The Hand in the Dark. Arthur J. Rees. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Arthur J. Rees
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664641717
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was drawn, but she had recovered her self-control. She walked quickly towards Musard, who was still bending over the bed.

      "Vincent!" she cried. "In pity's name tell me what dreadful thing has happened? They have carried Phil downstairs, and they tried to detain me, but I broke away from them and came straight to you. Is Violet——"

      Musard sprang to his feet at the first sound of her voice, and wheeled round swiftly, as if trying to impose his body between her and the figure on the bed.

      "Go back, Alethea!" he sternly commanded. "Go back, I say! This is no sight for you, and you can do no good."

      He still sought to intercept her as she approached, but she gently put aside his detaining hand, and, walking to the bedside, looked down. Then, at that sight, her fingers sought for his with an impulsive feminine movement, and held them tight.

      "Do not be afraid for me," she whispered. "See! I am calm—I may be able to help. Is she—dead?"

      "Dying," said Musard sadly.

      "Is it … ?" her voice dropped to nothingness, but her frightened eyes, travelling fearfully into the shadowy corners of the big bedroom, completed the unspoken sentence.

      Musard understood her, and bowed his head silently. Then, turning his face to the door, he beckoned Tufnell to approach. The old servant advanced tremblingly into the room, vainly endeavouring to compose his horror-stricken face into a semblance of the impassive mask of the well-trained English servant.

      "Go downstairs and get me some hot water," said Musard quietly. "Look sharp—and bring it yourself. I do not want any maidservants here to go into hysterics."

      Tufnell hastened away. Musard resumed his place at the bedside, silently watching the figure on the bed. There was blood on his hands and clothes.

      "Is there no hope? Can nothing be done to save her?" whispered Miss Heredith.

      "Nothing. The lung is penetrated. She is bleeding to death."

      His quick eye noticed a change in the figure on the bed. The face quivered ever so slightly, and the blue eyes half opened. Then the stricken girl made an effort as though she wanted to sit up, but a sudden convulsion seized her, and she fell back on her pillow, with one little white hand, glittering with rings, flung above her head, as if she died in the act of invoking the retribution of a God of justice on the assassin who had blotted out her young life in agony and horror.

      "She is dead," said Musard gently. "This is a terrible business, and our first duty is to try and capture the monster who committed this foul crime."

      They stood there in silence for a moment, looking earnestly at one another. Outside, somewhere in the woodland, there sounded the haunting gush of a night-bird's song, shivering through the quietness like a silver bell. The sweet note finished in a frightened squawk, and was followed by the cry of an owl. The song had betrayed the singer.

      Musard turned away from Miss Heredith, and walked restlessly around the bedroom, scanning the heavy pieces of furniture and the faded hangings, and peering into every nook and corner, as if seeking for the murderer's place of concealment. A roomy old wardrobe near the window attracted his eye, and he stopped in front of it and flung its doors open. It contained some articles of the dead girl's apparel—costumes and frocks—hanging on hooks.

      His eye wandered to the window, shrouded in the heavy folds of the damask curtains. He walked over to it, and drew the curtains aside. The bottom half of the window was wide open.

      Miss Heredith, who was following his movements closely, gave vent to a faint cry of surprise.

      "The window!" she exclaimed.

      Musard looked round inquiringly.

      "The window—what of it?" he asked.

      "It was closed when I came in here before dinner to see Violet."

      "You are quite sure of that?"

      "Oh, yes! At least, I think so."

      "I do not understand you."

      "I mean that the atmosphere of the room was heavy and thick, as if the window had not been opened all day."

      "It has been a still, close day."

      "But Violet never had a window open if she could help it. She disliked fresh air. She was always afraid of catching cold."

      Musard looked out of the window into the velvet darkness of the night.

      "If the window was closed before, the murderer has opened it and escaped through it," he said.

      "It is hardly possible."

      "Why not?" He turned round and faced her.

      "The ground falls on that side. The window is nearly twenty feet from the ground. And—there is the moat to be crossed. There is no bridge on that side of the house, and this window opens on the garden. Don't you remember?"

      "I remember now."

      "I thought you would."

      "Still——" Musard broke off abruptly, and walked away from the window.

      Near the window stood the dressing-table. The swing oval mirror reflected its contents—ivory brushes, silver hand mirrors, all the costly bijoutry of a refined woman's toilet. Among them stood Violet's silver jewel-case. Musard strode over and examined the case. It was locked.

      "This ought to be put away," he said.

      "I was coming up to get it when I heard the scream," whispered his companion.

      "Perhaps you will take charge of it now," he said, placing it in her hands. As he did so there flashed across his mind the cynical appropriateness of the old proverb about locking doors after stolen steeds.

      There was a restraint and lack of spontaneity about their conversation of which both were acutely conscious. The note was forced, as though from too great an effort to strike the right key. A curious psychological change had swept over both since they stood together by the bedside of the dying woman. It had come with the entry of death. They conversed hurriedly and guardedly, as if they mistrusted each other. In each of them two entities were now apparent—a surface consciousness, which talked and acted mechanically, and a secondary inner consciousness, watchful, and fearful of misinterpretation of the spoken word. The faculties which make up the human mind are different and complex, and mysteriously blended. It may be that when tragedy upsets the frail structure of human life the brute instincts of watchfulness and self-preservation come uppermost, guarding against chance suspicion, or the loud word of accusation. Perhaps through Musard's mind was passing the thought of the strange manner in which the murder had been committed, and how he, by detaining everybody downstairs at the dinner table while he told his story had been an instrument in its accomplishment.

      The situation was terminated by the arrival of Tufnell with some hot water. Almost on his heels came the young men who had been searching the house. Musard was relieved by their return, though his impassive face did not reveal his feelings. Miss Heredith left the room with Tufnell, taking the jewel-case with her. Musard met the young men at the threshold.

      The tall young officer with the sunburnt face, Major Gardner, informed Musard that they had completed a search of the house from top to bottom, but had found nothing. They had also searched the grounds, without result.

      "Mrs. Heredith is dead," Musard gravely informed them. "She died while you have been searching for the miscreant who fired the shot we heard at the dinner table. Gentlemen, he must be found. It seems hardly possible that he has succeeded in getting clear away in so short a time."

      "We have searched the place from top to bottom," remarked one of the young men.

      "It is a strange, rambling old place, and difficult to explore unless you know it thoroughly," said Musard.

      "We have done the best we could."

      "I do not doubt it, but there are many old nooks and corners in which