Why a medium becomes dispersive? One reason for dispersion is the loss associated with a medium. The geometry of a wave supporting inhomogeneous structures, commonly encountered in the planar technology, is another source of the dispersion. In the case of a transmission line, the parameters R and G are associated with losses and they make propagation constant β frequency‐dependent. Likewise, losses make permittivity ε and permeability μ of material medium frequency‐dependent complex quantities. However, a low‐loss dielectric medium can be nondispersive in the useful frequency band. For such cases, the attenuation and propagation constants are given by
In equation (3.3.3), c is the velocity of EM‐wave in free space. The above expressions are obtained from equations (4.5.16) and (4.5.19) of chapter 4. The complex permittivity is given by ε = ε′ − jε″. The imaginary part, showing a loss in a medium, is related to the conductivity of a medium through relation σ = ωε″. If ε′ and ε″ are not frequency‐dependent, the propagation constant β is not frequency‐dependent and the phase velocity is also not frequency‐dependent. However, if they are frequency dependent, the phase velocity is also frequency‐dependent. The phase velocity in the low‐loss dielectric medium is
Therefore, the presence of loss decreases the phase velocity of EM‐wave. This kind of wave is known as the slow‐wave. The slow‐wave can be dispersive or nondispersive. However, it is associated with a loss. This aspect is further illustrated through the EM‐wave propagation in a high conductivity medium. The conducting medium is discussed in subsection (4.5.5) of chapter 4. The attenuation (α), phase constant (β), and phase velocity (vp,con) of a highly conducting medium are given by equation (4.5.35b) of chapter 4 [B.3]:
The above expressions are obtained for a highly conducting medium, σ/ωε >> 1. It does not apply to the lossless medium with σ = 0. The wave propagation is associated with significant loss (α) given by equation (3.3.5). Moreover, both the attenuation constant and phase velocity are frequency dependent, so a conducting medium is highly dispersive. However, the periodic structures and other mechanisms give slow‐wave structures with a small loss. Such structures are useful for the development of compact microwave components and devices [B.1, ]. The slow‐wave periodic transmission line structures are discussed in chapter 19.
Some EM‐wave supporting media have cut‐off property. They support the wave propagation only above the certain characteristic frequency of a medium or a structure. These media and structures are also dispersive. For instance, the nonmagnetic plasma medium has such cut‐off property [B.4, B.14]. The plasma medium is discussed in the subsection (6.5.2) of chapter 6. The permittivity of a plasma medium is given by equation (6.5.16 ):
In the above expression, fp is the plasma frequency that is a characteristic cut‐off frequency of the plasma medium [B.4, B.14]. The permeability of nonmagnetized plasma is μ = μ0. Other parameters are as follows‐ε0: permittivity of free space, N: electron density, e: electron charge, and me: electron mass. The propagation constant, phase velocity, and plasma wavelength λplasma of the EM‐wave wave in a plasma medium are given below:
In equation (3.3.8),
The phase velocity of the EM‐waves in a plasma medium is frequency‐dependent. Therefore, it is a dispersive medium that supports a fast‐wave. It is fast in the sense that the phase velocity is higher than the phase velocity of the EM‐wave in free space given by
The dispersion is a property of the wave‐supporting medium. The phase velocity of a wave in a dispersive medium can either decrease or increase with the increase in frequency. Thus, all dispersive media could be put into two groups – (i) normal dispersive medium and (ii) abnormal or anomalous dispersive medium.
Figure 3.21 Nature of normal (positive) dispersion.