AÏchieve¶ment (#), n. [Cf. F. achŠvement, E. Hatchment.] 1. The act of achieving or performing; an obtaining by exertion; successful performance; accomplishment; as, the achievement of his object.
2. A great or heroic deed; something accomplished by valor, boldness, or praiseworthy exertion; a feat.
[The exploits] of the ancient saints … do far surpass the most famous achievements of pagan heroes.
The highest achievements of the human intellect.
3. (Her.) An escutcheon or ensign armorial; now generally applied to the funeral shield commonly called hatchment.
AÏchiev¶er (#), n. One who achieves; a winner.
Ach·ilÏle¶an (#), a. Resembling Achilles, the hero of the Iliad; invincible.
AÏchil¶les' ten¶don (#), n. [L. Achillis tendo.] (Anat.) The strong tendon formed of the united tendons of the large muscles in the calf of the leg, an inserted into the bone of the heel; Ð so called from the mythological account of Achilles being held by the heel when dipped in the River Styx.
AÏchi¶lous (#), a. [Gr. ? priv. + ? lip.] (Bot.) Without a lip.
Ach¶ing (#), a. That aches; continuously painful. See Ache. Ð Ach¶ingÏly, adv.
The aching heart, the aching head.
Ø A·chiÏo¶te (#), n. [Sp. achiote, fr. Indian achiotl.] Seeds of the annotto tree; also, the coloring matter, annotto.
AÏchlam¶yÏdate (#), a. [Gr. ? priv. + ?. ?. a short cloak.] (Zo”l.) Not possessing a mantle; Ð said of certain gastropods.
Ach·laÏmyd¶eÏous (#), a. (Bot.) Naked; having no floral envelope, neither calyx nor corolla.
Ø AÏcho¶liÏa (#), n. [NL., from Gr. ?; ? priv. + ? bile.] (Med.) Deficiency or want of bile.
Ach¶oÏlous (#), a. (Med.) Lacking bile.
Ach·roÏmat¶ic (#), a. [Gr. ? colorless; ? priv. + ?, ?, color: cf. F. achromatique.] 1. (Opt.) Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors. 2. (Biol.) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; Ð said of tissue. Achromatic lens (Opt.), a lens composed usually of two separate lenses, a convex and concave, of substances having different refractive and dispersive powers, as crown and flint glass, with the curvatures so adjusted that the chromatic aberration produced by the one is corrected by other, and light emerges from the compound lens undecomposed. Ð Achromatic prism. See Prism, Ð Achromatic telescope, or microscope, one in which the chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of a compound or achromatic object glass, and which gives images free from extraneous color.
Ach·roÏmat¶icÏalÏly (#), adv. In an achromatic manner.
Ach·roÏmaÏtic¶iÏty (#), n. Achromatism.
AÏchro¶maÏtin (#), n. (Biol.) Tissue which is not stained by fluid dyes.
W. Flemming.
AÏchro¶maÏtism (#), n. [Cf. F. achromatisme.] The state or quality of being achromatic; as, the achromatism of a lens; achromaticity.
AÏchro·maÏtiÏza¶tion (#), n. [Cf. F. achromatisation.] The act or process of achromatizing.
AÏchro¶maÏtize (#), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Achromatized (#); p. pr. & vb. n. Achromatizing (#).] [Gr. ? priv. + ? color.] To deprive of color; to make achromatic.
AÏchro¶maÏtop¶sy (#), n. [Gr. ? priv. + ? color + ? sight.] Color blindness; inability to distinguish colors; Daltonism.
AÏchron¶ic (#), a. See Acronyc.
Ach·roÏ”Ïdex¶trin (#), n. [Gr. ? colorless + E. dextrin.] (Physiol. Chem.) Dextrin not colorable by iodine. See Dextrin.
Ach¶roÏous (#), a. [Gr. ?; ? priv. + ? color.] Colorless; achromatic.
AÏchy¶lous (#), a. [Gr. ? without juice.] (Physiol.) Without chyle.
AÏchy¶mous (#), a. [Gr. ? without juice.] (Physiol.) Without chyme.
Ø AÏcic¶uÏla (#), n.; pl. Acicul‘ (#). [L., a small needle, dimin. of acus needle.] (Nat. Hist.) One of the needlelike or bristlelike spines or prickles of some animals and plants; also, a needlelike crystal.
AÏcic¶uÏlar (#), a. NeedleÐshaped; slender like a needle or bristle, as some leaves or crystals; also, having sharp points like needless. Ð AÏcic¶uÏlarÏly, adv.
AÏcic¶uÏlate (#), AÏcic¶uÏla¶ted (#) } a. (Nat. Hist.) (a) Furnished with acicul‘. (b) Acicular. (c) Marked with fine irregular streaks as if scratched by a needle.
AÏcic¶uÏliÏform (#), a. [L. acicula needle + Ïform.] NeedleÐshaped; acicular.
AÏcic¶uÏlite (#), n. (Min.) Needle ore.
Brande & C.
Ac¶id (#), a. [L. acidus sour, fr. the root ak to be sharp: cf. F. acide. Cf. Acute.] 1. Sour, sharp, or biting to the taste; tart; having the taste of vinegar: as, acid fruits or liquors. Also fig.: SourÐtempered.
He was stern and his face as acid as ever.
A. Trollope.
2. Of or pertaining to an acid; as, acid reaction.
Ac¶id, n. 1. A sour substance. 2. (Chem.) One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening of vegetable blue or violet colors. They are also characterized by the power of destroying the distinctive properties of alkalies or bases, combining with them to form salts, at the same time losing their own peculiar properties. They all contain hydrogen, united with a more negative element or radical, either alone, or more generally with oxygen, and take their names from this negative element or radical. Those which contain no oxygen are sometimes called hydracids in distinction from the others which are called oxygen acids or oxacids. µ In certain cases, sulphur, selenium, or tellurium may take the place of oxygen, and the corresponding compounds are called respectively sulphur acids or sulphacids, selenium acids, or tellurium acids. When the hydrogen of an acid is replaced by a positive element or radical, a salt is formed, and hence acids are sometimes named as salts of hydrogen; as hydrogen nitrate for nitric acid, hydrogen sulphate for sulphuric acid, etc. In the old chemistry the name acid was applied to the oxides of the negative or nonmetallic elements, now sometimes called anhydrides.
AÏcid¶ic (#), a. (Min.) Containing a high percentage of silica; Ð opposed to basic. <ÐÐ 2. of or relating to acid; having the character of an acid, as an acidic solution. ÐÐ>
Ac·idÏif¶erÏous (#), a. [L. acidus sour + Ïferous.] Containing or yielding an acid.
AÏcid¶iÏfi·aÏble (#), a. Capable of being acidified, or converted into an acid.
Ac·idÏif¶ic (#), a. Producing acidity; converting into an acid.
AÏcid·iÏfiÏca¶tion (#), n. [Cf. F. acidification.] The act or process of acidifying, or changing into an acid.
AÏcid¶iÏfi·er (#), n. (Chem.) A simple or compound principle, whose presence is necessary to produce acidity, as oxygen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, etc.
AÏcid¶iÏfy (#), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Acidified (#); p. pr. & vb. n. Acidifying (#). [L. acidus sour, acid + Ïfly: cf. F. acidifier.] 1. To make acid; to convert into an acid; as, to acidify sugar.
2. To sour; to imbitter.
His thin existence all acidified into rage.
Ac·idÏim¶eÏter (#), n. [L. acidus acid + Ïmeter.] (Chem.) An instrument for ascertaining the strength of acids.