The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation grant No. 1243333 “Collaborative Research: EaSM2 advancing extreme value analysis of high impact climate change and weather events.” Castillo gratefully recognizes support from the Planetary Health Centers of Expertise, and the College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley. Wehner was supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Climate and Environmental Sciences Division, Regional & Global Climate Modeling Program, under Award Number DE‐AC02‐05CH11231.
Crops Included in the Study and Harvesting Months for Each Crop and County.
County: Fresno | |
Crop 1: Alfalfa | Harvest months: May–November |
Crop 2: Almonds | Harvest months: August–September |
Crop 3: Grapes | Harvest months: June–November |
Crops 4: Melons | Harvest months: July–September |
Crops 5: Onions | Harvest months May–September |
County: Kern | |
Crop 1: Alfalfa | Harvest months March–October |
Crop 2: Almonds | Harvest months: August–October |
Crop 3: Grapes | Harvest months: June–November |
Crops 4: Melons | Harvest months: June–July |
Crops 5: Onions | Harvest months: May–August |
County: San Joaquin | |
Crop 1: Alfalfa | Harvest months: April–September |
Crop 2: Almonds | Harvest months: August–October |
Crop 3: Grapes | Harvest months: July–December |
Crop 4: Melons | Harvest months: May–September |
Crop 5: Onions | Harvest months: April–June |
County: Yolo | |
Crop 1: Almonds | Harvest months: August–October |
Crop 2: Alfalfa | Harvest months: January–December |
Crop 3: Grapes | Harvest months: September |
Crop 4: Melon | Harvest months: June–July |
County: Imperial | |
Crop 1: Alfalfa | Harvest months: February–October |
Crop 2: Melons | Harvest months: May–July |
Crop 3: Onions | Harvest months: April–May |
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