention, so they’re both the opposite of what you’re looking for. Efficacious means efficient and effective, which the researcher does want to be labeled.

      Precipitate means overly quick, leaping before looking, and is the only word you can’t readily cross off. Correct answer: Choice (A).

      Tip Even if these words seem totally foreign, they’re all words I’ve seen on the GRE quite a few times. Never mind the millions or so words in the English language — the GRE uses the same bunch of words again and again. Study the words you encounter, and you’ll see them again.

      Sentence Equivalence questions

      Play Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning as a whole and produce two completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

      7. A successful business-process _____ designed to streamline existing operations will, by its nature, also support the company’s strategic planning.

      SA reaction

      SB management

      SC innovation

      SD initiative

      SE supply chain

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