The Adventures of Rover Boys: 26 Illustrated Adventure Novels. Stratemeyer Edward. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Stratemeyer Edward
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066380885
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miles. But the trail makes it a good hundred miles, and some putty stiff climbin' at that. I'm glad ye are used to roughin' it, for this traveling don't go well with a tenderfoot."

      The day was clear and the air bracing, and the boys started off with their friend in the best of spirits. Soon the city was left behind, and then began a journey along the foothills which seemed to have no end.

      "If Arnold Baxter is watching us he is taking precious good care to keep out of sight," said Tom, as they rode along in single file, with Jack Wumble in the lead.

      "No doubt Dan has joined his father and told him of Bradner's fate," returned Dick. "But we have got to keep our eyes wide open. We all know what a wretch Arnold Baxter is, and out in this wild country almost anything is liable to happen."

      On and on they went, first over a stubble of thin grass and then through a forest of tall pine trees. Rocks were everywhere, and the trail wound in and out, with an occasional watercourse to be forded.

      "These watercourses are all right now," observed Jack Wumble. "But in the early spring, when the snow on the mountains begins to melt, they become raging torrents, and getting across 'em is out of the question."

      "How far are yonder peaks from here?" asked Sam, pointing ahead.

      "About twenty miles."

      "Gracious, as far as that! I didn't know one could see so clearly for such a long distance. They look to me to be only about three miles off."

      "The air is very pure and clear out here, lad. No better air in this wide world than that of Colorady."

      At noon they came to a halt in a little hollow, protected alike from the breeze and the direct rays of the overhead sun. Their saddle bags were filled with provisions, and Tom and Sam began to prepare their first meal in the open, with Dick and the old miner assisting.

      After the meal Jack Wumble took a smoke and a ten minutes' nap, and during that time the three boys strolled off in various directions, Sam going ahead on the trail.

      Presently the youngest Rover had his eye arrested by a post set up in the middle of the trail. To the top of the post was tacked a sheet of white paper.

      "This is queer," thought Sam, and drew closer to inspect the sheet. On it were written the words, in pencil:

       "To the Rovers and their friend:

      "If you want to keep out of trouble you will return to Gunnison at once. If you dare to push on to Larkspur Creek it may cost you your lives. We are watching you, and are fully armed, and you had better be warned in time.

      "The Rightful Owners of the Mine"



       Table of Contents

      "Dick! Tom! Jack! Come here and see what I have found!"

      Sam's cry was a loud one, and soon the others came up on a run, Jack Wumble pistol in hand, for his life in the open had taught him to be forever prepared for danger.

      "Wot is it, lad?" asked the old miner anxiously.

      "It's a quit notice for us," answered Sam soberly. "I can tell you, the Baxters mean to carry matters with a high hand."

      All of the others read the notice in silence. Then Dick thrust his hands into his pockets coolly.

      "I'll see them hanged before I'll go back," he said.

      "I am with you," added Tom. "But we must be cautious after this, or the Baxters will be firing at us from an ambush."

      "If only we could catch sight of them," put in Sam. "They ought to be shot on sight!"

      The boys looked at Jack Wumble, who had remained silent.

      "Do you advise us to go back?" asked Dick hastily.

      "I can't say as I do, lads," was the slow response. "Yet it might be better to do that nor to be shot down and have yer body thrown into a cañon," added Wumble, speaking in his old time vernacular. "Perhaps your father would rather have ye back."

      "I don't believe it," burst out Tom. "Father never wanted cowards for sons."

      Dick caught the paper, tore it down and ripped it in two, throwing it to the wind.

      "I say I'm going ahead."

      "So am I," came from both of his brothers. "But you need not go Jack." went on Dick. "We don't wish you to run into danger, and —— "

      "Hold up, Dick, I said I would see ye through, and I will," cried the old miner. "But I want ye to realize what ye are doing, that's all. If you are shot down it will be yer own fault, so to speak."

      "But we don't intend to be shot down," interrupted Tom. "We have run up against the Baxters before, so we know how to be careful."

      "It aint like as if they were in a city in the East," went on the old miner. "Here some men are mighty free with their shootin'-irons. And they could take a shot at ye from a long distance, with a good rifle."

      Thus talking the entire party walked back to their camp and sat down to discuss the situation in detail.

      "Perhaps we had better not advance until dark," said Dick. "If we advance now we will simply be making targets of ourselves," and he shivered in spite of himself.

      "We won't advance at all," put in Jack Wumble briefly. "We would be wuss nor fools if we did — with them human wildcats a — watchin' of us," and he began to puff vigorously at his short stump of a briarroot pipe.

      "But you said —— " began Tom, when the old miner waved him to silence.

      "Let me think it out, lads, and then I'll tell ye my plan. We'll trick 'em — that's best," and he began to smoke again.

      Satisfied that Jack Wumble knew the ground to be covered better than they did, the boys decided to let him have his own way, so long as the object of the expedition should be advanced. They sat down in the shade to rest, and thus several hours passed, and the old miner smoked up half 'a dozen pipefuls of his favorite plug mixture.

      "I've got it," he cried at last. "If we kin work the deal we'll keep 'em guessing." And he laughed softly to himself.

      His plan was a simple one. Several miles back on the trail there was a fork, the second trail running to the northward. His plan was to ride back to the fork, and then in the darkness of the night to take to the second trail.

      "That don't lead to Larkspur Creek," he said. "But it leads to Go Lightly Gulch, and from there I know an old Indian trail which leads to the Larkspur by way of Bender Mountain. It's dangerous trail to ride, but it's safe, too, so far as our enemies are concerned, for they can't cover it from any other part of the mountains. They would either have to be right in front of us or right behind, and in that case we'd have as much of a show at them as they would have at us."

      "That's a good plan," exclaimed Dick. "Let us adopt it, by all means."

      Slowly the afternoon wore away, until the sun was lost to view behind the great Rocky Mountains in the west. As soon as the shadows became long and deep Jack Wumble arose.

      "Now I reckon we can begin to ride on the back trail," he said, with a shrewd smile on his rugged face.

      It was an easy matter to saddle the horse again. The rest had made the animals as fresh as ever and this was a good thing, as the old miner calculated to ride a long distance between sunset and sunrise.

      "I suppose our enemies are watching every move we make," said Tom. "But I must say I can't catch a single glance of them."

      "I thought I saw a speck or two of something over the hill to the south," said Dick.

      Jack Wumble nodded. "You are right, Dick, I saw the specks too, and they were men looking in this direction. But they might not have been our enemies."