The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kahlil Gibran
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378078102
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4 — United We Achieve

       Chapter 5 — I Want and I Am

       Chapter 6 — How to Be Wealthy

       Chapter 7 — Factors of Success

       Chapter 8 — To Be Square

       Chapter 9 — One Thing at a Time

       Chapter 10 — Joy Words

       Chapter 11 — Success Letters

       Chapter 12 — Desire for This, That and the Other

       IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE, by Ralph Waldo Trine

       Chapter 1 — Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty

       TAO TE CHING, by Lao Tzu

       Chapter 1

       THE ART OF WAR, by Sun Tzu

       Chapter 1 — Laying Plans

       THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH, by Wallace D. Wattles

       Chapter 1 — The Right to Be Rich

YOU CAN, by George Matthew Adams

      You Can

      YOU CAN make of yourself anything the germ of which lives within you. But to realize your full possibilities — to Dominate and Achieve — you must have High Aims, Ideals and Ambitions — all linked to an Iron Will. You yourself determine the height to which you shall Climb. Have you the Summit in view? All right —

      Then Start for it.

      YOU CAN take command of yourself at any moment you desire to do so. You can make of yourself a towering figure in the work of the world. No one owns you. One hundred per cent of the Stock in your personal Corporation belongs to you. The little People of Destruction that whine at your door, whine at the door of every forceful man. You can make them mere Pygmies in their Power over your Future. Are you doing this Now? Well —

      Then Keep it up!

      YOU CAN get Smiles and Cheer and Continued Youth — simply by sticking to your own craft and running your own pilot wheel with “Your Best” as the Place of Port. Results will take care of themselves. Never mind the Sneers, the Criticisms, the Misjudgments of others. Time will fade them all away from you if your Accumulated Strength of Character has taught you how to Wait. To-day is Yesterday’s plans put into action. To-morrow begins To-day. Your Worth to yourself and the World is measured by what you contribute $ach day in Usefulness. Success is the Sum of the Days.

      Then Do To-day.

      YOU CAN make Success sure by Work, Sacrifice, Enthusiasm, Unselfishness and Self-control. You are the Master of your own Destiny. Take personal command of yourself To-day.

      YOU CAN!


      No man in all this world ever rightfully Gets more than he Gives. And if he does he is just a plain Thief — a discredit first to Himself, then to everybody else. The Equal Division is always the Just Division — half to you and half to him. In other words, on the basis — 50-50.

      Be glad to Give as much as you Take.

      You who are an Employee, are you Sure you are giving in Service as much as you are taking in Money, Experience, Inspiration and Training from your Employer? Right now, take invoice. Do the results look like — 50-50? If not, start this plan into action —

      Be glad to Give as much as you Take.

      This plan of 50-50 — rightly interpreted, means death to Whiners, to the Disgruntled, and to the Assassinators of Success. They can’t five in the atmosphere of it. The Air is too Invigorating.

      Be glad to Give as much as you Take.

      Every dispute in this World is traceable to the lack of the 50-50 principle. The broken-up Homes, the disintegrated Businesses, the abandoned Friendships, the wasteful Armies of the World. There is need of this principle in every phase of Life. But never will it become a rule of every-day Action until YOU, in your place, begin to apply — 50-50.

      Be glad to Give as much as you Take.


      Yes, Silence is many times Golden. You know that. But try to realize it more strongly. For the Silent Man is usually the Thinking Man and the Silent Worker is the Get-Things-Done Worker. But best of all, Silence as a rule of daily life Conduct makes you Big and Powerful.

      Don’t talk Back.

      The World’s great Doers have all been Men and Women of few words — Napoleon, Cromwell, Washington, Grant, Lincoln, Marshall Field — Edison. These men didn’t have time for disputes, wrangles — revenges.

      Don’t talk Back.

      The World is coming to the Idea of Silence — fewer Words, more Deed-doing. It is the big Law of Nature. It is becoming the great Law of Business. For Silence can’t be answered. There is nothing to answer.

      Don’t talk Back.

      Look around you. You admire the Silent people — those who mind their own business and Build. You know the names of the Useful men of your town. You can’t waste their time — you can’t get them “mad.” You can’t steal anything from them. Their Silence is their Wealth and every time they walk along the streets they speak volumes. Add another motto to those you may already have. Make it this — Silence.

      Don’t talk Back.


      Few people Wear out before their time. Mostly they Rust out, Worry out, Run out — Spill out. A Machine must have care and its different parts must be adjusted properly. No Machine has ever approached the Human Machine. When it is right, it is in Health.

      Make Confidants of Air and Exercise.

      No great Battle was ever won with antiquated Artillery. Nor is it possible for Men or Women to give the best that is in them, aided by weak, ill cared for, abused Bodies. For Health puts on the alert every quality of Soul and makes the Brain and Heart and Nerve stations work in even unison, throbbing out big things in Deeds.

      Make Confidants of Air and Exercise.

      Pure Air, wholesome Exercise, a few good “Hobbies” put an edge to a human being that all the Pills in creation can’t equal. In addition, by touching up your Face with plenty of 22-Karat Smiles, you have briefly a Home Remedy for Health of great power and very practicable.
