The Collected Novels. William Harrison Ainsworth. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William Harrison Ainsworth
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066384609
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portrait of Sir Piers was to be met with. But in lieu thereof, depending from a pair of buck’s horns, hung the worthy knight’s stained scarlet coat — the same in which he had ridden forth, with the intent to hunt, on the eventful occasion detailed by Peter Bradley — his velvet cap, his buck-handled whip, and the residue of his equipment for the chase. This attire was reviewed with melancholy interest and unaffected emotion by the company, as reminding them forcibly of the departed, of which it seemed a portion.

      The party consisted of the vicar of Rookwood, Dr. Polycarp Small; Dr. Titus Tyrconnel, an emigrant, and empirical professor of medicine, from the sister isle, whose convivial habits had first introduced him to the hall, and afterwards retained him there; and Mr. Codicil Coates, clerk of the peace, attorney-at-law, bailiff, and receiver. We were wrong in saying that Tyrconnel was retained. He was an impudent, intrusive fellow, whom, having once gained a footing in the house, it was impossible to dislodge. He cared for no insult; perceived no slight; and professed, in her presence, the profoundest respect for Lady Rookwood: in short, he was ever ready to do anything but depart.

      Sir Piers was one of those people who cannot dine alone. He disliked a solitary repast almost as much as a tête-à-tête with his lady. He would have been recognized at once as the true Amphitryon, had any one been hardy enough to play the part of Jupiter. Ever ready to give a dinner, he found a difficulty arise, not usually experienced on such occasions — there was no one upon whom to bestow it. He had the best of wine; kept an excellent table; was himself no niggard host; but his own merits, and those of his cuisine, were forgotten in the invariable pendant to the feast; and the best of wine lost its flavor when the last bottle found its way to the guest’s head. Dine alone Sir Piers would not. And as his old friends forsook him, he plunged lower in his search of society; collecting within his house a class of persons whom no one would have expected to meet at the hall, nor even its owner have chosen for his companions, had any choice remained to him. He did not endure this state of things without much outward show of discontent. “Anything for a quiet life,” was his constant saying; and, like the generality of people with whom those words form a favorite maxim, he led the most uneasy life imaginable. Endurance, to excite commiseration, must be uncomplaining — an axiom the aggrieved of the gentle sex should remember. Sir Piers endured, but he grumbled lustily, and was on all hands voted a bore; domestic grievances, especially if the husband be the plaintiff, being the most intolerable of all mentionable miseries. No wonder that his friends deserted him; still there was Titus Tyrconnel; his ears and lips were ever open to pathos and to punch; so Titus kept his station. Immediately after her husband’s demise, it had been Lady Rookwood’s intention to clear the house of all the “vermin,” so she expressed herself, that had so long infested it; and forcibly to eject Titus, and one or two other intruders of the same class. But in consequence of certain hints received from Mr. Coates, who represented the absolute necessity of complying with Sir Piers’s testamentary instructions, which were particular in that respect, she thought proper to defer her intentions until after the ceremonial of interment should be completed, and, in the mean time, strange to say, committed its arrangement to Titus Tyrconnel; who, ever ready to accommodate, accepted, nothing loth, the charge, and acquitted himself admirably well in his undertaking: especially, as he said, “in the aiting and drinking department — the most essential part of it all.” He kept open house — open dining-room — open cellar; resolved that his patron’s funeral should emulate as much as possible an Irish burial on a grand scale, “the finest sight,” in his opinion, “in the whole world.”

      Inflated with the importance of his office, inflamed with heat, sat Titus, like a “robustious periwig-pated” alderman after a civic feast. The natural rubicundity of his countenance was darkened to a deep purple tint, like that of a full-blown peony, while his ludicrous dignity was augmented by a shining suit of sables, in which his portly person was invested.

      The first magnum had been discussed in solemn silence; the cloud, however, which hung over the conclave, disappeared under the genial influence of “another and a better” bottle, and gave place to a denser vapor, occasioned by the introduction of the pipe and its accompaniments.

      Ensconced in a comfortable old chair — it is not every old chair that is comfortable — with pipe in mouth, and in full unbuttoned ease, his bushy cauliflower wig laid aside, by reason of the heat, reposed Dr. Small. Small, indeed, was somewhat of a misnomer, as applied to the worthy doctor, who, besides being no diminutive specimen of his kind, entertained no insignificant opinion of himself. His height was certainly not remarkable; but his width of shoulder — his sesquipedality of stomach — and obesity of calf — these were unique! Of his origin we know nothing; but presume he must, in some way or other, have been connected with the numerous family of “the Smalls,” who, according to Christopher North, form the predominant portion of mankind. In appearance, the doctor was short-necked and puffy, with a sodden, pasty face, wherein were set eyes whose obliquity of vision was, in some measure, redeemed by their expression of humor. He was accounted a man of parts and erudition, and had obtained high honors at his university. Rigidly orthodox, he abominated the very names of Papists and Jacobites, amongst which heretical herd he classed his companion, Mr. Titus Tyrconnel — Ireland being with him synonymous with superstition and Catholicism — and every Irishman rebellious and schismatical. On this head he was inclined to be disputatious. His prejudices did not prevent him from passing the claret, nor from laughing, as heartily as a plethoric asthma and sense of the decorum due to the occasion would permit, at the quips and quirks of the Irishman, who, he admitted, notwithstanding his heresies, was a pleasant fellow in the main. And when, in addition to the flattery, a pipe had been insinuated by the officious Titus, at the precise moment that Small yearned for his afternoon’s solace, yet scrupled to ask for it; when the door had been made fast, and the first whiff exhaled, all his misgivings vanished, and he surrendered himself to the soft seduction. In this Elysian state we find him.

      “Poor Sir Piers!” said Mr. Coates, a small man, in a scratch wig, with a face red and round as an apple, and almost as diminutive. “It is to be regretted that his over-conviviality should so much have hastened his lamented demise.”

      “Conviviality!” replied Titus; “no such thing — it was apoplexy — extravasation of sarum.”

      “Extra vase-ation of rum and water, you mean,” replied Coates, who, like all his tribe, rejoiced in a quibble.

      “The squire’s ailment,” continued Titus, “was a sanguineous effusion, as we call it — positive determination of blood to the head, occasioned by a low way he got into, just before his attack — a confirmed case of hypochondriasis, as that ould book Sir Piers was so fond of terms the blue devils. He neglected the bottle, which, in a man who has been a hard drinker all his life, is a bad sign. The lowering system never answers — never. Doctor, I’ll just trouble you”— for Small, in a fit of absence, had omitted to pass the bottle, though not to help himself. “Had he stuck to this”— holding up a glass, ruby bright —“the elixir vitæ— the grand panacea — he might have been hale and hearty at this present moment, and as well as any of us. But he wouldn’t be advised. To my thinking, as that was the case, he’d have been all the better for a little of your reverence’s sperretual advice; and his conscience having been relieved by confession and absolution, he might have opened a fresh account with an aisy heart and clane breast.”

      “I trust, sir,” said Small, gravely withdrawing his pipe from his lips, “that Sir Piers Rookwood addressed himself to a higher source than a sinning creature of clay like himself for remission of his sins; but, if there