LinkedIn For Dummies. Joel Elad. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joel Elad
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Интернет
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119695349
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      Given all the power and potential to reach people around the world, some people — LinkedIn open networkers (LIONs) — want to network with anyone and everyone who’s eager to connect with them. Their goal is to network with as many people as possible, regardless of past interactions or communications with that person.

      One of your most prominently displayed LinkedIn statistics is the number of your first-degree connections. After you surpass 500 connections, LinkedIn displays not your current count of first-degree connections but just the message 500+. (It’s kind of like how McDonald’s stopped displaying the running total of hamburgers sold on its signs. Or am I the only one who remembers that?) Part of the reason LinkedIn stops displaying updated counts past 500 is to discourage people from collecting connections. Many LIONs have thousands or even tens of thousands of first-degree connections, and the 500+ statistic is a badge of honor to them.

      LIONs encourage open networking (that is, the ability to connect with someone you have never met or worked with in the past) by advertising their email address as part of their professional headline (for example, John Doe; Manager [email protected]), so anyone can request this person be added to his or her network. LinkedIn offers a formal program — Open Profile — for people interested in networking with the larger community. You can sign up for this premium service any time after you establish a premium account. When you enable the Open Profile feature, you can send and receive messages with any other Open Profile member. I discuss this in the upcoming section, “Understanding LinkedIn Costs and Benefits.”

      Time to find out what kinds of things you can do on LinkedIn. The following sections introduce you to the topics you need to know to get your foot in the LinkedIn door and really make the site start working for you.

      Building your brand and profile

      On LinkedIn, you can build your own brand. Your name, your identity, is a brand — just like Ford or Facebook — in terms of what people think of when they think of you. It’s your professional reputation. Companies spend billions to ensure that you have a certain opinion of their products, and that opinion, that perception, is their brand image. You have your own brand image in your professional life, and it’s up to you to own, define, and push your brand.

Snapshot of the Linkedin profile page.

      FIGURE 1-3: Create a unified profile page to showcase your professional history.

       Write your own summary.

       List any groups you belong to.

       Describe any courses you have completed and test scores you have achieved.

       Show any memberships or affiliations you have.

       Cite honors and awards you have received.

       Identify any patents or certifications you have earned.

       Provide links to any publications you’ve written or published.

       Give and receive endorsements of people’s skills. (I discuss endorsements in Chapter 7.)

       Give and receive recommendations from other people. (I discuss recommendations in Chapter 9.)

       Indicate your professional interests or supported causes.

       Upload presentations, graphic design projects, or portfolio examples for others to view.

       Upload videos that demonstrate a particular skill or past project.

       Post website links to other parts of your professional identity, such as a blog, a website, or an e-commerce store you operate.

      The best part is that you control and shape your professional identity. You decide what the content should be. You decide what to emphasize and what to omit. You decide how much information is visible to the world and how much is visible to your first-degree connections. (I talk more about the power of your profile in Chapters 2 and 3.)

      Looking for a job now or later

       Finding the right person at a target company, such as a hiring manager in a certain department, to discuss immediate and future job openings

       Getting a reference from a past boss or co-worker to use for a future job application

       Finding information about a company and position before the interview

       Enabling the right employers to find you and validate your experience and job potential before an interview

       Searching posted job listings on a job board such as the one on LinkedIn

      The hidden power of LinkedIn is that it helps you find jobs you weren’t looking for or applying to directly. This is when you’re a passive job seeker, currently employed but interested in the right opportunity. As of this writing, hundreds of thousands of recruiters are members of LinkedIn, and they constantly use the search functions to go through the database and find skilled members who match their job search requirements. Instead of companies paying big money for resume books, they now have instant access to millions of qualified professionals, each of whom has a detailed profile with skills, experience, and recommendations already available.

      This practice of finding passive job seekers is growing quickly on LinkedIn, mainly because of the following reasons:

       Companies can run detailed searches to find the perfect candidate with all