Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors. James Freeman Clarke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Freeman Clarke
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066103231
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       § 6. The three principal Views of the Atonement—warlike,. legal, and governmental.

       § 7. Impression made by Christ's Death on the Minds of. his Disciples. First Theory on the Subject in the Epistle to. the Hebrews.

       § 8. Value of Suffering as a Means of Education.

       § 9. The Human Conscience suggests the Need of some. Satisfaction in order to our Forgiveness.

       § 10. How the Death of Jesus brings Men to God.

       § 11. This Law of Vicarious Suffering universal.

       § 12. This Law illustrated from History—in the Death of. Socrates, Joan of Arc, Savonarola, and Abraham Lincoln.

       § 13. Dr. Bushnell's View of the Atonement.

       § 14. Results of this Discussion.

       Chapter XI. Calling, Election, And Reprobation.

       § 1. Orthodox Doctrine.

       § 2. Scripture Basis for this Doctrine.

       § 3. Relation of the Divine Decree to Human Freedom.

       § 4. History of the Doctrine of Election and Predestination.

       § 5. Election is to Work and Opportunity here, not to Heaven. hereafter. How Jacob was elected, and how the Jews were a. Chosen People.

       § 6. How other Nations were elected and called.

       § 7. How different Denominations are elected.

       § 8. How Individuals are elected.

       § 9. How Jesus was elected to be the Christ.

       § 10. Other Illustrations of Individual Calling and Election.

       Chapter XII. Immortality And The Resurrection.

       § 1. Orthodox Doctrine.

       § 2. The Doctrine of Immortality as taught by Reason, the. Instinctive Consciousness, and Scripture.

       § 3. The Three Principal Views of Death—the Pagan,. Jewish, and Christian.

       § 4. Eternal Life, as taught in the New Testament, not. endless Future Existence, but present Spiritual Life.

       § 5. Resurrection, and its real Meaning, as a Rising up, and. not a Rising again.

       § 6. Resurrection of the Body, as taught in the New Testament,. not a Rising again of the same Body, but the Ascent into. a higher Body.

       Chapter XIII. Christ's Coming, Usually Called The “ Second Coming, ” And Christ The Judge Of The World.

       § 1. The Coming of Christ is not wholly future, not wholly. outward, not local, nor material.

       § 2. No Second Coming of Christ is mentioned in Scripture.

       § 3. Were the Apostles mistaken in expecting a speedy Coming. of Christ?

       § 4. Examination of the Account of Christ's Coming given. by Jesus in Matthew (chapters 24-26) .

       § 5. Coming of Christ in Human History at different. Times.

       § 6. Relation of the Parable of the Virgins, and of the. Talents, to Christ's Coming.

       § 7. Relation of the Account of the Judgment by the Messiah,. in Matt. ch. 25, to his Coming.

       § 8. How Christ is, and how he is not, to judge the World.

       § 9. When Christ's Judgment takes Place.

       § 10. Paul's View of the Judgment by Christ.

       § 11. Final Result.

       Chapter XIV. Eternal Punishment, Annihilation, Universal Restoration.

       § 1. Different Views concerning the Condition of the Impenitent. hereafter.

       § 2. The Doctrine of Everlasting Punishment, as held by. the Orthodox at the Present Time.

       § 3. Apparent Contradictions, both in Scripture and Reason,. in Regard to this Doctrine.

       § 4. Everlasting Punishment limits the Sovereignty of God.

       § 5. Everlasting Punishment contradicts the Fatherly Love. of God.
