Torrey's Narrative; or, The Life and Adventures of William Torrey. William Torrey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William Torrey
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066138738
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       William Torrey

      Torrey's Narrative; or, The Life and Adventures of William Torrey

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066138738

       CHAPTER I.

       CHAPTER II.


       CHAPTER IV.

       CHAPTER V.

       CHAPTER VI.



       CHAPTER IX.

       CHAPTER X.

       CHAPTER XI.




       CHAPTER XV.




The author's early life. Has a strong desire to remove. Leaves home. Falls in with a robber by the name of Harris. Goes to New London. Harris commits many thefts. Is taken, and both thrown into prison. Trial comes, and Harris is sentenced to State prison. The Judge takes the author to his own house. Gives him fatherly admonition, and money to go home. Remains sometime. Again leaves, and gladly returns. The third time leaves, and is retaken. Leaves home resolved never to return. Proceeds to New Bedford. 13
Leaves New Bedford. Touch at the Azores. Description of them. Encounter a heavy squall. The author is struck by lightning. Goes on shore at Fernando Po for water. Trade with the natives. Treatment offered a thief. See a native suffering with the Chiger. Deceive a British Man-of-War. Have poor success and sail for the Brazil Banks. Providential escape at Barbadoes. Land at St. Vincent. Great frolic with the natives. Thrown in prison. Sail for New Bedford. Storm in the Gulf Stream. Arrive at New Bedford. 33
Sail from New Bedford. The Crew are put upon allowance. Reach the Azores. Proceed to the Brazil Banks. Return to the African coast. Great fear arises from breakers. Prove to be an innumerable number of canoes filled with natives who come to the ship. Their awful appearance. Serious difficulty arises with one of the crew, who is put on shore. Cruise about for whale. Trade with the natives of St. Thomas. Procure two monkeys, who render much service in killing cockroaches. The treatment given the crew at Fernando Po. Kindly interference of British officers. The crew are obliged to catch their own provision. Sail for home. I take a few flying fish, which the captain claims as his. Threw them into the sea. Great rage of the Captain. Reach New Bedford. The sailors leave the Captain to secure the sails. 44
Sail on board the Huntress, bound for the Pacific, on a whaling Expedition. Encounter a heavy Storm. A Man lost. Reach the Falklands. Description of them. Storm at the Cape. Icebergs. Island of Juan Fernandez. Arrive at the Sandwich Islands. A Sketch of them. 54
Description of the Volcano of Kilauea, at Hawaii. 63
Sail for the "Off shore ground." Cruise for Whale. Come to anchor at Payta. Desert the ship. Sufferings in the desert. Reach the human habitations. Are entertained by an old Spaniard, who takes us to St. Augustine, and delivers us up to the Governor. Thrown into a Calaboose. Released by the Captain. Sketch of Peru. Proceed to the Galapagos. Scenes at that group. Rock of Dundas. Sail to the Society Islands. Run upon the Coral Reef. Loose an anchor. Employ natives to dive for it. Proceed to the Coast of Japan. Description of the Dolphin and Flying Fish. A violent storm. Sail for the Sandwich Islands. Touch at Pitcairns. Desert the ship. Ship on board the brig Doll. Arrive at Magdalena. Proceed to Wytohoo. Phosphoretic scene. A heavy storm. Seven men lost. Flee to the boats. The ship runs upon the rocks. 83
Got on shore among the Cannibals. The reception. Description of the Tabu ground. Visit the scene of the wreck, after the storm subsides, accompanied by the king and chiefs. Manner of building. Manner of bathing. The bread fruit. Description of the Carver. The Captain proposes leaving for Otaheite. Are taken around to the other tribes. Death of one of our number from the sun's heat. Manner in which the dead are disposed of. 108
A war breaks out. Its causes. Awful Massacre. The Author is tattooed. Manner of its accomplishment. An attack is made upon the Cohapha. Disposition of the prisoners. Continuance of the war. A ship comes to anchor. Our fond hopes blasted. Purchase a gun. Departure of the ship. The author builds a hut and takes a wife. Effect of the gun upon the Cohaphas. They attempt another night attack. Its results. The grand appearance of our army. Result of a single shot.

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