The Poetical Works of Mark Akenside. Mark Akenside. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mark Akenside
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066229467
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With finer sounds: who heighten to his eye

       The bloom of Nature, and before him turn

       The gayest, happiest attitude of things. 30

       Oft have the laws of each poetic strain

       The critic-verse employ'd; yet still unsung

       Lay this prime subject, though importing most

       A poet's name: for fruitless is the attempt,

       By dull obedience and by creeping toil

       Obscure to conquer the severe ascent

       Of high Parnassus. Nature's kindling breath

       Must fire the chosen genius; Nature's hand

       Must string his nerves, and imp his eagle-wings,

       Impatient of the painful steep, to soar 40

       High as the summit; there to breathe at large

       AEthereal air, with bards and sages old,

       Immortal sons of praise. These flattering scenes,

       To this neglected labour court my song;

       Yet not unconscious what a doubtful task

       To paint the finest features of the mind,

       And to most subtile and mysterious things

       Give colour, strength, and motion. But the love

       Of Nature and the Muses bids explore,

       Through secret paths erewhile untrod by man, 50

       The fair poetic region, to detect

       Untasted springs, to drink inspiring draughts,

       And shade my temples with unfading flowers

       Cull'd from the laureate vale's profound recess,

       Where never poet gain'd a wreath before.

       From Heaven my strains begin: from Heaven descends

       The flame of genius to the human breast,

       And love and beauty, and poetic joy

       And inspiration. Ere the radiant sun

       Sprang from the east, or 'mid the vault of night 60

       The moon suspended her serener lamp;

       Ere mountains, woods, or streams adorn'd the globe,

       Or Wisdom taught the sons of men her lore;

       Then lived the Almighty One: then, deep retired

       In his unfathom'd essence, view'd the forms,

       The forms eternal of created things;

       The radiant sun, the moon's nocturnal lamp,

       The mountains, woods, and streams, the rolling globe,

       And Wisdom's mien celestial. From the first

       Of days, on them his love divine he fix'd, 70

       His admiration: till in time complete

       What he admired and loved, his vital smile

       Unfolded into being. Hence the breath

       Of life informing each organic frame;

       Hence the green earth, and wild resounding wares;

       Hence light and shade alternate, warmth and cold,

       And clear autumnal skies and vernal showers,

       And all the fair variety of things.

       But not alike to every mortal eye

       Is this great scene unveil'd. For, since the claims 80

       Of social life to different labours urge

       The active powers of man, with wise intent

       The hand of Nature on peculiar minds

       Imprints a different bias, and to each

       Decrees its province in the common toil.

       To some she taught the fabric of the sphere,

       The changeful moon, the circuit of the stars,

       The golden zones of heaven; to some she gave

       To weigh the moment of eternal things,

       Of time, and space, and fate's unbroken chain, 90

       And will's quick impulse; others by the hand

       She led o'er vales and mountains, to explore

       What healing virtue swells the tender veins

       Of herbs and flowers; or what the beams of morn

       Draw forth, distilling from the clifted rind

       In balmy tears. But some, to higher hopes

       Were destined; some within a finer mould

       She wrought and temper'd with a purer flame.

       To these the Sire Omnipotent unfolds

       The world's harmonious volume, there to read 100

       The transcript of Himself. On every part

       They trace the bright impressions of his hand:

       In earth or air, the meadow's purple stores,

       The moon's mild radiance, or the virgin's form

       Blooming with rosy smiles, they see portray'd

       That uncreated beauty, which delights

       The Mind Supreme. They also feel her charms,

       Enamour'd; they partake the eternal joy.

      For as old Memnon's image, long renown'd

       By fabling Nilus, to the quivering touch 110

       Of Titan's ray, with each repulsive string

       Consenting, sounded through the warbling air

       Unbidden strains, even so did Nature's hand

       To certain species of external things,

       Attune the finer organs of the mind;

       So the glad impulse of congenial powers,

       Or of sweet sound, or fair proportion'd form,

       The grace of motion, or the bloom of light,

       Thrills through Imagination's tender frame,

       From nerve to nerve; all naked and alive 120

       They catch the spreading rays; till now the soul

       At length discloses every tuneful spring,

       To that harmonious movement from without

       Responsive. Then the inexpressive strain

       Diffuses its enchantment: Fancy dreams

       Of sacred fountains and Elysian groves,

       And vales of bliss: the intellectual power

       Bends from his awful throne a wondering ear,

       And smiles: the passions, gently soothed away,

       Sink to divine repose, and love and joy 130

       Alone are waking; love and joy, serene

       As airs that fan the summer. Oh! attend,

       Whoe'er thou art, whom these delights can touch,

       Whose candid bosom the refining love

       Of Nature warms, oh! listen to my song;

       And I will guide thee to her favourite walks,

       And teach thy solitude her voice to hear,

       And point her loveliest features to thy view.

      Know then, whate'er of Nature's pregnant stores,

       Whate'er of mimic Art's reflected forms 140

       With love and admiration thus inflame

       The powers of Fancy, her delighted sons

       To three illustrious orders