Historical Record of the Fifteenth, or, the Yorkshire East Riding, Regiment of Foot. Cannon Richard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cannon Richard
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066151805
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—— Effected a landing at Long Island — —— Proceeded against New York 48 —— ———————White Plains — —— ———————Fort Washington — 1777 ———————Peek's-Hill — —— ———————Danbury — 1777 Arrived at Ridgefield 49 —— Engaged at the Hill of Compo — —— Embarked at New York — —— Proceeded on an expedition against Philadelphia 50 —— Engaged at Brandywine — —— Engaged at Germantown 51 —— ———– at Whitemarsh — 1778 Marched from Philadelphia to New York 52 —— Embarked for the West Indies — —— Proceeded on an expedition against St. Lucia 53 1779 Embarked from St. Lucia and landed at St. Christopher's 54 1781 War declared against Holland — —— Capture of the Island of St. Eustatius — —— Recaptured by the French, and the 13th and 15th Regiments taken prisoners — 1782 Island of St. Christopher's taken by the French 55 —— Regiment returned to England 56 —— Received the County title of "York East Riding" — 1784 Embarked for Ireland — 1790 ———— for Barbadoes — 1793 Removed to Dominica — 1794 Embarked on an expedition against Martinique and Guadaloupe 57 1795 Stationed at Martinique 58 1796 Re-embarked for England — 1797 Proceeded to Scotland — 1799 Returned to England — —— Received volunteers from the Militia and augmented to two battalions — 1800 Embarked for Ireland — 1802 Peace concluded with France — —— Establishment reduced, and the second battalion disbanded — 1803 War recommenced against France — 1804 Establishment again augmented, and second battalion added and formed in Yorkshire 59 1805 First battalion embarked for the West Indies — —— Embarked as Marines on board the Fleet under Admiral Lord Nelson — —— Relanded at Barbadoes — 1807 Again embarked on board the fleet — —— Returned to Barbadoes, and embarked for Grenada — —— Engaged in an expedition against the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix 60 1809 —————————— against the island of Martinique — —— Capture of Martinique — —— Engaged in the reduction of the islands in the vicinity of Guadaloupe 61