3D drawing. Introduction. Artist Farit. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Artist Farit
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449891303
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“voluminous” drawings in childhood were not 3D drawings. 3D drawing is a bit more complicated than simple “three-dimensional” drawings. The prospect of “volumetric” drawings, in childhood, was not central, but axonometric, or parallel to oblique projection.

      This type of perspective was used in drawing and painting before the central perspective was discovered and mastered during the Renaissance.

      The axonometric (parallel, oblique) perspective was used in Byzantine and Old Russian painting. The Chinese and Japanese also used axonometric perspective in their paintings. Perhaps because an axonometric perspective is the easiest to understand perspective.

      If young children themselves cannot master the prospect, they will be able to be proud (and show off) of their parents who can draw 3D drawings. There is such a good saying – “Do not raise a child, he will still become like you, educate yourself.” Therefore, advice to parents of young children – Learn to draw! Children looking at you will also learn.

      3D drawing is not only an interesting and developing activity for free time (hobby), but also an interesting work. Being able to draw 3D drawings, you can draw advertising (commercial) or entertaining 3D drawings. Having spent several dollars on the book, you can earn ten or one hundred times more. A small 3D drawing of medium complexity can cost from 250—500 dollars/euro. Complex and large 3D drawings can cost a lot more.

      Thanks to the ability to draw simple 3D drawings, I went to the international street art festival for the cost of just one 3D drawing. Moreover, I traveled abroad of my country, to a fairly large distance. 3000 km one way. Part of the road (2 hours) flew by plane, traveled by train for two nights, and this is only one way. At night I rode on the train, and during the day I walked around the cities, around Moscow, around Riga, along Bremen.

      In addition, the organizers of some festivals compensate for the cost of the road, provide accommodation, partially provide food and give out some materials.

      Being able to draw a 3D drawing, you can increase the number of views and the number of subscribers to your YouTube channel, or social networks. Many videos with 3D drawing, gaining thousands of views. Some videos with 3D drawing, gaining millions of views.

      Drawing 3D, like any intellectual action, very good training and “gymnastics” for the brain. A diversified brain in any direction works more efficiently. Learning to draw 3D drawings, you will train your brain, and the brain will last you longer. Your brain will remain clarity and health longer.

      By drawing 3D drawings, you will postpone the meeting of your Alzheimer, Parkinson and other older satellites for several years.

      Drawing a 3D picture on the pavement is also good physical education. Drawing a 3D drawing on the pavement, you have to squat a lot. After drawing my first 3D drawings, my leg muscles were very sore. With a noticeable effort, I sat down and got up from my chair. But constantly drawing, “training”, squatting, the leg muscles got used to the loads and stopped hurting.

      Errors in 3D drawing

      About how many wonderful discoveries we have

      Prepares an Enlightened Spirit

      And outliving the son of ERRORS is difficult

      And the genius of the paradoxes is different.

Alexander Pushkin.

      Everything in this book may turn out to be ERROR.

Richard Bach.

      Having analyzed the perspective errors in 3D drawings, I realized one interesting thing. Parsing perspective errors is much more complicated and longer than drawing the same picture with the correct perspective. Therefore, do not be alarmed by this chapter. Do not be alarmed by these “complex” schemes. This chapter is much more complicated than 3D drawing lessons. Learning how to draw the right perspective is much easier than seeing and understanding the errors of the wrong perspective.

      Drawing 3D drawings, I made a lot of mistakes. Even after I drew about thirty 3D drawings, I was mistaken again and again. On the Internet, I sometimes encounter perspective errors in 3D drawings by other artists.

      My mistakes, mistakes of other artists, and encouraged me to write this course on building the perspective of 3D drawing.

      The course will be useful to experienced artists who draw 3D drawings. Since I have seen mistakes in building perspectives, even among experienced artists. I am familiar with some of these artists. I hope they don’t take offense at me if they recognize their drawings.

      All the errors of other artists that I found do not say that I consider myself the smartest or the most talented among all the artists who draw 3D drawings.

      I participated in the international street art festival Internationales Street Art Festival in Wilhelmshaven (WHV) northern Germany.


      The festival was attended by 38 artists. In my humble opinion, I did not even take the 38th place, but approximately 70 or 80th place. The drawings of all other artists were much better made than my drawing.

      I do not describe the mistakes of others in order to rise above those who are mistaken. I do this only in order to teach those who want to draw the perspective (geometry) of a 3D drawing correctly on my own and others’ mistakes.

      “Everyone can offend the artist”

      Not everyone can only – draw.

Igor Ohrimenko

      It’s easy to offend the artist,

      To call a poet a fool.

      But the boxer difficult to offend —

      Boxers, guys, well done!

(found online)

      Like any creative person, I am not unambiguous in criticism. Here, I myself am forced to act as a critic.

      BUT! I do not criticize the artistic merits and demerits of the drawings. I criticize only the prospect. Artistic qualities cannot be evaluated objectively. As they say – They don’t argue about tastes. One likes one, the other likes the other.

      In this chapter, I criticize only the wrong perspective of 3D drawings. Perspective is geometry. Geometry is a branch of mathematics – the queen of sciences. Geometry has laws, and these laws are not subjective, they are objective. The laws of geometry do not depend on tastes. The laws of geometry do not depend on whether you know these laws or not. The laws of perspective do not depend on whether you like these laws or not. The laws of geometry do not change from whether you draw according to these laws or draw without observing the laws of perspective (geometry).

      There are exceptions to perspective laws. An exception is the reverse perspective on some icons in Byzantine and Old Russian icon painting. Rather, this is not even an exception, but a rare special case based on the peculiarities of human perception of a part of space very close to the eyes. But! To make exceptions, you better know the rules.

      In order not to violate copyright laws, I will not use photographs of other people’s drawings in the book. Of course, the most striking “mistakes” will be hard not to recognize. But most of the drawings with errors in the future, it will not be easy to find out. I outlined only the contours of the erroneous details of these figures. I redrawn, preserving the distortion of perspective that I noticed in these figures. Without retaining most of the details, and even slightly changing the picture.

      The essence of this chapter is not to indicate to a particular artist his mistakes. The essence of this chapter is to show the most common mistakes in building the perspective of 3D drawings.
