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Автор: Олег Владимирович Белоусов
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 2012
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ест.      She is eating.

      She is not eating.

      Is she eating?

      Yes, she is. No, she is not.

      Is she eating or drinking (sleeping…going…)?

      What is she doing?

      Она курит.      She is smoking.

      She is not smoking.

      Is she smoking?

      Yes, she is. No, she is not.

      Is she smoking or drinking (brushing her teeth…washing her face…)?

      What is she doing?

      Она пишет.      She is writing.

      She is not writing.

      Is she writing?

      Yes, she is. No, she is not.

      Is she writing or reading (looking at me…itching her nose…)?

      What is she doing?

      Он работает.      He is working.

      He is not working.

      Is he working?

      Yes, he is. No, he is not.

      Is he working or sleeping (smoking…drinking…)?

      What is he doing?

      Он играет.      He is playing.

      He is not playing.

      Is he playing?

      Yes, he is. No, he is not.

      Is he playing or working (driving…fishing…)?

      What is he doing?

      Он поет.      He is singing.

      He is not singing.

      Is he singing?

      Yes, he is. No, he is not.

      Is he singing or dancing (watching TV…skating…)?

      What is he doing?

      Мы танцуем.      We are dancing.

      We are not dancing.

      Are we dancing?

      Yes, we are. No, we are not.

      Are we dancing or singing (playing the piano…planting vegetables…)?

      What are we doing?

      Мы завтракаем.      We are having breakfast.

      We are not having breakfast.

      Are we having breakfast?

      Yes, we are. No, we are not.

      Are we having breakfast or dinner (fishing…playing computer


      What are we doing?

      Мы делаем утреннюю зарядку.      We are doing morning exercises.

      We are not doing morning exercises.

      Are we doing morning exercises?

      Yes, we are. No, we are not.

      Are we doing morning exercises or trying to get up


      What are we doing?

      Они гуляют.      They are walking.

      They are not walking.

      Are they walking?

      Yes, they are. No, they are not.

      Are they walking or running (sleeping…dancing…)?

      What are they doing?

      Они бегают.      They are running.

      They are not running.

      Are they running?

      Yes, they are. No, they are not.

      Are they running or going (jumping…drinking…)?

      What are they doing?

      Они растут.      They are growing.

      They are not growing.

      Are they growing?

      Yes, they are. No, they are not.

      Are they growing or dying (developing…disappearing…)?

      What are they doing?

      Exercise 2

      1.      переведите предложение

      2.      сделайте из него отрицательное предложение

      3.      общий вопрос

      4.      краткие ответы к нему

      5.      один альтернативный вопрос

      6.      второй альтернативный вопрос

      7.      один специальный вопрос

      8.      второй специальный вопрос


      Она спит на диване.

      1.      She is sleeping on the sofa.

      2.      She isn’t sleeping on the sofa.

      3.      Is she sleeping on the sofa?

      4.      Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

      5.      Is she sleeping or drinking on the sofa (reading…jumping)?

      6.      Is she sleeping on the sofa or on the bed (on the rock…under the table)?

      7.      What is she doing?

      8.      Where is she sleeping?

      Now, at the moment, right now

      Сейчас, в данный момент, прямо сейчас

      Я стою на дороге.      I am standing on the road.

      I am not standing on the road.

      Am I standing on the road?

      Yes, I am. No, I am not.

      Am I standing or sitting?

      Am I standing on the road or in the room (in the kitchen…in the park…)?

      What am I doing?

      Where am I standing?

      Я иду в кино.

      I am going to the cinema.

      I am not going to the cinema.

      Am I going to the cinema?

      Yes, I am. No, I am not.

      Am I going or sitting (playing…)?

      Am I going to the cinema or to the theatre (to the museum…to the post office)?

      What am I doing?

      Where am I going

      Я читаю книгу.      I am reading a book.

      I am not reading a book.

      Am I reading