What Have Charities Ever Done for Us?. Cook, Stephen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cook, Stephen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781447359890
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4 The health of the nation 5 Equality, slavery and human rights 6 Rights for women and gay liberation 7 Protecting animals and the natural world PART III Improving lives and communities 8 Local action and self-help 9 Supporting other people 10 The wider world 11 Community arts PART IV A junior partner in the welfare state? 12 Public service contracts 13 Reducing the burden on the state 14 Charities as pioneers PART V Preserving the past, preparing for the future 15 Castles, canals and stately homes 16 Museums and the perils of charitable status 17 The minefield of charitable education 18 Pushing the boundaries of medicine and science PART VI The way ahead 19 Reviews and strategies 20 Charity governance: fit for purpose? 21 Coming clean with the public 22 The pursuit of independence



Acevo Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations
AMRC Association of Medical Research Charities
ASH Action on Smoking and Health
BAME Black and minority ethnic
BHF British Heart Foundation
BRAC Building Resources Across Communities
CAF Charities Aid Foundation
CAMI Community Attitudes to Mental Illness
CASC community amateur sports club
CEO chief executive officer
CIC community interest company
CIO charitable incorporated organisation
CQC Care Quality Commission
CRC Community Rehabilitation Company
CRE Commission

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