The Cheviot Hills.[G]
[G] From Good Words for 1876.
The ridge of high ground that separates England from Scotland is not, like many other hilly districts, the beloved of tourists. No guide-book expatiates upon the attractiveness of the Cheviots; no cunningly-worded hotel-puffs lure the unwary vagrant in search of health, or sport, or the picturesque, to the quiet dells and pastoral uplands of the Borders. Since the biographer of Dandie Dinmont, of joyous memory, joined the shades, no magic sentences, either in verse or prose, have turned any appreciable portion of the annual stream of tourists in the direction of the Cheviots. The scenery is not of a nature to satisfy the desires of those who look for something piquant—something “sensational,” as it were. It is therefore highly improbable that the primeval repose of these Border uplands will ever be disturbed by inroads of the “travelling public,” even should some second Burns arise to render the names of hills and streams as familiar as household words. And yet those who can spare the time to make themselves well acquainted with that region should do so; they will have no reason to regret their visit, but very much the reverse. For the scenery is of a kind which grows upon one. It shows no clamant beauties—you cannot have its charms photographed—the passing stranger may see nothing in it to detain him; but only tarry for a while amongst these green uplands, and you shall find a strange attraction in their soft outlines, in their utter quiet and restfulness. For those who are wearied with the crush and din of life, I cannot think of a better retreat. One may wander at will amongst the breezy hills, and inhale the most invigorating air; springs of the coolest and clearest water abound, and there are few of the brooks in their upper reaches which will not furnish natural shower-baths. Did the reader ever indulge in such a mountain-bath? If not, then let him on a summer day seek out some rocky pool, sheltered from the sun, if possible, by birch and mountain-ash, and, creeping in below the stream where it leaps from the ledges above, allow the cool water to break upon his head, and he will confess to having discovered a new aqueous luxury. Then from the slopes and tops of the hills you have some of the finest panoramic views to be seen in this island. Nor are there wanting picturesque nooks, and striking rock scenery amongst the hills themselves: the sides of the Cheviot are seamed with some wild, rugged chasms, which are just as weird in their way as many of the rocky ravines that eat into the heart of our Highland mountains. The beauty of the lower reaches of some of the streams that issue from the Cheviots is well known; and few tourists who enter the vale of the Teviot neglect to make the acquaintance of the sylvan Jed. But other streams, such as the Bowmont, the Kale, the Oxnam, and the Rule will also well repay a visit. In addition to all these natural charms, the Cheviot district abounds in other attractions. Those who are fond of Border lore, who love to seek out the sites of old forays, and battles, and romantic incidents, will find much to engage them; for every stream, and almost every hill, is noted in tale and ballad. Or if the visitor have antiquarian tastes, he may rival old Monkbarns, and do his best to explain the history of the endless camps, ramparts, ditches, and terraces which abound everywhere, especially towards the heads of the valleys. To the geologist the district is not less interesting, as I hope to be able, in the course of these papers, to show. The geological history of the Cheviots might be shortly summed up, and given in a narrative form, but it will perhaps be more interesting, and, at the same time more instructive, if we shall, instead, go a little into detail, and show first what the nature of the evidence is, and, second, how that evidence may be pieced together so as to tell its own story. I may just premise that my descriptions refer almost exclusively to the Scottish side of the Cheviots—which is not only the most picturesque, but also the most interesting, both from an antiquarian and geological point of view.
The Cheviots extend from the head of the Tyne in Northumberland, and of the Liddel in Roxburghshire, to Yeavering Bell and the heights in its neighbourhood (near Wooler), a distance of upwards of thirty miles. Some will have it that the range goes westward so as to include the heights about the source of the Teviot, but this is certainly a mistake, for after leaving Peel Fell and crossing to the heights on the other side of the Liddel Water, we enter a region which, both in its physical aspect and its geological structure, differs considerably from the hilly district that lies between Peel Fell and the high-grounds that roll down to the wide plains watered by the Glen and the Till. The highest point in the range is that which gives its name to the hills—namely, the Cheviot—a massive broad-topped hill, which reaches an elevation of 2767 feet above the sea, and from which a wonderful panorama can be scanned on a clear day. The top of the hill is coated with peat, fifteen to twenty feet thick, in some places. A number of deep ravines trench its slopes, the most noted of which are Hen Hole and the Bizzle. Peel Fell, at the other extremity of the range, is only 1964 feet high, while the dominant points between Peel Fell and the Cheviot are still lower—ranging from 1500 feet to 1800 feet. The general character of the hills is that of smooth rounded masses, with long flowing outlines. There are no peaks, nor serrated ridges, such as are occasionally met with in the northern Highlands; and the valleys as a rule show no precipitous crags and rocky precipices, the most conspicuous exceptions being the deep clefts mentioned as occurring in the Cheviot. The hills fall away with a long gentle slope into England, while on the Scottish side the descent is somewhat abrupt; so that upon the whole the northern or Scottish portion of the Cheviots has more of the picturesque to commend it than the corresponding districts in England. Indeed, the opposite slopes of the range show some rather striking contrasts. The long, flat-topped elevations on the English side, that sweep south and south-west from Carter Fell and Harden Edge, and which are drained by the Tyne, the Rede Water, and the Coquet, are covered for the most part with peat. Sometimes, however, when the slope is too great to admit of its growth, the peat gives place to rough scanty grass and scrubby heath, which barely suffice to hide the underlying barren sandstone rocks. One coming from the Scottish side is hardly prepared, indeed, for the dreary aspect of this region as viewed from the dominant ridge of the Cheviots. If in their physical aspect the English slopes of these hills are for the most part less attractive than the Scottish, it is true also that they offer less variety of interest to the geologist. Those who have journeyed in stagecoaching times from England into Scotland by Carter Fell, will remember the relief they felt when, having surmounted the hill above Whitelee, and escaped from the dreary barrens of the English border, they suddenly caught a sight of the green slopes of the Scottish hills, and the well-wooded vales of Edgerston Burn and Jed Water. On a clear day the view from this point is very charming. Away to the west stretch in seemingly endless undulations the swelling hills that circle round the upper reaches of Teviotdale. To east and north-east the eye glances along the bright-green Cheviots of the Scottish border, and marks how they plunge, for the most part somewhat suddenly, into the low grounds, save here and there, where they sink in gentler slopes, or throw out a few scattered outposts—abrupt verdant hills that somehow look as if they had broken away from the main mass of the range. From the same standpoint one traces the valleys of the Rule and the Jed—sweetest of border streams—stretching north into the well-clothed vale of the Teviot. Indeed, nearly the whole of that highly-cultivated and often richly-wooded country that extends from the base of the Cheviots to the foot of the Lammermuirs, lies stretched before one. Here and there abrupt isolated hills rise up amid the undulating low grounds, to hide the country behind them. Of these the most picturesque are dark Rubers Law, overlooking the Rule Water; Minto Crags, and Penielheugh with its ugly excrescence of a monument, both on the north side of the Teviot; and the Eildon Hills, which, as all the world knows, are near Melrose.
After he has sated himself with the rare beauty of this landscape (and still finer panoramic views are to be had from the top of Blackhall Hill, Hownam Law, the Cheviot, as also from various points on the line of the Roman Road and other paths across the hills into England), the observer will hardly fail to be struck by the great variety of outlines exhibited. Some of the hills, especially those to the west and north-west, are grouped in heavy masses, and present