Evangelism. Ellen G. White. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ellen G. White
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066456023
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had spoken to the multitude, He gladly repeated His lesson.—Letter 164, 1902.

      He Drew by Love—Christ drew the hearts of His hearers to Him by the manifestation of His love, and then, little by little, as they were able to bear it, He unfolded to them the great truths of the kingdom. We also must learn to adapt our labors to the condition of the people—to meet men where they are. While the claims of the law of God are to be presented to the world, we should never forget that love, the love of Christ, is the only power that can soften the heart and lead to obedience.—The Review and Herald, November 25, 1890.

      He Restrained Truth—The great Teacher held in His hand the entire map of truth, but He did not disclose it all to His disciples. He opened to them those subjects only which were essential to their advancement in the path of heaven. There were many things in regard to which His wisdom kept Him silent.

      As Christ withheld many things from His disciples, knowing that then it would be impossible for them to comprehend, so today He withholds many things from us, knowing the limited capacity of our understanding.—Manuscript 118, 1902. (p.58)

      In Personal Interviews—The work of Christ was largely composed of personal interviews. He had a faithful regard for the one-soul audience; and that one soul has carried to thousands the intelligence received.—The Review and Herald, May 9, 1899.

      At the Feasts—When invited to a feast, Christ accepted the invitation, that He might, while sitting at the table, sow the seeds of truth in the hearts of those present. He knew that the seed thus sown would spring up and bring forth fruit. He knew that some of those sitting at meat with Him would afterward respond to His call, “Follow Me.” Ours is the privilege of studying Christ’s manner of teaching as He went from place to place, everywhere sowing the seeds of truth.—Manuscript 113, 1902.

      Christ’s Follow-up Plan—Christ sent out His disciples two and two, [See also pp. 72-74, “Two and Two.”] to go to places to which He would afterward follow.—Manuscript 19, 1910.

      Was Christ’s Way Right?—The Majesty of heaven journeyed from place to place on foot, teaching out of doors by the seaside, and in the mountain. Thus He drew the people to Him. Are we greater than our Lord? Was His way the right way? Have we been working unwisely in maintaining simplicity and godliness? We have not learned our lesson yet as we should. Christ declares, Take My yoke of restraint and obedience upon you, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.—Letter 140, 1898.

      Molding and Correcting in Christ’s Service—The work of the disciples needed molding and correcting by tenderest discipline, and by opening to others a knowledge of the word they themselves had received; (p.59) and Christ gave them special instruction in regard to their course of action and their work. In His own life He had given them an example of strict conformity to the rules which He now laid down for them. They were not to enter into controversies; this was not their work. They were to reveal and advocate the truth in their own characters, through earnest prayer and meditation revealing personal experience in genuine Christianity. This would be in decided contrast to the religion of the Pharisees and Sadducees. They were to call the attention of their hearers to greater truths yet to be revealed. They were to cast the arrow, and the Spirit of God was to guide the shaft into the heart.—The Review and Herald, February 1, 1898.

      Planning an Expanding Evangelism

       Table of Contents

      The Time for an Aggressive Work—To all people and nations and kindreds and tongues the truth is to be proclaimed. The time has come for much aggressive work to be done in the cities, and in all neglected, unworked fields.—The Review and Herald, June 23, 1904.

      Wise Plans—Diligent work is now called for. In this crisis, no halfhearted efforts will prove successful. In all our city work, we are to hunt for souls. Wise plans are to be laid, in order that such work may be done to the best possible advantage.—The Review and Herald, September 27, 1906.

      Launching Out Into the Deep—There are those who think it is their duty to preach the truth, but they dare not venture from the shore, and they catch no fish. They will choose to go among the churches, over and over the same ground. They report a good time, a pleasant visit, but we look in vain for the souls that (p.60) are converted to the truth through their instrumentality. These ministers hug the shore too closely. Let them launch out into the deep, and cast their net where the fish are. There is no lack of work to be done. There could be hundreds employed in the vineyard of the Lord where there is now one.—The True Missionary, February, 1874.

      A Challenge to the Leaders—I ask those who have charge of our work: Why are so many places passed by? Look upon the towns and cities yet unworked. There are many large cities in America, not only in the South, but in the North, yet to be worked. In every city in America there should be some memorial for God. But I could mention many places where the light of truth has not yet shone. The angels of heaven are waiting for human instrumentalities to enter the places where witness has not yet been borne to present truth.—The Review and Herald, December 30, 1902.

      Clear New Ground—Establish New Centers—Prepare workers to go out in the highways and hedges. We need wise nurserymen who will transplant trees to different localities and give them advantages, that they may grow. It is the positive duty of God’s people to go into the regions beyond. Let forces be set at work to clear new ground, to establish new centers of influence wherever an opening can be found.—Manuscript 11, 1908.

      Reach Beyond the Gospel-hardened Centers—Let us remember that as a people entrusted with sacred truth, we have been neglectful and positively unfaithful. The work has been confined to a few centers, until the people in them have become gospel hardened. It is difficult to make an impression on those who have heard so much truth and yet have rejected it. In a few (p.61) places too much has been expended, while many, many cities have been left unwarned and unworked.

      All this is against us now. Had we put forth earnest efforts to reach those who if converted would give a true representation of what present truth would do for human beings, how much further advanced our work would now be. It is not right that a few places should have all the advantages, while other places are neglected.—Letter 132, 1902.

      Planning Ahead for New Openings—Oh, how I seem to hear the voice day and night, “Go forward; add new territory; enter new territory with the tent, and give the last message of warning to the world. There is no time to be lost. Leave My memorial in every place where ye shall go. My Spirit will go before you, and the glory of the Lord shall be your rearward.” There are other towns not a long distance from here, which must have a camp meeting next year. This is the very plan of God how the work should be carried. Those who have had the light for years to enter new fields with the tent, and have held the camp meetings in the same ground for years, need to be converted themselves, because they do not heed the word of the Lord.—Letter 174, 1900.

      Moving Forward by Faith

       Table of Contents

      Advance in Faith—Means Will Come—Can we expect the inhabitants of these cities to come to us and say, “If you will come to us and preach, we will help you to do thus and so”? They know nothing of our message. The Lord desires us to let our light so shine before men that His Holy Spirit may communicate the truth to the honest in heart who are seeking after (p.62) truth. As we do this work, we shall find that means will flow into our treasuries, and we shall have means with which to carry on a still broader and more far-reaching work.

      Shall we not advance in faith, just as if we had thousands of dollars? We do not have half faith enough. Let us act our part in warning these cities. The warning message must come to the people who