The Greatest Works of E. Nesbit (220+ Titles in One Illustrated Edition). Эдит Несбит. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Эдит Несбит
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027221431
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No day must pass without our doing some kind action to a suffering fellow-creature.

      4. We are to meet every day, or as often as we like.

      5. We are to do good to people we don't like as often as we can.

      6. No one is to leave the Society without the consent of all the rest of us.

      7. The Society is to be kept a profound secret from all the world except us.

      8. The name of our Society is—

      And when we got as far as that we all began to talk at once. Dora wanted it called the Society for Humane Improvement; Denny said the Society for Reformed Outcast Children; but Dicky said, "No, we really were not so bad as all that." Then H. O. said, "Call it the Good Society."

      "Or the Society for Being Good In," said Daisy.

      "Or the Society of Goods," said Noël.

      "That's priggish," said Oswald; "besides, we don't know whether we shall be so very."

      "You see," Alice explained, "we only said if we could we would be good."

      "Well, then," Dicky said, getting up and beginning to dust the chopped hay off himself, "call it the Society of the Wouldbegoods and have done with it."

      Oswald thinks Dicky was getting sick of it and wanted to make himself a little disagreeable. If so, he was doomed to disappointment. For every one else clapped hands and called out, "That's the very thing!" Then the girls went off to write out the rules, and took H. O. with them, and Noël went to write some poetry to put in the minute book. That's what you call the book that a society's secretary writes what it does in. Denny went with him to help. He knows a lot of poetry. I think he went to a lady's school where they taught nothing but that. He was rather shy of us, but he took to Noël. I can't think why. Dicky and Oswald walked round the garden and told each other what they thought of the new society.

      "I'm not sure we oughtn't to have put our foot down at the beginning," Dicky said. "I don't see much in it, anyhow."

      "It pleases the girls," Oswald said, for he is a kind brother.

      "But we're not going to stand jaw, and 'words in season,' and 'loving sisterly warnings.' I tell you what it is, Oswald, we'll have to run this thing our way, or it'll be jolly beastly for everybody."

      Oswald saw this plainly.

      "We must do something," Dicky said; "it's very hard, though. Still, there must be some interesting things that are not wrong."

      "I suppose so," Oswald said, "but being good is so much like being a muff, generally. Anyhow I'm not going to smooth the pillows of the sick, or read to the aged poor, or any rot out of Ministering Children."

      "No more am I," Dicky said. He was chewing a straw like the head had in its mouth, "but I suppose we must play the game fair. Let's begin by looking out for something useful to do—something like mending things or cleaning them, not just showing off."

      "The boys in books chop kindling wood and save their pennies to buy tea and tracts."

      "Little beasts!" said Dick. "I say, let's talk about something else." And Oswald was glad to, for he was beginning to feel jolly uncomfortable.

      We were all rather quiet at tea, and afterwards Oswald played draughts with Daisy and the others yawned. I don't know when we've had such a gloomy evening. And every one was horribly polite, and said "Please" and "Thank you," far more than requisite.

      Albert's uncle came home after tea. He was jolly, and told us stories, but he noticed us being a little dull, and asked what blight had fallen on our young lives. Oswald could have answered and said, "It is the Society of the Wouldbegoods that is the blight," but of course he didn't; and Albert's uncle said no more, but he went up and kissed the girls when they were in bed, and asked them if there was anything wrong. And they told him no, on their honor.

      image "'LITTLE BEASTS,' SAID DICK"

      The next morning Oswald awoke early. The refreshing beams of the morning sun shone on his narrow, white bed and on the sleeping forms of his dear little brothers, and Denny, who had got the pillow on top of his head and was snoring like a kettle when it sings. Oswald could not remember at first what was the matter with him, and then he remembered the Wouldbegoods, and wished he hadn't. He felt at first as if there was nothing you could do, and even hesitated to buzz a pillow at Denny's head. But he soon saw that this could not be. So he chucked his boot and caught Denny right in the waistcoat part, and thus the day began more brightly than he had expected.

      Oswald had not done anything out of the way good the night before, except that when no one was looking he polished the brass candlestick in the girls' bedroom with one of his socks. And he might just as well have let it alone, for the servants cleaned it again with the other things in the morning, and he could never find the sock afterwards. There were two servants. One of them had to be called Mrs. Pettigrew instead of Jane and Eliza like others. She was cook and managed things.

      After breakfast Albert's uncle said:

      "I now seek the retirement of my study. At your peril violate my privacy before 1.30 sharp. Nothing short of bloodshed will warrant the intrusion, and nothing short of man—or rather boy—slaughter shall avenge it."

      So we knew he wanted to be quiet, and the girls decided that we ought to play out of doors so as not to disturb him; we should have played out of doors anyhow on a jolly fine day like that.

      But as we were going out Dicky said to Oswald:

      "I say, come along here a minute, will you?"

      So Oswald came along, and Dicky took him into the other parlor and shut the door, and Oswald said:

      "Well, spit it out: what is it?" He knows that is vulgar, and he would not have said it to any one but his own brother.

      Dicky said:

      "It's a pretty fair nuisance. I told you how it would be."

      And Oswald was patient with him, and said:

      "What is? Don't be all day about it."

      Dicky fidgeted about a bit, and then he said:

      "Well, I did as I said. I looked about for something useful to do. And you know that dairy window that wouldn't open—only a little bit like that? Well, I mended the catch with wire and whipcord and it opened wide."

      "And I suppose they didn't want it mended," said Oswald. He knows but too well that grown-up people sometimes like to keep things far different from what we would, and you catch it if you try to do otherwise.

      "I shouldn't have minded that," Dicky said, "because I could easily have taken it all off again if they'd only said so. But the sillies went and propped up a milk-pan against the window. They never took the trouble to notice I had mended it. So the wretched thing pushed the window open all by itself directly they propped it up, and it's tumbled through into the moat, and they are most awfully waxy. All the men are out in the fields, and they haven't any spare milk-pans. If I were a farmer, I must say I wouldn't stick at an extra milk-pan or two. Accidents must happen sometimes. I call it mean."

      Dicky spoke in savage tones. But Oswald was not so unhappy, first because it wasn't his fault, and next because he is a far-seeing boy.

      "Never mind," he said, kindly. "Keep your tail up. We'll get the beastly milk-pan out all right. Come on."

      He rushed hastily to the garden and gave a low signifying whistle, which the others know well enough to mean something extra being up.

      And when they were all gathered round him he spoke.

      "Fellow-countrymen," he said, "we're going to have a rousing good time."

      "It's nothing naughty, is it," Daisy asked, "like the last time you had that was rousingly good?"

      Alice said "Shish," and Oswald pretended not to hear.
