Princess history. V. Speys. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: V. Speys
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005341518
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wrapped in soft linen cloth, and then handed the donkey reins to the temple attendant and began to walk up the steps to the doorway of the entrance to the sanctuary. From here, from the staircase, the interior of the room was not visible, the blackness of the door opening, an impenetrable curtain hanging over the entrance leading into the sanctuary. Kshatr entered the room. The eyes that kept the bright light of the sun’s rays, did not see anything around.

      «What are you asking, guest from the desert?» – the voice of an invisible person who addressed him unexpectedly, sounded out of this darkness, made him start in surprise. Ksatr turned his head mechanically to the speaker’s side. Through the scattering gloom, as the eyes became accustomed, a figure of the high priest Ur Hem Neter appeared in a white, long toe-robed apparel. Below, near the ankles, along the perimeter of the clothing was a red wide with human palm embroidery strip with a woven golden thread, which gave the clothes of the keeper of the temple of the Oracle a rich decoration. The same embroidery ended with wide sleeves at the wrists of the hands. The head of the priest was clean-shaven. The eyes were summed up in black, emphasizing the gleam of the pupils, which made it difficult to tear off the view, which gave the priest a hypnotic advantage of influencing the interlocutor and the ability to subordinate him to his will. The room was cool and full of spicy honey smells, mixed with the smell of wax and incense incense.

      – Greetings to you a descendant of the tribe of the priests expelled from the temple of Shiva Nataraja, that in Hindustan and who found refuge here in the oasis of Amun. I am the supreme priest of the temple of Lord Shiva from the shores of the Indus, brought you a sacred gift that must be preserved in the labyrinth of treasures, along with priceless treasures stored in the bowels of this sacred place. Accept and preserve this divine gift there. With these words, Kshatr unfolded the cloth, and the crown gleamed with a pomegranate ruby sparkle, the stones interspersed with leaves in a frame of black metal.

      – About! cried the high priest of the god Amon. «This is the Black Crown of the Gods!» – This priceless relic should be kept here in the temple of the god Zeus-Amon Ra! – he wailed excitedly.

      Author’s note:

      From the ancient papyrus, the description of the Crown of the Gods – «On a narrow round hoop of black metal, thin, rounded, broadened at the ends black bipartite leaves bent outward. In the three sheets of a slightly larger size, apparently marked the crown, sparkling large scarlet stones, apparently rubies. Above the leaves, the bands of the same black metal were folded inwards. Ahead, where there were rubies, the strip ended with protruding teeth. On each side on the ground, which corresponded to the head on the head, golden discs were embedded in strips. In the center of each disc there were sticks of strange gray color, in the form of short posts, with flat ground ends. They dazzled brilliantly in the sunlight, eclipsing the burning of rubies. Exactly the same stones were embedded in the back strips, joined by two arms above the parietal part of the ornament.

      A careful glance could be noticed that the special brilliance of the gray crystals came from the small particles scattered inside the clouds with metallic mirror-like ebb.»

      – I am forced to bring this sacrifice here in this place, where the greatest commander of Alexander the Great, the Oracle called the son of the god Zeus-Amon Ra! And the Black Crown of the Gods is meant for a man whose veins are the blood of the gods.

      – You, the repository of the relics of the gods, doubted the predictions of the Oracle? – The threatening voice rumbled high priest.

      «No, I do not enter into disputes with the gods, for they lead the destinies of mortals.» I brought this gift for storage in a labyrinth of treasures, and ask to place the Black Crown of the Gods in the vault. Kshatr demanded to the keeper.

      – I cannot do this, because I do not have a second key to open the door to the labyrinth of treasures. The second key must be kept by Pharaoh of Egypt Ptolemy XII. «Pompously with arrogance,» answered the priest, looking contemptuously at the stranger.

      – «It dislikes, and then there is a second copy of the keys.» Those who built the labyrinth certainly took care of this. "Kshatra thought bitterly, and said aloud:

      «Today, on the night of the vernal equinox of the twentieth day of the month of Pakhon, Ptolemy XII will be here.» His caravan is approaching the oasis. Give him honors worthy of his royal person. And lead to the labyrinth. Show all the treasures. Give him the opportunity to replenish the treasury, to restore the power of Egypt. And after the place of Ptolemy XII will be occupied by Cleopatra VII, his daughter, do not interfere with replenishing the treasury in times of distress and her. The second half of the key, unlocking the door to the treasury, is with the king, he took him on the road.

      – Your priceless relic, oh, the high priest of the temple of Shiva Nataraja, for us it is the divine sign of the god Amon Ra, which gives us the right to keep the crown of the gods. And I, Ur Hem Noether is the supreme keeper of the Oracle temple in the oasis of Siva, I promise you to put a relic of the gods in the vault. We will render a worthy welcome to Ptolemy XII, and his daughter Cleopatra.

      Learning About the pilgrimage of Ptolemy XII to the Oracle of the Temple of Zeus-Amon Ra, he replaced the majestic rhetoric of contempt for a constructive dialogue, and the supreme minister of the temple of Amon Ra, the messenger of Kshatra, was warmer.

      – I have to you, oh, the most worthy of the worthy Ur Hem Noether, you are the one who speaks with God Amon Ra, and bears the title of the Oracle, which gives you the right to broadcast in the name of the god Zeus-Amon. I need to take in the treasury a little food of the gods, to maintain the strength of the pharaoh, as I will watch his health in the desert.

      «I already told you that I do not have a second key from the secret door to the treasury, but I have what you are asking for.» How much do you need? «The priest looked inquiringly into Kshatra’s eyes, waiting for an answer.

      «Put me thirty beats (a measure equal to 7.5 grams) of Ambrosia.»

      Ur Hem Heter made a sign to the attendant. He approached, bending to the ear of the approaching servant; the high priest whispered something in his ear. Having received the instruction, the minister withdrew. After a while, the returning servant handed the bag with the contents to the high priest.

      «That’s what you asked for.» – Pulling a bag of soft leather Kshatra, said Ur Hem Noether, – Here thirty shat Ambrosia, may God save Amon Ra Pharaoh of Egypt.

      Passing the Crown of the Gods and with a bag of fiscal gold, which in ancient Egypt was called Ambrosia, received from the high priest of the Temple of the Oracle of Amon Ra, Kshatr stepped down the stairs. There, with a donkey, the servant of the temple was waiting for him. He handed Kshatru the donkey’s reins, bowing low, expressing his respect for such an important guest. Kshatr led the obedient animal to the market square and sold the donkey, slapping his palms on the sides for the last time. The new owner asked:

      «Dervish, are you not taking all your bags?»

      – There are medicinal herbs and overseas fragrant tea. Dilute with hot water and prepare a pleasant, thirst quencher. To me anymore what for. – Kshatr answered, removing from the donkey a leather bag full of bundles. «Everything else that’s on it is yours, and tea and herbs.»

      – I respect the tea here for a fortune; I cannot accept such an expensive product. – frightened the new owner of the donkey.

      – You have nothing to worry About, I did not steal this tea, well, you want, take this gift from me as a tribute to you. I am a rich man and I have everything, even if you have a little good for the soul of the goods, it will be pleasant for me to remember that my donkey is in good and good hands. Kshatr said warmly, throwing his bag on his shoulder, and again turned to the merchant: «Tell me, good man, can you buy a good young camel?»

      – Yes. You’ll go through the bazaar, behind it there will be