The Essential Max Brand - 29 Westerns in One Edition. Max Brand. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Max Brand
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027226078
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same order. And—”

      “Where in the world,” broke in Ronicky Doone, “did you learn all that?”

      “She’s had a pile of schooling,” replied the proud father.

      “Not schooling,” Jerry Dawn said, with a laugh. “It’s just that I’ve always been interested in puzzles, and I’ve picked up odds and ends of information that way. But to come back to this conundrum. It obviously isn’t one of the simple types of codes. I’m certain that each group inside a semicolon represents a letter, and not one of the groups is identical with another. So the ‘substituted alphabet’ code isn’t used at all. Outside of that code, there are scores of others, of course. Anyone can make up a code with a little forethought, and probably each code will be quite unlike, in several features, any other code in the world.”

      “Then we’re through,” said her father bitterly. He wiped the perspiration from his forehead.

      “Please give me a chance to think,” pleaded the girl, with a touch of irritation. “It isn’t absolutely hopeless. At least there’s room for work. For instance, inside of each bracket the first letter of each group is the same. And in each succeeding bracket the first letter is one larger. The characters of the first bracket run one, one, three, two; one, one, six, five; et cetera. In the second bracket they run two, nine, one, thirteen; two, nine, one, four, et cetera. And this continues right down to the last bracket, where the first character is thirteen.”

      “But what on earth does that show?”

      “It shows an amateur maker of codes,” said the girl firmly. “He could have left out the first character in every instance and found it simply by getting the number of the bracket in each case. Isn’t that clear? But let’s look at some other interesting features. The first character in each group is the same throughout the individual bracket. The second character is also identical throughout each bracket. In the first bracket the second character is everywhere one; in the second it is nine; in the third it is eighteen; in the fourth it is six. Each group is made up of four characters. The first two are regular throughout and follow some definite plan. The third character varies in the first two brackets only. In the first it is three, six, nine, twelve. In the second it is one, one, three. But after that the third character also becomes regular. In the third bracket it is always two, and in the fourth bracket it is always two; while in other brackets other numerals are used, but each is constant throughout the individual bracket. But the fourth character in each group is the variant. It changes continually.”

      “It all sounds like Greek to me,” said Ronicky.

      “I suppose it does,” said the girl, “but that’s simply because you haven’t worked over things like this before. The regularity of the first three characters of the groups shows me that they are intended as guides. But the actual distinguishing element in each group is the last or fourth character. All of this, I admit, goes for nothing unless I get at some clue to the problem.”

      “Maybe we can help,” suggested Ronicky, “when it comes to clues.”

      “They are of all kinds,” said the girl, “these clues I refer to. They come out of the character and life of the man who makes the code, as a rule. This man, so far as I know, was a clever criminal. He also was fond of isolation and the Bible. Perhaps he thought he could read his way out of guilt and responsibility for his sins. At any rate, I’m going to think over what I know about him. The whole thing may clear up in a moment.”

      And she walked away meditatingly tapping the Bible which had belonged to the dead Cosslett.

      “She’s got book, ter, and verse,” Ronicky Doone remarked, with a grin, “and, as long as she’s that far along she’ll find the words pretty soon.”

      These words were hardly out of his mouth when the girl turned on him in a flash.

      “Do you mean that seriously?” she cried eagerly.

      “Excuse me,” murmured Ronicky. “I was only joking, and if—”

      “Why not?” she exclaimed, more to herself than to him.

      Then, to their astonishment, she pushed the paper into the hand of Ronicky and opened the Bible.

      “Read the first group!” she commanded.

      “One, one, three, two,” said Ronicky obediently.

      “Book one. That’s Genesis. Chapter one, third verse, second word— ‘God. ‘ Ronicky, perhaps we have it, but I mistrust that beginning. People don’t begin codes with the word God. But no! What he’d used would be merely the first letter of the word. That must be it. The first letter is G. Next?”

      “One, one, six, five,” read Ronicky dutifully, but his voice was uneven with his excitement.

      “Book one, ter one, sixth verse, fifth word!” translated Jerry Dawn. “And the word is ‘there. ‘ Oh, Ronicky, we’re lost! There isn’t a word in the English language that begins with Gt. But go on.”

      “One, one, nine, one. And don’t give up. We’re on the track of something!”

      Hugh Dawn said nothing. He sat on a rock with his head buried in his hands, hardly able to endure the tension.

      “Ninth verse, first word, ‘A. ‘ Gta. Ronicky, we’re lost, indeed. That isn’t the beginning of any word!”

      “Wait a minute,” urged Ronicky, as she closed the book with a slam. “Count off the letters in the verses instead of the words. First book, first ter, third verse, second letter. What does that give you?”


      “Now sixth verse and fifth letter.”


      “Ninth verse and first letter.”


      “Twelfth verse and fifth letter.”

      “H. It spells N-O-A-H! Ronicky, we have it!”

      A groan of happiness came from Hugh Dawn, who rose and came stumbling to them. Steadily the spelling went on, Ronicky, scribbling down the letters as fast as the girl located them.

      In conclusion he read:

      Noah and the crescent in line with ravenhead and the vixen twenty down.

      “Noah and the crescent in line with ravenhead and the vixen twenty down,” repeated Hugh Dawn sourly. “And what the devil good does all the work do when it only brings us to this? Noah and the crescent—twenty down!”

      He groaned again.

      “Just a minute more,” said his daughter, more eagerly than ever. “Doesn’t it strike you that those words are like names of places? Noah may be the name of a town. Then The Crescent, ‘ and ‘Ravenhead, ‘ and The Vixen. ’”

      “But what good do four jumbled names do us,” asked the father.

      “I have it!” cried Ronicky. “It’s sure plain now that it’s down in black and white. ‘Get Noah and The Crescent in line, and then get The Vixen and Ravenhead in line. And at the point where the lines cross, dig down twenty feet!”

      Both father and daughter shouted as the whole riddle became clear.

      “Heaven bless that iron box!” cried Hugh Dawn.

      “And the hammer that busted it!” Ronicky supplemented.

      “We’re rich,” went on Hugh Dawn. “The money’s as good as ours. We can start planning how to spend twenty millions. Don’t I know the old Ravenhead Mountain? And don’t I know The Crescent? And maybe they’s a couple of smaller mountains around them parts that are called The Vixen and Mount Noah. I dunno. But well start right now for old Ravenhead Mountain!”


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