The Telegraph Boy. Jr. Horatio Alger. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jr. Horatio Alger
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664626806
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was inclined to doubt this. He estimated that what he ate did not cost his employer over six or eight cents a day, and he generally earned for him twenty to thirty cents on the sale of papers, besides helping him to collect about a dollar daily from those who pitied his blindness.

      He mentioned his grievance to his friend, Dick Rafferty.

      "I'll tell you what to do," said Dick.

      "I wish you would."

      "Keep some of the money you make by selling papers, and buy a square meal at an eatin' house."

      "I don't like to do that; it wouldn't be honest."

      "Why wouldn't it?"

      "I am carrying on the business for Mr. Mills. He supplies the capital."

      "Then you'd better carry it on for yourself."

      "I wish I could."

      "Why don't you?"

      "I haven't any money."

      "Has he paid you any wages?"


      "Then make him."

      Frank thought this a good suggestion. He had been with Mills a week, and it seemed fair enough that he should receive some pay besides a wretched bed and a little dry bread. Accordingly, returning to the room, he broached the subject.

      "What do you want wages for?" demanded Mills, displeased.

      "I think I earn them," said Frank, boldly.

      "You get board and lodging. You are better off than a good many boys."

      "I shall want some clothes, some time," said Frank.

      "Perhaps you'd like to have me pay you a dollar a day," said Mills.

      "I know you can't afford to pay me that. I will be satisfied if you will pay me ten cents a day," replied Frank.

      Frank reflected that, though this was a very small sum, in ten days it would give him a dollar, and then he would feel justified in setting up a business on his own account, as a newsboy. He anxiously awaited an answer.

      "I will think of it," said the blind man evasively, and Frank did not venture to say more.

      The next day, when Mills, led by Frank, was on his round, the two entered a cigar-store. Frank was much surprised when the cigar-vender handed him a fifty-cent currency note. He thought there was some mistake.

      "Thank you, sir," he said; "but did you mean to give me fifty cents?"

      "Yes," said the cigar-vender, laughing; "but I wouldn't have done it, if it had been good."

      "Isn't it good?"

      "No, it's a counterfeit, and a pretty bad one. I might pass it, but it would cost me too much time and trouble."

      Frank was confounded. He mechanically handed the money to Mills, but did not again thank the giver. When they returned to the tenement-house, Mills requested Frank to go to the baker's for a loaf of bread.

      "Yes, sir."

      "Here is the money."

      "But that is the counterfeit note," said Frank, scrutinizing the bill given him.

      "What if it is?" demanded Mills, sharply.

      "It won't pass."

      "Yes, it will, if you are sharp."

      "Do you want me to pass counterfeit money, Mr. Mills?"

      "Yes, I do; I took it, and I mean to get rid of it."

      "But you didn't give anything for it."

      "That's neither here nor there. Take it, and offer it to the baker. If he won't take it, go to another baker with it."

      "I would rather not do it," said Frank, firmly.

      "Rather not!" exclaimed Mills, angrily. "Do you pretend to dictate to me?"

      "No, I don't, but I don't mean to pass any counterfeit money for you or any other man," said Frank, with spirit.

      Mills half rose, with a threatening gesture, but thought better of it.

      "You're a fool," said he. "I suppose you are afraid of being arrested; but you have only to say that I gave it to you, and that I am blind, and couldn't tell it from good money."

      "But you know that it is bad money, Mr. Mills."

      "What if I do? No one can prove it. Take the money, and come back as quick as you can."

      "You must excuse me," said Frank, quietly, but firmly.

      "Do you refuse to do as I bid you?" demanded Mills, furiously.

      "I refuse to pass counterfeit money."

      "Then, by Heaven, I'll flog you!"

      Mills rose and advanced directly towards Frank, with his eyes wide open. Fortunately our hero was near the door, and, quickly opening it, darted from the room, pursued by Mills, his face flaming with wrath. It flashed upon Frank that no blind man could have done this. He decided that the man was a humbug, and could see a little, at all events. His blindness was no doubt assumed to enable him to appeal more effectively to the sympathizing public. This revelation disgusted Frank. He could not respect a man who lived by fraud. Counterfeit or no counterfeit, he decided to withdraw at once and forever from the service of Mr. Mills.

      His employer gave up the pursuit before he reached the street. Frank found himself on the sidewalk, free and emancipated, no richer than when he entered the service of the blind man, except in experience.

      "I haven't got a cent," he said to himself, "but I'll get along somehow."

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      Though Frank was penniless he was not cast down. He was tolerably familiar with the lower part of the city, and had greater reliance on himself than he had a week ago. If he had only had capital to the extent of fifty cents he would have felt quite at ease, for this would have set him up as a newsboy.

      "I wonder if I could borrow fifty cents of Dick Rafferty," considered Frank. "I'll try, at any rate."

      He ran across Dick in City-Hall Park. That young gentleman was engaged in pitching pennies with a brother professional.

      "I say, Dick, I want to speak to you a minute," said Frank.

      "All right! Go ahead!"

      "I've lost my place."

      Dick whistled.

      "Got sacked, have you?" he asked.

      "Yes; but I might have stayed."

      "Why didn't you?"

      "Mills wanted me to pass a counterfeit note, and I wouldn't."

      "Was it a bad-looking one?"


      "Then you're right. You might have got nabbed."

      "That wasn't the reason I refused. If I had been sure there'd have been no trouble I wouldn't have done it."

      "Why not?" asked Dick, who did not understand our hero's scruples.

      "Because it's wrong."

      Dick shrugged his shoulders.

      "I guess you belong to the church," he said.

      "No, I