Amorphous Nanomaterials. Lin Guo. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lin Guo
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527826353
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of a specific system, multiple growth mechanisms can occur simultaneously. It depends on the values of global parameters such as supersaturation, local factors that include interface curvature, and materials parameters such as phase stability versus particle size. The growth process may include the traditional direct connection of atoms, the connection of crystal clusters, the connection of amorphous particles and the subsequent crystallization or maturation, and the oriented or non-oriented connection of crystal particles and recrystallization. Ostwald ripening can occur in all particles to provide free radicals for the main particles. At the same time, twins, stacking faults, and dislocations can result from the attachment of crystalline particles. It can be found that the predictive understanding of the theory of particle-connected crystallization is helpful for the further development of amorphous nanomaterial design and synthesis.

      Although many studies have confirmed the significance of amorphous nanomaterials, their development is still in their infancy. For example, it is widely believed that amorphous materials have SRO, but their atomic arrangement cannot be accurately defined, even with the help of AC-TEM. Intense debates regarding whether they could exhibit medium-range ordering at the nanometer scale or even LRO are still ongoing. In addition, compared with the highly ordered arrangement of atoms in crystals, the atomic disorder of amorphous materials endows them highly unsaturated centers on the surface. If the unsaturated centers were all active sites, the catalytic performance would be improved by an order of magnitude. However, the reported research has not achieved such an improvement. Therefore, as an emerging discipline, the study of amorphous nanomaterials is of great significance.

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      2.1 Spherical Aberration-Corrected Transmission Electron Microscopy

      2.1.1 Introduction

      With the recent developments in hardware attachments to achieve both probe- and image-corrected microscope geometries so as to obtain a sub-Angstrom resolution, the spherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy (Cs-TEM) is nowadays recognized as a powerful tool for study condensed matter physics and materials science. These advantages are meeting the growing demand of nanosciences and nanotechnology