William Shakespeare : Complete Collection (37 plays, 160 sonnets and 5 Poetry...). William Shakespeare. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William Shakespeare
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782380371987
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trebled twenty times myself,

      A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times more rich,

      That only to stand high in your account,

      I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends,

      Exceed account. But the full sum of me

      Is sum of something; which, to term in gross,

      Is an unlesson’d girl, unschool’d, unpractic’d,

      Happy in this, she is not yet so old

      But she may learn; happier than this,

      She is not bred so dull but she can learn;

      Happiest of all, is that her gentle spirit

      Commits itself to yours to be directed,

      As from her lord, her governor, her king.

      Myself, and what is mine, to you and yours

      Is now converted. But now I was the lord

      Of this fair mansion, master of my servants,

      Queen o’er myself; and even now, but now,

      This house, these servants, and this same myself

      Are yours—my lord’s!—I give them with this ring,

      Which when you part from, lose, or give away,

      Let it presage the ruin of your love,

      And be my vantage to exclaim on you.


      Madam, you have bereft me of all words,

      Only my blood speaks to you in my veins,

      And there is such confusion in my powers,

      As after some oration fairly spoke

      By a beloved prince, there doth appear

      Among the buzzing pleased multitude,

      Where every something, being blent together,

      Turns to a wild of nothing, save of joy

      Express’d and not express’d. But when this ring

      Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence;

      O then be bold to say Bassanio’s dead!


      My lord and lady, it is now our time,

      That have stood by and seen our wishes prosper,

      To cry good joy. Good joy, my lord and lady!


      My Lord Bassanio and my gentle lady,

      I wish you all the joy that you can wish;

      For I am sure you can wish none from me;

      And when your honors mean to solemnize

      The bargain of your faith, I do beseech you

      Even at that time I may be married too.


      With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife.


      I thank your lordship, you have got me one.

      My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours:

      You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid;

      You lov’d, I lov’d; for intermission

      No more pertains to me, my lord, than you;

      Your fortune stood upon the caskets there,

      And so did mine too as the matter falls;

      For wooing here until I sweat again,

      And swearing till my very [roof] was dry

      With oaths of love, at last, if promise last,

      I got a promise of this fair one here

      To have her love—provided that your fortune

      Achiev’d her mistress.


      Is this true, Nerissa?


      Madam, it is, so you stand pleas’d withal.


      And do you, Gratiano, mean good faith?


      Yes, faith, my lord.


      Our feast shall be much honored in your marriage.

      Gra. We’ll play with them the first boy for a thousand ducats.

      Ner. What, and stake down?

      Gra. No, we shall ne’er win at that sport, and stake down.

      But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel?

      What, and my old Venetian friend Salerio?

       Enter Lorenzo, Jessica, and Salerio, a messenger from Venice.


      Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hither,

      If that the youth of my new int’rest here

      Have power to bid you welcome. By your leave,

      I bid my very friends and countrymen,

      Sweet Portia, welcome.


      So do I, my lord,

      They are entirely welcome.


      I thank your honor. For my part, my lord,

      My purpose was not to have seen you here,

      But meeting with Salerio by the way,

      He did entreat me, past all saying nay,

      To come with him along.


      I did, my lord,

      And I have reason for it. Signior Antonio

      Commends him to you.

       [Gives Bassanio a letter.]


      Ere I ope his letter,

      I pray you tell me how my good friend doth.


      Not sick, my lord, unless it be in mind,

      Nor well, unless in mind. His letter there

      Will show you his estate.

       [Bassanio] open the letter.


      Nerissa, cheer yond stranger, bid her welcome.

      Your hand, Salerio. What’s the news from Venice?

      How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio?

      I know he will be glad of our success;

      We are the Jasons, we have won the fleece.


      I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost.