Big Book of Fairytales (Illustrated Edition). Andrew Lang. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Lang
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066394882
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says that, I must do it, but Heaven knows how unwilling I am to throw thee out, Little Snow!’ said she.

      So they sailed onwards a long way farther.

      ‘There may’st thou see the King coming out to meet thee,’ said the brother, pointing to the sea-shore.

      ‘What is my brother saying?’ asked his sister again.

      ‘Now he says that you are to make haste and throw yourself overboard,’ answered the step-mother.

      She wept and she wailed, but as her brother had said that, she thought she must do it; so she leaped into the sea.

      But when they arrived at the palace, and the King beheld the ugly bride with a nose that was four ells long, a jaw that was three ells, and a forehead that had a bush in the middle of it, he was quite terrified; but the wedding feast was all prepared, as regarded brewing and baking, and all the wedding guests were sitting waiting, so, ugly as she was, the King was forced to take her.

      But he was very wroth, and none can blame him for that; so he caused the brother to be thrown into a pit full of snakes.

      On the first Thursday night after this, a beautiful maiden came into the kitchen of the palace, and begged the kitchen-maid, who slept there, to lend her a brush. She begged very prettily, and got it, and then she brushed her hair, and the gold dropped from it.

      A little dog was with her, and she said to it, ‘Go out, Little Snow, and see if it will soon be day!’

      This she said thrice, and the third time that she sent out the dog to see, it was very near dawn. Then she was forced to depart, but as she went she said:

      ‘Out on thee, ugly Bushy Bride,

       Sleeping so soft by the young King’s side,

       On sand and stones my bed I make,

       And my brother sleeps with the cold snake,

       Unpitied and unwept.’

      I shall come twice more, and then never again,’ said she.

      In the morning the kitchen-maid related what she had seen and heard, and the King said that next Thursday night he himself would watch in the kitchen and see if this were true, and when it had begun to grow dark he went out into the kitchen to the girl. But though he rubbed his eyes and did everything he could to keep himself awake it was all in vain, for the Bushy Bride crooned and sang till his eyes were fast closed, and when the beautiful young maiden came he was sound asleep and snoring.

      This time also, as before, she borrowed a brush and brushed her hair with it, and the gold dropped down as she did it; and again she sent the dog out three times, and when day dawned she departed, but as she was going she said as she had said before, ‘I shall come once more, and then never again.’

      On the third Thursday night the King once more insisted on keeping watch. Then he set two men to hold him; each of them was to take an arm, and shake him and jerk him by the arm whenever he seemed to be going to fall asleep; and he set two men to watch his Bushy Bride. But as the night wore on the Bushy Bride again began to croon and to sing, so that his eyes began to close and his head to droop on one side. Then came the lovely maiden, and got the brush and brushed her hair till the gold dropped from it, and then she sent her Little Snow out to see if it would soon be day, and this she did three times. The third time it was just beginning to grow light, and then she said:

      ‘Out on thee, ugly Bushy Bride,

       Sleeping so soft by the young King’s side,

       On sand and stones my bed I make,

       And my brother sleeps with the cold snake,

       Unpitied and unwept.’

      ‘Now I shall never come again,’ she said, and then she turned to go. But the two men who were holding the King by the arms seized his hands and forced a knife into his grasp, and then made him cut her little finger just enough to make it bleed.

      Thus the true bride was freed. The King then awoke, and she told him all that had taken place, and how her step-mother and step-sister had betrayed her. Then the brother was at once taken out of the snake-pit—the snakes had never touched him—and the step-mother and step-sister were flung down into it instead of him.

      No one can tell how delighted the King was to get rid of that hideous Bushy Bride, and get a Queen who was bright and beautiful as day itself.


       Table of Contents

      Once upon a time, in the middle of winter when the snow-flakes were falling like feathers on the earth, a Queen sat at a window framed in black ebony and sewed. And as she sewed and gazed out to the white landscape, she pricked her finger with the needle, and three drops of blood fell on the snow outside, and because the red showed out so well against the white she thought to herself:

      ‘Oh! what wouldn’t I give to have a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony!’

      And her wish was granted, for not long after a little daughter was born to her, with a skin as white as snow, lips and cheeks as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. They called her Snowdrop, and not long after her birth the Queen died.

      After a year the King married again. His new wife was a beautiful woman, but so proud and overbearing that she couldn’t stand any rival to her beauty. She possessed a magic mirror, and when she used to stand before it gazing at her own reflection and ask:

      ‘Mirror, mirror, hanging there,

       Who in all the land’s most fair?’

      it always replied:

      ‘You are most fair, my Lady Queen,

       None fairer in the land, I ween.’

      Then she was quite happy, for she knew the mirror always spoke the truth.

      But Snowdrop was growing prettier and prettier every day, and when she was seven years old she was as beautiful as she could be, and fairer even than the Queen herself. One day when the latter asked her mirror the usual question, it replied:

      ‘My Lady Queen, you are fair, ‘tis true,

       But Snowdrop is fairer far than you.’

      Then the Queen flew into the most awful passion, and turned every shade of green in her jealousy. From this hour she hated poor Snowdrop like poison, and every day her envy, hatred, and malice grew, for envy and jealousy are like evil weeds which spring up and choke the heart. At last she could endure Snowdrop’s presence no longer, and, calling a huntsman to her, she said:

      ‘Take the child out into the wood, and never let me see her face again. You must kill her, and bring me back her lungs and liver, that I may know for certain she is dead.’

      The Huntsman did as he was told and led Snowdrop out into the wood, but as he was in the act of drawing out his knife to slay her, she began to cry, and said:

      ‘Oh, dear Huntsman, spare my life, and I will promise to fly forth into the wide wood and never to return home again.’

      And because she was so young and pretty the Huntsman had pity on her, and