26 19 Planar Periodic Transmission Lines Introduction 19.1 1D and 2D Lattice Structures 19.2 Space Harmonics of Periodic Structures 19.3 Circuit Models of 1D Periodic Transmission Line 19.4 1D Planar EBG Structures References
27 20 Planar Periodic Surfaces Introduction 20.1 2D Planar EBG Surfaces 20.2 Circuit Models of Mushroom‐Type EBG 20.3 Uniplanar EBG Structures 20.4 2D Circuit Models of EBG Structures References
28 21 Metamaterials Realization and Circuit Models – I Introduction 21.1 Artificial Electric Medium 21.2 Artificial Magnetic Medium 21.3 Double Negative Metamaterials 21.4 Homogenization and Parameters Extraction References
29 22 Metamaterials Realization and Circuit Models – II Introduction 22.1 Circuit Models of 1D‐Metamaterials 22.2 Nonresonant Microstrip Metalines 22.3 Resonant Metalines 22.4 Some Applications of Metalines 22.5 Modeling and Characterization of Metsurfaces 22.6 Applications of Metasurfaces References
30 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 8Table 8.1a Comparison of computed εreff(f = 0) by several numerical methods a...Table 8.1b The εreff(f = 0) and characteristic impedance of microstrip lines....Table 8.2 Comparison of computed εreff(f = 0) of the shielded microstrip by n...Table 8.3 Normalized dielectric loss of microstrip line in dB/λg.
2 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Conformal transformation using t = Sn(z,k) mapping function.Table 9.2 Transformation using t = sinh(πz/2h).Table 9.3 Transformation using t = z2.Table 9.4 Transformation using x = cosh2(π z/2h).Table 9.5 Transformation using x = cosh2(πz/2h1).Table 9.6 Transformation using t = cosh2[πz/2h].Table 9.7 Transformation using t = sinh(πz/2h).Table 9.8 The values for the coefficient α1 − α9.
3 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Designation of the ports of a 4‐port coupler.
4 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Some commonly used plastic, ceramic, and semiconducting substrates...Table 13.2 Some commonly used semiconducting substrates.
5 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Comparison of the computed value of Z0 of microstrip against exper...Table 14.2 Equivalence of variables.Table 14.3 Comparison of results of εreffe(0) and εreffo(0) for the coupled m...
6 Chapter 15Table 15.1 % Average deviation in CPW dynamic line parameters computed by the...
7 Chapter 18Table 18.1 Resonance frequency compression of fractal planar resonators.Table 18.2 Simulation results of two configurations of microstrip Hilbert lin...
8 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Computed and exp. fp.Table 21.2 Extracted RLCL parameters.Table 21.3 Frequency response of the composite permittivity–permeability func...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Delayed oscillation as a wave motion‐initial oscillation v(t) at ...Figure 2.2 Double periodic variations of wave motion.Figure 2.3 Wave motion as a motion of constant phase surface. It is shown as...Figure 2.4 The ω‐β dispersion diagram of nondispersive wave.Figure 2.5 Cross‐section of a few two‐conductor transmission lines.Figure 2.6 RLCG lumped circuit model of a transmission line.Figure 2.7 Equivalent lumped circuit of a transmission line with a shunt cur...Figure 2.8 Transmission line circuit. The distance x is measured from the so...Figure 2.9 Load connections to a source.Figure 2.10 The multisection transmission line.Figure 2.11 A shunt current source at the junction of two‐line sections.Figure 2.12 A series voltage source at the junction of two‐line sections.Figure 2.13 Nonuniform transmission line.
2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Two‐port network to determine [Z] and [Y] parameters.Figure 3.2 Lumped T‐network.Figure 3.3 A transmission line section.