The Angel of Terror. Edgar Wallace. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Edgar Wallace
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378077167
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she tried the door, and then, conscious of a faint reflected glow on the cloth-lined roof of the cab, she looked backward through the peep-hole. She saw two great motor-car lamps within a few yards of the cab. A car was following, she glimpsed the outline of it as they ran past a street standard.

      They were in one of the roads of the outer suburbs. Looking through the window over the driver's shoulder she saw trees on one side of the road, and a long grey fence. It was while she was so looking that the car behind shot suddenly past and ahead, and she saw its tail lights moving away with a pang of hopelessness. Then, before she realised what had happened, the big car ahead slowed and swung sideways, blocking the road, and the cab came to a jerky stop that flung her against the window. She saw two figures in the dim light of the taxi's head lamps, heard somebody speak, and the door was jerked open.

      "Will you step out, Miss Beale," said a pleasant voice, and though her legs seemed queerly weak, she obliged. The second man was standing by the side of the driver. He wore a long raincoat, the collar of which was turned up to the tip of his nose.

      "You may go back to your friends and tell them that Miss Beale is in good hands," he was saying. "You may also burn a candle or two before your favourite saint, in thanksgiving that you are alive."

      "I don't know what you're talking about," said the driver sulkily. "I'm taking this young lady to her office."

      "Since when has the Daily Megaphone been published in the ghastly suburbs?" asked the other politely.

      He saw the girl, and raised his hat.

      "Come along, Miss Beale," he said. "I promise you a more comfortable ride—even if I cannot guarantee that the end will be less startling."

      Chapter 3

      The man who had opened the door was a short, stoutly built person of middle age. He took the girl's arm gently, and without questioning she accompanied him to the car ahead, the man in the raincoat following. No word was spoken, and Lydia was too bewildered to ask questions until the car was on its way. Then the younger man chuckled.

      "Clever, Rennett!" he said. "I tell you, those people are super-humanly brilliant!"

      "I'm not a great admirer of villainy," said the other gruffly, and the younger man, who was sitting opposite the girl, laughed.

      "You must take a detached interest, my dear chap. Personally, I admire them. I admit they gave me a fright when I realised that Miss Beale had not called the cab, but that it had been carefully planted for her, but still I can admire them."

      "What does it mean?" asked the puzzled girl. "I'm so confused—where are we going now? To the office?"

      "I fear you will not get to the office to-night," said the young man calmly, "and it is impossible to explain to you just why you were abducted."

      "Abducted?" said the girl incredulously. "Do you mean to say that man——"

      "He was carrying you into the country," said the other calmly. "He would probably have travelled all night and have left you stranded in some un-get-at-able place. I don't think he meant any harm—they never take unnecessary risks, and all they wanted was to spirit you away for the night. How they came to know that we had chosen you baffles me," he said. "Can you advance any theory, Rennett?"

      "Chosen me?" repeated the startled girl. "Really, I feel I'm entitled to some explanation, and if you don't mind, I would like you to take me back to my office. I have a job to keep," she added grimly.

      "Six pounds ten a week, and a few guineas extra for your illustrations," said the man in the raincoat. "Believe me, Miss Beale, you'll never pay off your debts on that salary, not if you live to be a hundred."

      She could only gasp.

      "You seem to know a great deal about my private affairs," she said, when she had recovered her breath.

      "A great deal more than you can imagine."

      She guessed he was smiling in the darkness, and his voice was so gentle and apologetic that she could not take offence.

      "In the past twelve months you have had thirty-nine judgments recorded against you, and in the previous year, twenty-seven. You are living on exactly thirty shillings a week, and all the rest is going to your father's creditors."

      "You're very impertinent!" she said hotly and, as she felt, foolishly.

      "I'm very pertinent, really. By the way, my name is Glover—John Glover, of the firm of Rennett, Glover and Simpson. The gentleman at your side is Mr. Charles Rennett, my senior partner. We are a firm of solicitors, but how long we shall remain a firm," he added pointedly, "depends rather upon you."

      "Upon me?" said the girl in genuine astonishment. "Well, I can't say that I have so much love for lawyers——"

      "That I can well understand," murmured Mr. Glover.

      "But I certainly do not wish to dissolve your partnership," she went on.

      "It is rather more serious than that," said Mr. Rennett, who was sitting by her side. "The fact is, Miss Beale, we are acting in a perfectly illegal manner, and we are going to reveal to you the particulars of an act we contemplate, which, if you pass on the information to the police, will result in our professional ruin. So you see this adventure is infinitely more important to us than at present it is to you. And here we are!" he said, interrupting the girl's question.

      The car turned into a narrow drive, and proceeded some distance through an avenue of trees before it pulled up at the pillared porch of a big house.

      Rennett helped her to alight and ushered her through the door, which opened almost as they stopped, into a large panelled hall.

      "This is the way, let me show you," said the younger man.

      He opened a door and she found herself in a big drawing-room, exquisitely furnished and lit by two silver electroliers suspended from the carved roof.

      To her relief an elderly woman rose to greet her.

      "This is my wife, Miss Beale," said Rennett. "I need hardly explain that this is also my home."

      "So you found the young lady," said the elderly lady, smiling her welcome, "and what does Miss Beale think of your proposition?"

      The young man Glover came in at that moment, and divested of his long raincoat and hat, he proved to be of a type that the Universities turn out by the hundred. He was good-looking too, Lydia noticed with feminine inconsequence, and there was something in his eyes that inspired trust. He nodded with a smile to Mrs. Rennett, then turned to the girl.

      "Now Miss Beale, I don't know whether I ought to explain or whether my learned and distinguished friend prefers to save me the trouble."

      "Not me," said the elder man hastily. "My dear," he turned to his wife, "I think we'll leave Jack Glover to talk to this young lady."

      "Doesn't she know?" asked Mrs. Rennett in surprise, and Lydia laughed, although she was feeling far from amused.

      The possible loss of her employment, the disquieting adventure of the evening, and now this further mystery all combined to set her nerves on edge.

      Glover waited until the door closed on his partner and his wife and seemed inclined to wait a little longer, for he stood with his back to the fire, biting his lips and looking down thoughtfully at the carpet.

      "I don't just know how to begin, Miss Beale," he said. "And having seen you, my conscience is beginning to work overtime. But I might as well start at the beginning. I suppose you have heard of the Bulford murder?"

      The girl stared at him.

      "The Bulford murder?" she said incredulously, and he nodded.

      "Why, of course, everybody has heard of that."

      "Then happily it is unnecessary to explain all the circumstances," said Jack Glover, with a little grimace of distaste.
