Series Capacitor Loaded LC‐Line
The normal LC‐line can also be loaded with a series capacitor Cs in the series arm. Figure (3.30) shows the series capacitor loaded LC line. The propagation parameters of the loaded line are computed using the circuit analysis. The series arm impedance and the shunt arm admittance p.u.l. are given below:
Figure 3.30 Series capacitor loaded LC‐line.
The propagation constant of the capacitor loaded LC‐line is
where the phase velocity of the unloaded LC‐line is
Equations (3.4.24) and (3.4.25) for β, vp, and vg are identical to equations (3.4.10a) and (3.4.10b) for the transmission line shown in Fig (3.27a). Thus, Fig (3.27b and c) also show the behavior of the present series capacitor loaded LC‐line. This line supports the forward wave and it is a normal dispersive transmission line. It supports the fast‐wave above the cut‐off frequency. This line is the dual structure of the line shown in Fig (3.29) that supports the backward wave propagation.
Additional numbers of configurations for the loaded transmission lines could be obtained. For instance, the L‐C section of a line, supporting the forward wave, could be cascaded with the C‐L section of a line, supporting the backward wave. The composite line forms an interesting kind of the transmission line structure [B.19, J.8]. Both the series and parallel reactive loading of the lines can be done. Such loaded line structures have been realized in the planar technology to obtain novel properties useful for the development of novel microwave devices. They form the so‐called metamaterials. The concept of metamaterials has been introduced in chapter 5 and elaborated in chapter 21. Chapter 22 considers the planar 1D‐metalines and 2D‐planar metasurfaces, and chapter 19 discusses the planar periodic transmission lines.
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